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Can Panicur Cause Loose Stool

Guest alextwister

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Guest alextwister

I was treating my greyhound with Strongid prescribed buy my vet for hookworms that she apparently had before I adopted her..After two rounds of strongid she still had tested positive hookworms so he switched the medication to Panicur suspension liquid.After three dosages of the Panicur her stool started to firm up after about a week.The vet said wait another week and give her another three rounds of Panicur suspension liquid.So for about two weeks her stool was firm.Then I gave her the next three rounds of Panicur suspension liquid. After two days her stool is loose again.I have cleaned up the droppings after she goes and she seems relatively active and eats well.I feed her the same food she ate before I got herHer stool was checked twice before but not since the second round of Panicur.Can Panicur itself cause loose stools ?

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