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Small, Black Growth On Belly... Question For Friend

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This is a question for a friend of mine. Her dog is 8-years-old, named Flyboy. This is what she said:


Fly has a little black mass on his belly, the size of a nipple. The vet thinks I should have it removed in case it's cancerous, about $900. It is hard to tell from the texture from this picture. It's the bottom bump, looks almost like a wart.




Anybody have experience with something like this? What could this be?

Edited by a_daerr
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I don't like the mix of colouration nor the irregular edges. I'm not totally sure as it isn't dark enough, but I think I'd have it removed for peace of mind in case it was a developing Melanoma. Your friend should probably get another vet's quote too.

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I would get it off. Maybe your friend could ask if it could be removed as a punch biopsy, which should be way, way less expensive. I've had a couple of small things removed from Jaynie's tummy that way and the vet does it during an office visit, using a local. I console the head end, a tech makes sure she stays still (she's a cooperative dog anyway though) and the vet gets it off, puts in a stitch or two, and it's all done but for treats.


I guess the downside to this approach is that if the pathology report comes back with something cancerous, a second procedure might be needed to get margins. In Jaynie's case I accept this chance because she is kidney-compromised so I avoid sedation / anaesthetic as much as possible.


If there is any chance at all it could be mast cell, my understanding is that the dog should be given Benadryl or another antihistamine about 20 minutes beforehand.


Fingers crossed it turns out to be nothing.

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OMG, that's a ridiculously high quote. I've had growths removed from a dog, and a cat, and even though care here is generally very expensive, $900 for that tiny thing is insane.


Find a new vet.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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