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My Boy Taylor

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They're going to keep him another day, at least.


They want to keep IV fluids going since his urine is getting a redder color, which happens sometimes after surgery.

He is on Amicar.

Edited by Beachbum1
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He still doesn't have much of an appetite.

Last full meal was Thursday evening.


They are offering him different foods, and maybe he will get a little more hungry soon.

He has lots of attention and i comfortable, and is out walking from time to time.


I was thinking of going there today(an hour and 20 minutes away) and try hand feeding him, but I know he would get very agitated and want to leave, and the chance of getting food into him when he is acting like that would be small.


I know how he is like after the vet visits the past 3 months.

When he comes out to see me after the visit, he is totally focused on OUT OF HERE!


It's better to let him rest.

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Bummer that Taylor couldn't come home as hoped, but I hope it's just a days' delay and he'll be home tomorrow. He'll eat just fine once he's home. It is comforting from here that you have so much faith in his medical team, yay!

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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The doctor called at 6:50 PM.

Taylor is doing OK, but there is a lot of edema on the other side from his amp side.

He is getting massages to help with the edema, and I know he is loving that.


He's still not eating too much, but there has not been any of the post-surgery greyhound whining or crying.

He gets up and down easily since the morning after Friday's surgery.

He walks around 5 minutes before tiring, and pees plenty. They are pushing a lot of IV fluids to keep his kidneys flushing out the blood his body has moving around.


They changed his Fentanyl patch today, and is taking Tramadol pills and seems comfortable.


The next update from the doctor will be Tuesday at 9:00 AM and we have another discharge appointment Tuesday at 2:00 if he is doing well enough to come home. If not, they will keep him another night. I think the edema is the biggest concern now, and that is being adressed.

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The Fentanyl and tramadol could well be affecting his appetite.


It sounds like he is being very well cared for.


I hope he will be able to come home to you tomorrow or the next day. :wub:

Star aka Starz Ovation (Ronco x Oneco Maggie*, litter #48538), Coco aka Low Key (Kiowa Mon Manny x Party Hardy, litter # 59881), and mom in Illinois
We miss Reko Batman (Trouper Zeke x Marque Louisiana), 11/15/95-6/29/06, Rocco the thistledown whippet, 04/29/93-10/14/08, Reko Zema (Mo Kick x Reko Princess), 8/16/98-4/18/10, the most beautiful girl in the whole USA, my good egg Joseph aka Won by a Nose (Oneco Cufflink x Buy Back), 09/22/2003-03/01/2013, and our gentle sweet Gidget (Digitizer, Dodgem by Design x Sobe Mulberry), 1/29/2006-11/22/2014, gone much too soon. Never forgetting CJC's Buckshot, 1/2/07-10/25/10.

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If I'm remembering correctly, Henry stayed in hospital for three days post-amp.


The longer the better, I say... the more stable he is, the easier it will be for you when he comes home. Fingers crossed that Taylor continues to improve. That first two weeks are hell. It gets worse before it gets better.

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Taylor is still in the hospital.

The amputation was last Friday afternoon.


Face and I went to see him this morning for the first time (he's an hour and 20 minutes away).

As I expected, he was quite hyper and just wanted to leave.


He gets up and down easily, and can lay there upright with no problem.

We went outside for a little walk and he was trotting along just fine.


They said when he is out back in his crate, he is nice and calm and acting comfortable.

He is taken out for walks many times a day, and he gets plenty of attention, and massages, from the staff there.


The doctors and staff there have been excellent, and they are very grey-savy.


The edema and bruising that started Sunday afternoon is quite extensive, and I was told that happens quite often with greyhounds.

He has had his Amicar for bleeding.


His urine continues to be quite dark from the bruising, and they are continuing to push a lot of IV fluids to keep the kidneys continuing to flush things through, and the fluids are keeping the kidneys from becoming damaged.


Hopefully the urine color will improve in the next day or so, as to be expected.

They do test the urine to monitor his kidney function, and that has been good.


He still has little appetite. They have been trying all kinds of different foods.

That could be from a combination of things.

I brought different types of food today, including cooked and raw ground beef, and even a couple of different jars of baby food.

No interest.


His Fentanyl pain patch was replaced yesterday, and they removed it today around noon , since that could be causing his lack of interest in food. He's also taking Tramadol.


Face and I went off to lunch around 1:00 PM, and I went back with a couple of plain McD hamburgers.


They brought him back to a room and he was calmer this time, and laid down and was resting quietly, but he still didn't want to eat.


They have been syringe feeding him throughout the day, and he doesn't mind that at all. So at least he's getting some food into him.


He acted alert when I was there, and not in any pain.


They will keep him tonight and keep the IV fluids going for the kidneys, and maybe later he will eat.


We'll see how he is tomorrow.


He is getting good care there, and once the dark colored urine issue is resolved, and that will hopefully be in a day or so, then he should be able to come home.


In the meantime, as discouraging as it is to have this delay, he is where he needs to be.

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How disappointing for you (and of course for Taylor) that he's not quite ready to come home. How did Face act with him and at the vet's? Did she score the spurned hamburger? :)


Keeping all paws crossed here for your boy.


Ellen, with brindle Milo and the blonde ballerina, Gelsey

remembering Eve, Baz, Scout, Romie, Nutmeg, and Jeter

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How disappointing for you (and of course for Taylor) that he's not quite ready to come home. How did Face act with him and at the vet's? Did she score the spurned hamburger? :)


Keeping all paws crossed here for your boy.

Face sniffed his boo-boo, and then Face was rampaging around trying to get the food I was trying to get Taylor to eat.


I finally took Face out to the Tuscon, turned on the a/c, and locked it up with him listening to Fox News.

He loves going for rides, so it was no big deal for him to hang out there by himself.

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The doctor called at 9:00 AM.

Taylor is comfortable. Easily getting around. Sleeping well.

They gave him an appetite stimulant yesterday afternoon, and this morning the doctor was hand feeding Taylor some rotisserie chicken!!!

Yesterday, Taylor wouldn't touch any of the 3-4 different kinds of dog food I brought, 2 different baby foods, cooked or raw hamburger, or even a McDonald's hamburger I went and got.

Hopefully he'll be eating more today. They removed his pain patch around noon on Tuesday, and that medication reduces appetite. He's managing fine with oral pain medication.

They will do blood work today, and check his urine, and hopefully the dark color urine will be starting to clear up so he can get off of the heavy IV fluids.

A tentative check out appointment is Thursday at 11:30, and the doctor will give me an update late this afternoon.

Hoping he has a good day, and is eating more.

They offer different kinds of food throughout the day.

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Taylor's doctor called this evening.


He's eating all kinds of food offered him, in small amounts and he said that's normal.

His urine color is getting much better, too.


The next update from the doctor will be around 8:30 AM Thursday and if he continues to improve as far as the urine color is concerned, I will be able to pick him up at 11:30.


If he needs another day of IV fluids, then I should be able to get him Friday.


I cut up a rotisserie chicken this evening, in advance of Taylor coming home.

It looks like I stuck an M80 in it's ass and blew it up :unsure


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