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Spinner And Osteo-Decision Time

Guest SusanP

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I honestly just read this entire thread and I am now in tears. I am so very, truly sorry for this heart-breaking decision you've had to make. We lost our boy to fibrosarcoma on Easter Sunday - he had surgery only a few weeks before to remove what turned out to be a 5-lb tumor. He never rebounded - he wouldn't/couldn't eat - but he was still up and about, wanted to be with us, as sweet as ever and wanting his walks. It was a heart-wrenching decision when we finally called for in-home euthanasia. We spent that whole day just lying on the floor with him, on his bed, in the sunlight.


The procedure was so very, very difficult...but we felt so much more at peace than we did with our 13.5 year old girl who had to be euthanized at the e-vet, after spending a pain-filled, terrifying night there, waking up paralyzed (due to their error) - she was in distress and we had no other choice. That is not a choice we ever want to make again - so we, too, made the decision to let Deacon go at home, peacefully, surrounding by his people, his toys, his sister, his beds, his life... his last moments were filled with love.


I'm still crying for you and Spinner. My heart breaks for you.

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