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Barking At Other Dogs

Guest jimbosimbo

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Guest jimbosimbo

I've had Maisie for about 3 months now. She is about 2.5 years old. The past week she has started barking at other dogs especially it they ar off lead and running around. I have another grey who is 7, we

let him off lead on certain parts of the walk. Maisie will bark at him if he runs by us.

Before we got het she was kept in a garage and had little company. In the house she is "ok". I work in the morning, my wife and daughter are out till about 6 pm. I can calm her when I come in but she goes bonkers when the others arrive. Maisie will chew stuff and I have to block the kitchen off so she does not eat the contents of the bin,she seems to be able to open floor level cupboards.

I can deal with the odd mess but the barking is a problem. I know she wants to run around and play and he problem may be frustration but she in not ready for off lead. She is becoming that annoying barking dog I have always disliked. Is there any training that could help with this problem?

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