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Fish Oil

Guest kar

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Yes, you absolutely can. I don't remember the name of the brand I used, but I got it at Walmart in the human vitamin section. I will say that fish oil did wonders for my Sobe's skin and coat.


What's your objective for using it? If it's skin and coat - I'd also recommend eggs.


Just a tip from experience - some dogs will just gobble up a fish oil cap thrown in their food, and some will leave it behind. Or pick it up and drop it somewhere in the house (my Diana-brat). For those that won't just eat the cap in their food-bowl, I'd poke it with a pin and squirt the contents onto the food. Some will eat it when handed to them, but I had the best luck putting it in or on the food.

Edited by sobesmom
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Absolutely. We use the fish oil from Costco. We keep ours stored in the freezer (oil won't squirt everywhere when they bit into it) and put it in their food. Xena eats hers right up; Mulligan manages to eat everything in the bowl BUT that, knowing we'll give it to her with some peanut butter.



Cricket, mom to Mulligan (Kycera) and Xena (Kebo Tina Turner )

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Yes, you can (and should) give fish oil to dogs as a natural anti-inflammatory. It's great for their skin and arthritic joints. They can take fish oil at a total dose of 100mg/kg once a day, but this may lead to diarrhea, so it's best to start at a lower dose. Animal based fatty acids (fish oil) are much more effective than plant based (coconut, flax seed).

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