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New greyhound tips from my Journey


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This is the first 5 months of my new greyhounds life and journey into her new home.  From her point of view. 
hope you find it entertaining and for new first time adopters get some pointers.

Each dog adjustment is different and there are many ways they get to us.  A dog that comes from kennel, foster home, or training center all are going to settle in there own way as well as each temperament type will settle in differently.

Journey is a young 2 year old that is sensitive to touch she hates leaves, rain falling on her she whips her head around and looks startled.  She wants to be confident but has not had the life experience yet to be confident.  She also came with medical issues that slowed our bonding process as she spent the first 2-3 months on mostly crate rest/hand walking only when needed to keep her spay incision from opening up.

Hope you enjoy her tails.

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Roo roo, my new name is Journey.  I moved from my only home and my big family in July 2020 in the middle of a pandemic!!  It was ok cause I took a bunch of my friends with me.  After a really long ride I ended up at an adoption kennel.  It was a lot like where I came from but also so much different!  No track to run in no big turnout runs.  But I liked it I had all my friends and new servants to feed me and take care of me.

A few weeks later a bunch of new servants came and looked at all of us.  We got lots of cuddles and walks.  I had never been on so many walks that went nowhere and were so short by servants who did not know my routine or how I liked to be walked.

A few days later I went on another adventure this time with just a few of my friends.  I was so scared cause I got there and was put in a room that smelled funny got poked and prodded then later I got a shot and felt really tired.  When I woke up I felt really odd and my tummy hurt.  

I went on another adventure back to my friends.  Where I got to rest and every time I licked my tummy I got into trouble for it.  Never before had I got in trouble for liking my own tummy who knew a lick could get you in big trouble.  My friends went off in small groups too we all had the same kind of adventure.  Some were getting there stitches out but mine keep on hurting me.  

One day I got moved into another room.  You know the one that sometimes you come back from and other times you disappear for good!  What is going to happen to me I wondered?

I got a bath and did not like that it ran into my hurtie tummy do not know why I still have my stitches no one that was with me has them!  Some of the others that was in the new room had servants that I have never seen before take then outside and they never came back.  Where did they go just poof was here then not I went outside and gone.  Then someone came and looked at me... they talked to my servant and I got my nails clipped did not appreciate that and my ears cleaned too.  

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Then I went outside with the new servant got put in a car and was there for many hours.  It took me a long time to lay down.  My new servant sat next to me and another one was driving the car.  They keep on talking about what my new name should be this went on for hours then the servant that I was resting my head on said this has been such a journey to get her and I lifted my head up and that is how I got my name!

My new adventure had started when I got to my new home it was really strange.  It did not look like anything I had ever seen.  Instead of one house there were many in a row with lost of cars going by all the time and another road going another direction that had almost non stop cars.  I had never head that much noise for that long a time.  Can it please stop so I can rest!   I am alone none of my friends came with me, there is a cat but it is not the same.  The only thing I recognize is a crate in the corner it has a nice blanket.  Maybe it will be ok?  My new servant at least has my schedule down my breakfast and outings are at the right time but they are so different.  I do not like being an only hound I am not sure what to do.  We hang out outside for a while then we go inside I go to my crate then we do it again and again.  

Well it has been a few days and I got taken to the place that smells funny servant calls it the vets.  I got poked more and servant found out I am allergic to my stitches and need antibiotics and medicine for worms.  I did not stay at the vets but I got the cone of shame.  Servant realized that this is to much for me to handle so we are just living together at least until the cone come off in two weeks.

So far I know to stay out of the kitchen every time a paw goes in I am told out then when I stay just outside I am told I am good!  I like this cause I get what I am supposed to do.  I am learning to walk nicely on a leash we practice when I go out to potty my favorite part it pushing on servant with my cone.  Servant is not that happy with it and holds onto it and move my face away.  So far I am setting in still not a fan of all the new noises.  I get told a lot that it is not a real noise it is from the tv, radio and I can just ignore it.  Or it is the  Cat and I am supposed to ignore her too she scares me so I often times get up and go into my crate.

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Servant does a good job of keeping the cat away from me so I have quite time In the house.  Then when I go in my crate the cat comes out!

Well three months later and I still have my cone of shame but then it came off.  Now I get to go on walks and explore the outside.  I finally get to see where some of those noises came from and where all the heads with no bodies go. Turns out they are just regular servants out for a walk behind a fence!  On my walks I get to see many fences some have these crazy loud things that run at me and just get louder they are so rude!  So not like home, I miss my home with all my friends being able to play all day in big groups none of this silly stuff like “leave it”, “settle”, “wait”, “stay”.  I did not have to do it I just went with my group and had so much fun.  My new servant was excited when I picked up a toy but I was not sure if I was supposed to touch it so I walked away.  It is so confusing learning all the new rules at least I am not in trouble any more having to do things over and over I do not understand what is expected of me and I get scared and want to run to my safe place.  Well two more months have gone by servant says I m very good.  I learned if I play with toys servant will toss them for me to chase if I bring them back to my bed.  I was even brave enough to show the neighbor that gots me lots of warm words and cuddles.

I am finally allowed in the bedroom but I have to wear my muzzle cause I like paper and stuff I m not supposed to put in my mouth.  How do I know what is a toy and what is a “not yours”.  Yesterday was a good day I learned what the couch is.  “It is the best dog bed even better than the stack of dog beds.

Well servant says it is now to icy and snowy to be out and about like we used to be.  So outside training will start again in a few months then we will go to the park, and see buffalos up close!  So now we are still working on me being touched on my paws and having my nails done I hate it but they do feel better when they are done but I am not letting servant know I kinda like it.  A girl can not give in and be easy all at once,  servant needs to know I am still a little scared and not sure of what is going on.  I am just waiting waiting to be taken from here cause each time I think oh this will be a good place another new SERVANT comes and takes me away

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If you have read all my adventure this is what my new servant has done/taught to me:

1 Taken me from what I have know and was comfortable with.

2 Taught me the world is not so scary not sure I buy this all the time but servant protects me that I know.

3 I know where I can go in the house

4 The cat IS my friend even if she does not play with me.

5 How servant wants me to walk on a leash and right turn, left turn, wait, stop, leave it, hurry up, sniff time my favorite.

6 Servant says “puppy bite” and touches my hip when I am laying on my bed next to her is a good thing.

7 if servant says it is the cat, servant, or pretend noise I can safely ignore it.  It will not get me.

8 I know how to go to my bed and stay there either on my own or when being told.

9 I get to spend more time on my own doing what I want as I get comfortable.

10 I like car rides and spending time with servant

11 I learned this all without a training session just by living my new life and being show what was expected as we went along

I think I like my new home I am almost sure I do.  Servant says when the snow goes we will learn so much more and maybe I will start to be trained with treats and practice sessions.  I think I might be ready then and the world might not be to scary.

I wish I was a confident hound that was not afraid of the world.  That hit the ground running and fooled my servant into believing I had done this before.  I know they exist some were even my friends from my first days of life the ones who were first to try things.  That is not me, servant was right this is going to be a big journey into my new life.  Servant said we have as much time to learn things and will take it slow.  After all I earned my name Journey so I should enjoy the trip and everything on the way.

I will share more later hope your journey is good and you get to take the time you need to get comfortable in your new life.

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