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Guest MackFamilyGreys

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Guest MackFamilyGreys

We've had our first grey since October and are undoubtedly in love. But we do have one concern. A few times she has nipped at the kids in the house.


A couple of times there have been toys or sleeping involved so those we can understand. We have made new rules about playing and bothering her when she is sleeping.


But there has been twice while she was standing next to someone and suddenly turned and nipped. Nothing aggressive or serious, but we can't see a trigger.


Is this something to be concerned with? Anything we can do?

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Guest MackFamilyGreys

We don't think it's nitting. We think it's more of a nip. It's like she's startled but there is no action or movement to cause it.

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Guest normaandburrell

Dogs usually give very subtle signs that they are irritated before they nip. They get very still and may turn their head away from the child. That is a sign that they are getting ready to correct the child. You can also see this behavior when they correct very young dogs or puppies. It means you need to get ready to intervene.

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Our Ruby is a nitter and the odd time it turns into a nip.....but only when she gets very excited...usually at feeding times.


It is not an actual bite, but several quick little nips... Always on my sleeve ...or if I have short sleeves on then she'll grab a stuffie or a blanket.... Any sort of fabric item that may be laying around around. Socks are a favorite.

She also gets very excited when the Grandkids come over, and will nip at their shirt sleeves or pant legs when they first come in the house, but she seems to know that nipping skin is wrong.


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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