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Haunted “Sleep” Howling (Not Rooing)?

Guest GoingGrey

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Guest GoingGrey

Anyone experienced anything like this? It’s specific, creepy kind of howl, usually during sleep, that starts low and long and soft, but quickly gets louder and higher in pitch right up on the scale until I interrupt him. It’s nothing like his rooing or like his howling when he's left alone; It’s one long continuous note that sounds like some kind of ghost siren or horror movie SFX. It doesn't sound canine or human or anything recognizable. And It can get unbelievably loud and high-pitched. The only way it stops is if I startle him or touch him. It’s eerie as heck!

Mostly it happens in his sleep (or so it seems), but a couple times I’ve seen him do it with his eyes open (and not the half-open fluttering grey sleep) and once while lying right next to me on the couch, seemingly 100% awake. I'll go FLYING out of bed from a deep sleep when i hear it, cuz I'm both terrified of the sound and terrified the neighbors will wake up and call the police and/or Ghostbusters. lol

It happens in clusters; He’ll go a year or two without doing it, I'll forget about it, then it starts happening again for a little while.
Right after adopting him, I asked the adopters of one of his littermates if they experienced anything like this and they said yes, so I thought it was maybe normal (?) or genetic, but today I wonder if they weren’t just mistaking it for rooing, cuz i have yet to hear of anything similar...

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Guest GoingGrey

How do you get him to stop? Or does he stop on his own?


Elvis doesn't stop until I stop him. A thrown pillow or a shaking and saying his name...

Afterward he doesn't shake it off or even stand up. Just lies there like he wasn't just suddenly 100% possessed by some otherwordly being! lol

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All dogs do this--well, I don't mean every dog, but all TYPES of dogs do this.


They're just "talking" in their sleep. I would not "startle" your dog out of this (good way go get accidentally nipped) but if you feel you must wake him, clap your hands and says his name loudly, or toss a pillow gently. Or let him enjoy his dream!


We had a Lab once, and after 10 years of virtual silence, one night there was a siren on a TV show and without ever opening his eyes, he lifted his giant head and went "awwwwwwoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" with the siren, and then slowly laid his head back down and continued his snooze. It was amazing!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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It's normal and very common. He's just dreaming. If it bothers you, gently wake him up from a distance in case he startles and snaps inadvertently. Our first greyhound sleep roo'd all the time - usually at 2 in the morning! It's very creepy and scary! Especially when you're all alone in the house! :eek

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest xengab

yes, and since he is right next to my bed, it startles me.

Usually he just stops after a minute or too. Not the same as a roo or bark. I guess its due to them being asleep. Mine usually on his back when he does this.

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Guest GoingGrey

Hmmm. Interesting. May not be a greyhound thing, either.

It's definitely not a roo, and i definitely have to stop him because it keeps increasing in volume and it's loud it's like a tornado siren or something. He never reacts or startles when i interrupt him, he's calm as can be.


When he dreams, he's very active and vocal--doing the running man, growling and grumbling and muffled barks--the usual. He startles slightly sometimes if woken, or has that look of, what, where am I? for a second. But when i interrupt the siren howl, like I said; no reaction, he just opens his eyes, or if his eyes are *already* open, he just quits. Like i said, EERIE. ha


He doesn't do it when hearing sirens (tho maybe he hears something else I can't?) He used to mimic sirens and that was different sound, one that very much amused people at the local dog park situated next to the fire station. ha.


Oh well. May be one day I can catch him on tape...!

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