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New Stairs Nogo

Guest Krisdp1980

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Guest Krisdp1980

Good morning all!


I have a 2 year old Grey, Sergeant. I recently built a new deck at home and he is having all sorts of issues getting up the stairs. Generally he gets the nerve to just jump and barely any feet actually hit the ground but its sad to see because you can tell he is scared. I have tried to show him how to do them one by one. He isn't having it. We have stairs in the house he uses to get from one floor to another. Those he runs up. Not in a graceful manner but he isnt afraid of them. Has anyone had this issue before? Could it be the fact you can see through the back of the deck stairs?

Any advice is greatly appreciated.


Thank you!!


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Yes. Open stairs are much more difficult. They're scary.


Can you try taping cardboard over the open sections and get him used to them? Then gradually remove the cardboard? He'll figure it out, he just needs some time.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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I agree that having open-backed stairs can make a dog fearful. We had a smaller dog years ago who just would not come back up our deck stairs once she was in the backyard. We added permanent backing in the same wood, and it fixed our problem right away. I like the idea of trying cardboard first, and hope that solves it. Good luck!

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You could put pieces of throw -rugs on the steps. or - go back to stair-training 101. If he runs up your indoors steps that an indication that he's not totally cool with them. Put him on a harness. Go up one step. Treat. One more step. treat. Repeat. Your dog thinks steps suck, so make them not suck.

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