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Eye Redness

Guest ms3569

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Guest ms3569

I recently adopted a 2 3/4 year old male greyhound. His left eye (sclera) has been red since we got him. We had him at the Vet. tonight and she said this could be the beginning of "Pannus". He itches the eye at times, he has no eye drainage. Does anyone have experience with this eye condition? He's currently being treated for food allergies with Zyrtec due to skin issues. The doctor wants to see how he responds to treatment and new food for allergies before further evaluating the eye issue.

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A couple of our hounds have had some redness (and itching) at times, but theirs have not resulted in a long-lasting condition.


I know pannus hounds whose conditions have been controlled very well with eye drops. Good to photograph it now and watch for changes. Alert your vet if it begins to spread. IF it's pannus, and it spreads towards the cornea, it can obstruct vision if not treated soon enough.

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Guest KsFrets

Lisa, my Avitar girl, has Pannus. Her eyes were red from the day we got her. it never got worse but it never went away. Never really bad, but always noticeable. Then one day (after a couple years!) her right eye glazed completely over over night. We went straight to the vet, who diagnosed her with pannus. She gets eye drops every morning. It only takes a couple seconds a day and her eyes have been red-free and clear as a bell ever since. It's really no big deal.

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I don't have experience with pannus, but you might find this link from my vet's office helpful (lots of photos and good info): http://grassmere-animal-hospital.com/pannus.htm


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Annie's left eye became red and blood shot in February 2014. There was no discharge. Our vet didn't know what it was. She thought it could be Pannus but hesitated to make that diagnosis. I was referred to an animal ophthalmologist who diagnosed nodular granulomatous episclertis (spelling may be a bit off), an auto-immune disease . She said it was a cousin to Pannus and would result in blindness if left untreated.


Needless to say, I immediately put Annie on the recommended drops and the disease has not progressed. She gets one drop in each eye, even though right eye is not diseased, twice a day.


My advice: If you have one in your area, make an appt with an ophthalmologist. It's worth the time and expenditure.

Edited by Feisty49
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I noticed a white haze in the upper outer edges of each eye in my boy and having heard about pannus from this site I went straight to an opthamologist to make sure he got the correct diagnosis. It was pannus. The opthamologist is the best one to see about your pups eyes.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest HeatherLee

My hound had a prob with his left eye. Itched it at times, but it never seemed to bother him. There was no discharge either. So I took him to a couple vets, and got some eye drops. I also got some anti-histamines (human ones weren't working and would make him CRAZY). None of it seemed to help even though I treated him religiously. The vet did an eye exam and said everything looked fine and on him and to give it a little more time and see if it clears up. I ended up taking him off the anti-histamines because they made him cranky and eat like a horse (weird).. not to mention they didn't seem to help.


Long story short I ended up switching his food just to try something different that he seemed to like. ( I was feeding iams sensitive naturals with some wet blue buffalo beef on top and now I feed taste of the wild pacific stream with canned poultry free) and his eye is clearing up. It also coincided with grass ragweed pollen calming down so I'm not sure if the food helped or not.. But that's my story.. and his eye is getting better every day.

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