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Suspect Sore On Our Girl's Front Wrist

Guest Mbertrand

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Guest Mbertrand

Hi Everyone,


I'm new to the boards, thanks for being such a great source of info. We have an 9 year old greyhound girl with a suspicious looking mass on her right wrist. It is soft, almost like a cyst, but is causing lameness and pain in the leg. She's been licking the area, which we first noticed as a sore about a week and a half ago (lameness has gotten significantly worse in the last 24 hours). Not knowing much about this stuff, I'm concerned to rule out OS. You all seem to have a lot of experience with this topic. Should we be worried? Is this a familiar way in which OS presents?

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My Surprise has had three lumps on his left leg between his elbow and ankle over the past year. My current vet told me to skip the fine needle aspirate and to get a biopsy and an x-ray and blood and urine and fecal tests. He said that the biopsy only cost about twenty dollars more but they get more material to test at the labs that way. They told me with a fine needle aspirate that if the lump is one of a mixed nature like his has been in the past, that there is a chance of missing tissue that has a concern. Because of his history, they just do the other tests so we have that base line to compare with to check his health and how he does in the future. Waiting currently for his 3rd surgery. The other two were removed by different hospitals and they were not able to get clean margins and it grew back twice. So this time we are trying a little different approach. Dr. Couto http://www.coutovetconsultants.com/is an expert on these issues and he is consulting with my vet. It you join the http://www.greyhoundhealthinitiative.org/

his consulting fees are much less. Currently he is abroad, but will be returning on the 3rd of October. His web site is worth exploring. You will find many references on this site concerning his experience with greyhounds. Wishing you the best. :beatheart

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