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A Shi**y Night

Guest SohoMercer

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Guest SohoMercer

Yesterday my Greyhound who has been in my home for about 4 days finally went on a leash, this was at about 10pm. The stool wasn't too hard but not soft either. Then at around midnight I'm in bed and i hear him lol he was standing in his crate, jst standing lol kinda knew why so i opened the door he came out and started smelling doing circles. So I quickly grab the leash and out we go. He went once and a feet up he went again! This time softer than the last. Went upstairs and at about 3 am i hear him again, but i was so so tired that i made myself believe that it was nothing. I woke up to crap all over his crate lol much much softer. Spent an hour cleaning and then took him out one last time and he went again lol this time is was like water lol


What a night lol so what now? What should be my bext move? I walked him again right before work. And will when i get home. Should change anything? Food? Thanks!

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I'm guessing it's the stress of the last few days and all of the changes in his life.


A bland diet for a couple days will help. As others said, boiled chicken or boiled ground beef along with some overcooked mushy rice or pasta will go easier on the tummy than kibble. (Pasta is better than rice, but whichever you do, use about 3-4 times the water and way over cook it. Make sure that you rinse the chicken or beef to remove the grease.


In place of cooking, I usually use canned Evanger's Organic Chicken as part of a bland diet. It can be used for a few feedings by itself, but isn't enough calories to maintain feeding for long periods. It is very easy on the stomach. If you use the search box on the site for "bland diet" you will find all kinds of info that worked for others. Scrambled eggs, oatmeal, toast - you will find all kinds of things that work. It may take some rial and error with a new hound.


You should be doing your first well-vet visit soon anyway, so make sure you take a stool sample to the vet to be checked. Normally you take one from that day, but if you have to collect it the night before, you can refrigerate it in an airtight container if necessary. (Yeah - welcome to life with greyhounds - it does get better)


If this continues for more than a couple days, I would make your vet visit sooner rather than later. You may need some Metronidazole to help with the diarrhea. Also watch for signs of dehydration if the diarrhea continues.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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As others have said, he has only been there 4 days and is stressed out. Just take it slow and take him out after he eats, after he gets up from a nap, and about every 4 hours during the day until you can work out a schedule of when he usually goes. If he acts like he has to go out, take him out. Continue this for at least for a few weeks until he settles in.


A bland diet of cooked rice and hamburger usually helps to settle the tummy.

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Guest SohoMercer

Thank you so much everyone I will try this today. He's home alone for another 4 more hours :( TIME4ANAP I always wondered how greys live in AZ? My son lives there so I am in the Roosevelt section of Phoenix few times a month


and on a positive note he gets out the crate and up on the couch now lol some ppl don't like it but I don't mind.

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Thank you so much everyone I will try this today. He's home alone for another 4 more hours :( TIME4ANAP I always wondered how greys live in AZ? My son lives there so I am in the Roosevelt section of Phoenix few times a month


and on a positive note he gets out the crate and up on the couch now lol some ppl don't like it but I don't mind.


We moved here from Central IL. I am not a fan of living here but moved for DW's job.


As far as greyhounds, they adjust. We don't usually walk after about 6:30 AM in the hot months, and quick potty breaks in the back yard happen rather than going out and sniffing around the yard for a half hour. Other than that, greyhound entertainment is done inside in the AC, and we regularly take car rides to nowhere in the air conditioned car. Once the sun goes down, Rocket still does his racing run around the back yard even though the temps are often in the 90's or still over 100 once it;s dark.


We did a late walk this morning which was at about 8:30. It was already 99 degrees. A late walk consists of riding in the air conditioned van to a spot with shade trees. We walk for about 5-8 minutes under the trees, then make a cooling-off loop through our housing development in the van with the AC blasting. Not that he's spoiled. :bgeorge


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Guest SohoMercer

I know what you mean lol i hate it and love it when i am there. Good to know though just incase i end up moving for a job, I refuse to have any other breed!

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We moved here from Central IL. I am not a fan of living here but moved for DW's job.


As far as greyhounds, they adjust. We don't usually walk after about 6:30 AM in the hot months, and quick potty breaks in the back yard happen rather than going out and sniffing around the yard for a half hour. Other than that, greyhound entertainment is done inside in the AC, and we regularly take car rides to nowhere in the air conditioned car. Once the sun goes down, Rocket still does his racing run around the back yard even though the temps are often in the 90's or still over 100 once it;s dark.


We did a late walk this morning which was at about 8:30. It was already 99 degrees. A late walk consists of riding in the air conditioned van to a spot with shade trees. We walk for about 5-8 minutes under the trees, then make a cooling-off loop through our housing development in the van with the AC blasting. Not that he's spoiled. :bgeorge

You make Rocket get out of the van?


Mine feel walking around with a heat index of 100 degrees is highly over-rated, but they forget and STILL want to go out.

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Mine was having some trouble with the poop as well, always soft serve texture. Then I read in her health record that she had always this problem.

I tried changing the kibbles, she was eating Kirkland lamb and rice in the rescue, I tried couple of kibbles always looking the ingredients trying to find different ingredients from the one she was eating before and think that fish ones improved her situation.

I also tried a product called "firm it up", it's really good, but just palliative,it's pumpkin and apple fiber and I also heard that canned pumpkin it's good.

I give her some probiotics chews, I think they make her tummy better.

So far taste of wild Pacific, first mate Pacific, wellness chicken were fine to her each dog has one response to food, so just figure it out if this poop thing was happening before or if is just a settling thing, different environment, etc.

Good luck!

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Guest SohoMercer

Look into Olewo carrots. Buy them thru Amazon. Works wonders for soft poops. Do a search here and see how many hounds it has helped.

I have used them for 2 years, made a world of difference.

OK will do!

I tried the bland diet but he still goes in the home after long or short walks and it goes everywhere lol I hope he gets better soon, cleaning at 12, 3 and 6 am sucks! LOL

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Guest xengab

When stressed they poop like that. It will take time and please just dont grump on him for it. Just clean him off, and settle him back down.

Since you know he is going at regular times, can you just take him down then, or onto a puppy pad?


I use those carrots too and they work really well.

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Guest SohoMercer

I do but he's also a spook so he must be scared to go outside :( I understand tho NYC is loud and crowded. Its a battle to take a walk.




When stressed they poop like that. It will take time and please just dont grump on him for it. Just clean him off, and settle him back down.

Since you know he is going at regular times, can you just take him down then, or onto a puppy pad?


I use those carrots too and they work really well.

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Guest xengab

Do you talk to him on walks.. like you would a friend, about sports or a book you read, movie you saw?? What I found helped my boy settle in (he's scared of small yappers and giggling children and groups of men) was just shooting the breeze to him while we walked. Telling him he's a good boy and rubbing his chest. My sole focus was on him, not on others, I'd answer very quick questions (yes he's a greyhound,, no he doesnt race anymore, no you cannot buy him)..

I also did it when we were at home when he was more relaxed.


Just gives them something to focus on too, that calm always there person who they learn over time to keep them safe. Strangely getting attacked by a small yapper, with me defending/blocking the yappers bites gave him confidence in me. Just know everytime you get him through a tough situation in a calm manner, he adds another pebble in his wall of trust of you. that safely out and back on a potty break, just an extra thing you helped him manage and gives him more trust. Takes time. They are so worth it though when they come over to just be with you..OH what I found helped relax my boy was rooing (howling).. I could see him look at me like "OMG! she knows the song of my people!" try it, its rather relaxing for us humans too..LOL

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Guest SohoMercer

Thnks everyone! I started giving him Olewo Carrots and i found hard stool in the middle of my living room floor!!!! Never been so excited about hard stool ever!

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