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New Dog In A Very Big City.

Guest SohoMercer

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Guest SohoMercer

Hello everyone.


Since I was younger all I knew is that I either wanted a Greyhound or a Great Dane. I was obsessed with these dogs so i read a lot on them. I Finally put in an application at a rescue over in Pennsylvania. I asked for a a brindle male who was cat tolerant. They actually had one, out of the 50 Greys they have there was one! lol I walked him a few times and noticed that he did pull a little on all directions. For a few weekends I drove up and walked many dogs. Most would run a lot on the field and play with me, lick me and fetch, he wouldn't. He was more interested in what was going on outside the fence like cars. But I still saw something in him.


Adoption day came, he did great in the car for the 2 hour drive. We get to my street and he does not like it one bit. I live in the downtown section of Manhattan NY. Walking from the parking to my building was pretty bad. All the tourists are taking pictures and asking what he is, the cars are honking like crazy, the fire dept decides to honk his horn for the kids. I mean can you imagine? Mercer ( dog) starts leaping forward and it was a mess. We finally get to my building which is a walk up to the second floor. he did not do good but that i def expected. Get home he runs to his crate and is panting. He eats and lays down.


So today is day 3. He's eating and drinking water, I did crate training but i doubt he needs it because he just chills in there. I removed about 4 ticks from him. ( not an expert but i worked 10 years in the ER and prob removed thousands from humans) He's such a good boy he just stood there while i did it. He pays absolutely no mind to the cats. No interest whatsoever but i will still take precaution. He is doing 80% better on the stairs :)

Now, I have to drag him out of the crate so that he can get his walk, he sees the door open and refuses to go out. He does pee like a horse once downstairs but no #2 yet :( once he pees he starts pulling and it feels like a car is about to drag me all around the city. He leaps forward in to any door that open wanting to go in. once upstairs he runs into his crate and that's the end of it.


Would this be SA? not sure what to make of it because He does love his crate and 2 he did similar stuff on his walks at the rescue. I walked about 15 dogs and they were all great a on the leash with very minor pulling but not him. Some advice would be wonderful! thanks!

Oh and this morning my GF told me he finally ate a treat!

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He is most likely spooked or frightened by the city noises and activity. Remember, he's never seen anything like this before.


The first order of business TODAY is to get a harness on him that clips in at least 2 places, or if it only has one leash connection, add a good carabiner so that the connection to the leash is doubled. That pulling back and forth is him trying to get out of the leash and get away. He is spooked by the noise and activity. In a city like that, he will be gone, and it's a good bet that he will be hit by a vehicle - he doesn't know to look for traffic.


You also must keep a death grip on the leash at all times. Keep the loop wrapped around your hand several times, and don't ever get complacent or comfortable thinking that he won't bolt away. We've had Rocket for seven years. Even though I know he will not intentionally bolt away, all it takes for him to start trying to get away is for his collar or leash hardware to tap something metal like a street sign. The metal noise freaks him out and I have a dog trying to get out of there on my hands when that happens, even after 7 years.


It is going to take some time for him to acclimate to those noises. Others will chime in on desensitizing him and how to work on training him in this environment, but you must have him double secured in a harness before taking him out in that. A leash and martingale collar are not going to cut it.


Good luck. It takes time, but we have had dogs on here that lived in Manhattan and other major cities with no issues. Hopefully their humans will be able to help you with some good advice.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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It's not Separation Anxiety. He's just trying to settle in and get used to everything. Imagine - he was at a nice kennel one minute, and the next he's plopped down in the midle of this noisy, banging, crashing, fast-moving nightmare! He needs time, time, time, and a whole lot of patience on your part.


There are no-pulling harnesses you can use, but I think he's just really anxious when he's outside the apartment. Try an take him out at quieter times of the day (if you can). Make these outings as fun and stress-free as possible. Don't expect him to be social. Don't expect him to listen to you. He's just very over-whelmed at this point. As he will accept them, use yummy treats to let him know he's doing well. Use a high, happy voice to gently encourage him.


Don't worry about him pooping at this point. Many dogs have trouble going when they are on-leash, and your boy is having to deal with a lot. He will poop when he needs to (probably, at this point, in the crate or the apartment somewhere).


If you're having a hard time getting him out of the crate. Be very encouraging, and try and lure him with extra yummy treats. If that doesn't work, clip his leash on, say "Let's go outside!" in a happy voice, and take him out.


Time and patience. Three days is *nothing* for your boy. It can take months for some greys to settle down and come out of their shells. Sit with him quietly near him and read a book or magazine. Talk to him. Offer him small yummy treats whenever you're close to him. Time and patience!

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Don't panic! It's all so new to him. It's not so much separation anxiety, just that he's feeling overwhelmed by all the strange sights and sounds and smells. It actually doesn't sound as if he's that nervy a dog (a spooky one will 'statue' when it feels overwhelmed, yours is obviously eager to explore once he gets out and has peed). Things will improve but you will have to be patient and give him time and space.


I live in the inner city too and Ken found our neighbourhood alarming when he came here, especially the noises - traffic, sirens, suitcases on wheels, you name it. Things improved with time, as he got to know the place and to trust me. Walking together is actually one of the best ways for the two of you to bond. Meanwhile avoid scarey stuff as much as possible, but if you do encounter something worrisome keep calm and confident and address him in a jolly-hockey-sticks voice. 'Yes, an ambulance! What a lot of noise! Nothing to worry about!' I also kept a small bag of treats to hand so I could give him one and tell him what a good boy he was when he had been brave about something.


It sounds as if he has never been taught to walk nicely on a lead, so now you will have to teach him. I favour the 'tree' technique where when the dog starts pulling you just stand there until he comes up short. Make sure you use a properly-fitted greyhound harness or collar - greyhounds with their narrow heads can back/pull their way out otherwise, if they panic or get excited.


Your boy likes his crate so that is good. Let him use that as his safe place and observe you and your girlfriend and how you live your life. He is watching and processing it all. Don't overwhelm him with pats and hugs, again he is not used to that - though he will be used to being groomed, which again is something enjoyable to do that builds trust. And treats as you have already discovered are also good news. You can begin to teach him the basic commands which will keep him safe - i.e. come, stay and bed.


Over the coming months you will see him come out of his shell and settle into his new life. Time and patience and love is all it takes.

Clare with Tiger (Snapper Gar, b. 18/05/2015), and remembering Ken (Boomtown Ken, 01/05/2011-21/02/2020) and Doc (Barefoot Doctor, 20/08/2001-15/04/2015).

"It is also to be noted of every species, that the handsomest of each move best ... and beasts of the most elegant form, always excel in speed; of this, the horse and greyhound are beautiful examples."----Wiliam Hogarth, The Analysis of Beauty, 1753.

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Guest SohoMercer

Thank you so much everyone. I feel for him and I will be there as much as I can. My neighborhood is very nice early in the morning, and after 9pm not a soul and cooler! So I will take him out then. Luckily my GF and I have a tremendous amount of patience :) so a few things I have noticed.


I was playing with a long stick that has a feather attached to it, my cats absolutely loveeeee it. He actually got out of his crate to play, the cat was on one side and Mercer on the other. While my cat was alert he still played. I actually stopped, loved seeing that side of Mercer but not sure if I was encouraging bad behavior.

second my GF loved bring his dishes to the door of the crate, where he actually eats, again should we not? thanks guys!

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Guest xengab

Remember that first day you were in high school, not knowing the routine, all the noise and loads of people. That whats your dog is going through times ten.

I'd also NOT let strangers pat him or force him to stand around so they can chatter. Be short n sweet "New dog, he is scared, make way!". You dont owe those people anything but you DO owe your new pup some space to get used to things. I also agree, get a harness. (2hounds no pull harness!).

Life is just one big noisey distraction at the moment, this will ease with time. Make being inside relaxing, talk to your dog and just go around doing your normal routine. ROUTINE is the key to a happy greyhound. Give treats when he comes out of the crate, or even just pats/rubs (mine didnt take treats for months).

Kongs with peanut butter make for a great treat that most hounds like and makes crate time more fun.

Greyhounds love flirt poles which those feather chaser toys are very similar too. ONE can play with it at a time. together could be chaos.. But if it gets your dog out and interested, I'd put kitty away in a room and let him play abit.

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Thank you! and just to add the rescue gave me a brand new no pull harness! :)


Good to hear he's on a harness already. Most groups send dogs off with a new martingale collar and leash. He is definitely living in an environment where a harness is a must. Can't wait to see pictures of this sweet boy!


There is a cheap product called a Tick Key that makes tick removal really easy. We keep one in Rocket's travel bag. You can find it on Amazon and most pet stores.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Guest SohoMercer


Good to hear he's on a harness already. Most groups send dogs off with a new martingale collar and leash. He is definitely living in an environment where a harness is a must. Can't wait to see pictures of this sweet boy!


There is a cheap product called a Tick Key that makes tick removal really easy. We keep one in Rocket's travel bag. You can find it on Amazon and most pet stores.

Thats one I have! But now that you mention it, i barely slept because one of the ticks actually got away! I have no clue what to do. I am hoping that it doesn't go on my cats :( they are Russian Blues with a double coat that are gray! The tick was tiny and also gray so I'm kinda freaking out lol

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Try the Seresto collar for the ticks, they make one for both dogs and cats. Johnny wore his on a visit to my parents' house in VA, he got a few, but they died quick. It lasts 8 months if you don't get it wet.

Current Crew: Gino-Gene-Eugene! (Eastnor Rebel: Makeshift x Celtic Dream); Fuzzy the Goo-Goo Girl (BGR Fuzzy Navel: Boc's Blast Off x Superior Peace); Roman the Giant Galoot! (Imark Roman: Crossfire Clyde x Shana Wookie); Kitties Archie and Dixie

Forever Missed: K9 Sasha (2001-2015); Johnny (John Reese--Gable Dodge x O'Jays) (2011-19); the kitties Terry and Bibbi; and all the others I've had the privilege to know


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Guest xengab

I've seen many posts about others using those collars. ONLY issues I've seen is from my maine coon friends saying the collars dont work as well on thick coated cats. frontline works on ticks and but not on fleas (in lots of areas). so if your cats dont use any flea meds you can use the frontline.

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The Preventic collar is also okay for greyhounds. We put one on Rocket if he is going to be in area where the tick problem is prevalent. Have had no problems with them.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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The Preventic collar is also okay for greyhounds. We put one on Rocket if he is going to be in area where the tick problem is prevalent. Have had no problems with them.


I have used the preventic collar for years. Works great, but I think it can't be used around cats.
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Guest SohoMercer



He pooped! Took him downstairs and he went to his pee spot and pooped! I celebrated him like no other lol i did expect diarrhea but it was normal stool. Awesome!

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I'm in the same situation as you, we live in downtown Seattle I've adopted a cute spooked girl, she's been with me one month now.

I have to drag her for a walk, when I say the words:walk, pee, poo, she just hide herself and makes hard body. It's a pity have to drag her, but I have to. As everyone said before, just take time and patience, it's been one month and each day she's better. Her tail is not so tucked anymore, she doesn't tremble so much, each day is a victory, every single thing is a little medal to me and her. I use a martingale collar and a body harness, to control better if she get scared of something. I think you just have to show your dog you are confident and pack leader, so the dog will trust and follow you, with the time.

It's hard, sometimes I think it wasn't a good idea adopt her and take her to a big city, when she trembles and tuck her tail, my heart brokes,I've cried so much thinking I was making her life worst, but with the time they get better and better. Now she sleeps in my bed so relaxed, plays with a bear and my yoga strap and enjoys a massage with some oil. It makes me happy and think that everything was worth it. She is happy! She is not confident and without fears yet, but definitely for one month her progress is great. Keep thinking positive and just take your dog's time! Good luck!

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Guest SohoMercer

He just had a really bad episode. I took him outside to do his business and he immediately turns around pulling so hard. I tried to get him to walk but he just get on his two feet and starts leapiing, everyone of course is looking which is ok but still. I had no choice but to go up where he did his business on the crate. I dont blame him at all because this is all new to him but i am wondering will he ever come out of this?

Or does he need a quiet suburban neighborhood with a yard? I live in the busiest neighborhood in Manhattan, 5 other greyhounds live around here but none are spooky like him. HELP!

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At this point, it's going to depend on how patient you are and how able to help him work through this transition time.


Yes, in a perfect world, he would probably prefer a quieter environment. The chaos of a busy inner city just might not be the right fit for him. BUT! By my count, it's not even been a week yet that he's been home. That's no time at all. None. As one poster said above, it's taken a month or more for her dog to calm down. It's quite possible that your dog will be fine given enough time, and your committment to working with him. You can talk with your vet about a course of anti anxiety meds to get him through in the short term. While he's on them, you need to really work on counter-conditioning him to all the new things he's experiencing, and try and help him see that they aren't scary and dangerous. This. Takes. Time. And work on your part. Have you contacted your adoption group to see what advice they have?


However, if you're a busy young professional, with a full time job, you may not have the time this particular dog needs to be able to see the benefits of city life. If this seems like something you can do, great. If not, you should consider returning him to his adoption group, as things seem to be devolving quickly at this point.


You didn't do anything wrong. Neither did your dog. And your adoption group might not have known this dog well enough to guide you in this placement. It's not a bad thing to return him so he can go into a situation where he can more easily thrive, and so you can be matched with a greyhound who more closely fits your lifestyle.


I will repeat, you didn't do anything wrong. City living takes a specific set of skills and a dog with a confident outlook on life. Many greyhounds would do quite well with you. I've had two sweet girls who have loved visiting friends and vacationing in downtown areas. Others, not so much. It's just a matter of finding the right fit and personality for you and your situation.


Whatever you decide, good luck.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Catch up with some of the greyhound owners in the neighborhood and walk with them. If he's around other confident greyhounds, he may get over his fears a bit easier.

Head out somewhere this weekend where it is quieter and less busy and walk with him so he gets a good experience without it being all crazy.

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Guest SohoMercer

Thanks, Trudy I joined a group of them in the area. I just want to give him a week or so before doing that but looking forward to it!


GREYSMOM: thank you very much, I talk to him at all times and he is responding very well. He is doing great at home, he knows he can't get in my bed so he comes and rests his head on my bed next to my face. He does little sweet things that make me never want to give him up. The adoption group said we may return him if we have any issues but thats not easy we have a bond

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Thanks, Trudy I joined a group of them in the area. I just want to give him a week or so before doing that but looking forward to it!


GREYSMOM: thank you very much, I talk to him at all times and he is responding very well. He is doing great at home, he knows he can't get in my bed so he comes and rests his head on my bed next to my face. He does little sweet things that make me never want to give him up. The adoption group said we may return him if we have any issues but thats not easy we have a bond


A little patience, a little time and he will get what it is all about. He is brand new. It might be as if you landed on Mars and nothing was familiar.


It is like he has been reborn. Baby steps. I am glad to read how much you love him. Our first grey would not walk past a robo garbage can. I used to drag her down the street, and, then, there would be another one. Take care.

Irene Ullmann w/Flying Odin and Mama Mia in Lower Delaware
Angels Brandy, John E, American Idol, Paul, Fuzzy and Shine
Handcrafted Greyhound and Custom Clocks http://www.houndtime.com
Zoom Doggies-Racing Coats for Racing Greyhounds

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Guest SohoMercer

Thank you Houndtime, he's doing great today. Comes when i call his name, walks around the house. I made a horrible mistake today.

I guess i never closed his crate so he had no muzzle and my cats werre around. Nothing happened just as i thought, he's actually really good. Came his wagging his tail very happy to see me and best of all hard stool thanks to Olewo Carrots!

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Congreytulations on the firm poop!


I joined a group of them in the area. I just want to give him a week or so before doing that but looking forward to it!

If your dog is like the vast majority of greyhounds, he will calmly love being with other greys and it will probably give him more confidence, walking with them.



If you haven't already read it -- http://www.gpa-az.com/gilley.html


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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