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Joy Hates Wearing A Coat - Suggestions Needed

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Joy doesn't like wearing a coat. She runs when I try to put one on her and sometimes snarks or growls at me. It's not a big deal right now since it's not too cold but I'm concerned about her when it's much colder.


Does anyone have any suggestions to get her to wear a coat or should I even worry about it since it obviously doesn't bother her to be cold.


Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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I wouldn't bother right now if it makes her that upset. How cold does it get where you live? Mine doesn't need a coat in any temp around the freezing mark, but he does need one when temps go well below.

In the meantime, you can always work on desensitizing her to the coat. Use something really tasty as well...not dry treats, but real meat, cheese, or whatever she loves. A lot of dogs with these issues are generally fine once the coat is actually on them and they are outside on the walk. You may want to try taking it along with you on walks and trying it on when she is more distracted.

There was a recent thread here on nail trimming and fear of nail clippers. Not the same thing I know, but the same basic principles to desensitization. There is a good video at the bottom that Krissy posted that might help. It shows how to begin by simply rewarding for visually seeing whatever object is scary to them. :)


Edited by RedHead
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Although I have some coats, none wanted to wear them and I eventually gave up. Our winters are not as cold as yours.

The only exception were my really old boys who wore a flannel coat.


I wouldn't force Joy to wear a coat. Perhaps if you have a backpack you could bring a coat along. If she showed signs of cold you'd have one handy to put on.


I think many greyhounds hate fleece coats because of the static electricity. I've tried all the suggested ways to neutralize them but nothing works.


Freshy (Droopys Fresh), NoAh the podenco orito, Howie the portuguese podengo maneto
Angels: Rita the podenco maneta, Lila, the podenco, Mr X aka Denali, Lulu the podenco andaluz, Hada the podenco maneta, Georgie Girl (UMR Cordella),  Charlie the iggy,  Mazy (CBR Crazy Girl), Potato, my mystery ibizan girl, Allen (M's Pretty Boy), Percy (Fast But True), Mikey (Doray's Patuti), Pudge le mutt, Tessa the iggy, Possum (Apostle), Gracie (Dusty Lady), Harold (Slatex Harold), "Cousin" Simon our step-iggy, Little Dude the iggy ,Bandit (Bb Blue Jay), Niña the galgo, Wally (Allen Hogg), Thane (Pog Mo Thoine), Oliver (JJ Special Agent), Comet, & Rosie our original mutt.

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Why force her to wear one? A friend of mine used to have two greyhounds and neither of them was fond of coats so they didn't wear them. My friend walked those dogs in all kinds of weather--rain, snow, windy, you name it, and they were fine. And yes, it does get pretty cold where we live (western PA).

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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If she doesn't want a coat don't make her wear one. The vast majority of greyhounds grow up in OK and KS outside 24/7 with a communal dog house with straw, For normal walks (ours got shorter as it got colder in Chicago) and potty breaks there really is no need for a coat.

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What Pam said.


You have enough greyhound experience to know that they are not the delicate flowers some people make them out to be.


Buck doesn't like wearing a coat either, and so far he has yet to EVER show any sign of being cold. He HATE pajamas, so he doesn't wear them. When it's snowing, I do put the coat on. But Joy isn't going to freeze to death without one. If you're outside walking and moving, she'll be just fine!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Thanks for the advice. Magic loved his coats even though he was an Iowa boy. All I had to do was hold his coat out and he just put his head right through it. I think Joy is a Kansas girl. She doesn't seem bothered by the cold or the rain. The only thing that bothers me when she goes without a coat when it's raining is when she decided she needs to shake as we're crossing a street. I'm working on hustling her across the street so she understands that stopping in the middle of a street is not a good thing. She's doing well on that.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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I did what Ducky suggested. I put Joy's coat in my backpack. She sat down in the doorway and really didn't want to go out. She was shivering a lot. When we got to the sidewalk, I put her coat on her and she cooperated. She wasn't happy with it on but at least she wasn't cold.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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I treat the dogs same as my toddler - if they don't want to put on a coat, it's not a battle I'm having, but I do carry one with me :D


I'm not sure how my big boy, Kirby, lived in Iowa for so long - he's a big wimp and shivers if it's less than 55 degrees outside. And no, we don't keep the house super-warm!

Dave (GLS DeviousDavid) - 6/27/18
Gracie (AMF Saying Grace) - 10/21/12
Bella (KT Britta) - 4/29/05 to 2/13/20



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Guest Jordan33

Adrien doesn't like her coat either. However, if the temp is below 40F it doesn't take her long to start shivering without one. Inside, she'll be active waiting to go out. Soon as her coat's on, she freezes up, won't move, and wants to press against my leg. Out in the hall of my building she loosens up and when we get outside she's more comfortable, even if she does try to shake her cost off regularly, at least she's not frozen to the spot and will cavort about.


The one time I thought it wasn't cold out a few weeks ago I didn't put a coat on her. But she started shivering so much she couldn't go to the bathroom. I put my own coat on her, which didn't want to stay on, but that helped a bit. I think winter is here!

That said, I've seen a lot of greyhounds in very light coats or no coats at all in very cold weather, so it really depends on the dog and what they can handle.

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I look at it the same way as thera paw boots. Annie can not walk in the house with it on. As soon as she's focused on being outside she doesn't even know it's on. The halemar fleece lined coats are durable,water resistant and affordable. That's what they use at the tracks.put it on And walk fast!

Edited by cleptogrey
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Col hates his coat with quite the vehemence. When I put it on him and we go for a walk, he walks behind me, makes a real looooong face and doesn't pee or poop. I tried to wear him out.... we walked for 2 hours....no effect.


Now he just gets wet and cold and I take a warm towel when we are back to dry him. It doesn't get that cold in winter.

Sorry for butchering the english language. I try to keep the mistakes to a minimum.


Nadine with Paddy (Zippy Mullane), Saoirse (Lizzie Be Nice), Abu (Cillowen Abu) and bridge angels Colin (Dessies Hero) and Andy (Riot Officer).

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I've been experimenting because I think a lot of adopters just ASSUME their dog is going to be cold.


I took Buck out for 20 minutes this morning--no coat. 30 degrees. No sign whatsoever of being even slightly chilled. Buck is Florida, and has very little fur. But he is NEVER cold!


Which is not to say I don't put a coat on him when it is snowing or really cold. I just wanted to see if he would act cold. And he didn't!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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