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Liver Issue

Guest bernadette

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Guest bernadette

Hi all! It's been awhile, but it is so comforting to know that this board is here as a greyt resource.


We discovered a few months ago that Vinnie (12 years old) has elevated liver enzymes. ALT went from 182 two months ago to 274 (ref range 10-118). Alkaline phos (? couldn't clearly understand this one) went from 213 to 217 (ref range 20-150). Latest test was taken this week.

He has been taking Denamarin for about four months now, but levels are still rising.

Vet is suggesting ultrasound and bile acid test- bile acid test is scheduled for Friday, we will see what that shows before scheduling the ultrasound.

Does anyone have experience with this? Are these levels extraordinarily high?


In addition to this, he does have stenosis for which he is taking Tramadol and Gabapentin.

Thanks for any thoughts!

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Guest bernadette

MP, I am so sorry to hear this. :( Is it the bile acid test that determines liver function?


Edited: I just looked more into this test and understand this is how liver function is tested. I am nervous for my senior, he is my heart dog :(

Edited by bernadette
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I've only known the other liver test as liver function. I'm not sure if it's the bile acid test. But the huge hospital in Red Bank is excellent. Another terrific hospital is VSEC in PA. They're probably both an hour away for you but worth it for at least a second opinion. (I'm just a hop, skip and a jump away from you near Flemington)

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Guest bernadette

Thanks for that info, MP.


I am more concerned as we are going away one week from today. We will be gone one week, home for a day and then gone another 4 days. With these things going on with Vinnie, it makes me very uncomfortable. We do have a friend staying with him, but of course it's not the same as being there yourself. I want to have as many answers as possible before leaving him...

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