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Coconut Oil For Dry Coat

Guest lilyray

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Guest lilyray

My Grey's both have very dry, dandruff, mega year round shedding. While I know it is probably their food-Taste of the Wild Pacific Stream, I didn't want to start the search for a new food again. We've been through many due to one boy's bowel/intestinal issues. Someone mentioned adding coconut oil to their food. Has anyone tried this?

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I've used it for years and it has worked very well. Make sure it is extra virgin coconut oil and start slowly and gradually build up the amount in order to prevent stomach upset and diarrhea. Some people start with a teaspoon per day and work their way up over about a month. Generally recommended amount is one tablespoon per 30 lbs. So a 60 lb. dog would get 2 tablespoons daily once they've build up their tolerance.


It's also good to use in place of toothpaste for brushing teeth. Unrefined (virgin) coconut oil has natural antibacterial properties.

Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

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"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Sweep (60 lbs) gets about a tablespoon of coconut oil daily as well as fish oil. She loves it and comes running when I say "coconut?" after our evening walk. However, while her coat is shiny, soft, and dandruff-free, she still sheds quite a bit. (I have heard that's more common for fawns, but don't know if there's any truth to that.)


We have gotten ours at Trader Joe's ($5.99 a jar—which is great—but you can get it on Amazon for a little more if you don't have a TJ's nearby) and the organic section of our Kroger.


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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Guest sireltonsmom

Something that is external that seems to work well is Alberto VO5. Put about an inch in a spray bottle, fill bottle with hot water, let sit. Spray and rub on them. The black dogs seem to really shine when this is done. I've seen it help dandruff and thick fur significantly.

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I found it in our local grocer store in the organic/health food section.



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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Guest DeniseL

I love coconut oil. I like to cook with it and also to put a little in my coffee in the morning. It really helped me to kick the sugar and cheese addiction that I had. My body was craving healthy fats....crazy.


As it happens, tonight I picked up the jug and dropped it on my counter. It went all over. Ugh. Took a while to clean up that mess. Miami licked some of it up, but I don't really give it to the hounds, so I didn't want him to get sick. Maybe I will start with a little in their food...

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A little off-topic, but ... you have liquid coconut oil?? We can only buy the solid white stuff here, and I have always read that coconut is solid at room temperature. :dunno

I use it for cooking and occasionally put some into the dogs' food for their coats, but wow, is it expensive. At a tablespoon per 30lb of dog, I'm not sure it's practical to use daily; that would mean I'd get through a couple of jars a week, never mind what I use for cooking.


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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Guest lilyray

I find a large 54oz tub at Costco for around $10. It is solid at room temp=<75degrees, so on hot days here it melt. It melts fast easy when in use. It is excellent on human skin as a moisturizer, great for cooking with ,and now I'll try on dogs food. Thanks fir everyone's input.

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Guest DeniseL

Yeah, in my cabinet in the warmer months its liquid. Put it in the fridge and its hardens up....

Very slippery liquid I will add

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Yeah, mine's been liquid on the shelf for the last week or so. It does harden back up in the fridge, but I noticed it has a slightly different consistency. I guess this is okay? I've been giving it to Polly and Lydia, but haven't noticed much difference in their coats. They are pretty soft, but still shedding like crazy. But it sure can't hurt. Think I'll try it on Calvin's pads too.


It was more expensive at our Giant Eagle supermarkets ($9.00)---I'll check out Trader Joe's.


And the Alberto VO tip sounds good.

Nancy, Mom to Evangelina and Kiva
Missing Lacey, Patsy, Buster, my heart dog Nick, Winnie, Pollyanna, Tess, my precious Lydia, Calvin Lee, my angel butterfly Laila, and kitties Lily, Sam and Simon
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Guest chickenpotpie

Just make sure that you buy unrefined coconut oil. with coconut oil, extra virgin is the same as virgin, thats marketing b.s. refined coconut oil doesn't have much of a smell, and its generally good for high temp frying/cooking. unrefined (virgin coconut oil) has a smell and taste, and, if you cook with it, use up to medium heat. Coconut oil does tend to melt at about 70-75F so it that bothers you, keep it in the fridge. Otherwise its fine as long as its stored away from direct sunlight, super high heat sources.


Along with coconut oil, you may also want to give fish oil, if your pup can handle it. I use Grizzly Salmon Oil as thats the one Lucky likes the best.

Edited by chickenpotpie
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Guest lilyray

Thank you everyone for replying to this topic. GREYAHOLIC, I have heard of Missing Link and have been thinking of trying it. I have contacted their company to see what the percent of beef product is in it. My dog seems to have a protein allergy and eats only alternative protein food. GREYPUP, thank you for the information on different kinds of coconut oil. I do have the solid kind, which someone told me to buy for roasting veggies in the oven, which is done at 450degrees. Needless to say the coconut oil burned, which I didn't understand why until now. Whichever item I choose, Missing Link or Coconut Oil, I will start very slowly. I hope something works. This poor boy also has skin allergies so I have to use special soap when bathing him. It has been trial and error with us to keep this retired boy comfortable. :flip

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Thank you everyone for replying to this topic. GREYAHOLIC, I have heard of Missing Link and have been thinking of trying it. I have contacted their company to see what the percent of beef product is in it. My dog seems to have a protein allergy and eats only alternative protein food. GREYPUP, thank you for the information on different kinds of coconut oil. I do have the solid kind, which someone told me to buy for roasting veggies in the oven, which is done at 450degrees. Needless to say the coconut oil burned, which I didn't understand why until now. Whichever item I choose, Missing Link or Coconut Oil, I will start very slowly. I hope something works. This poor boy also has skin allergies so I have to use special soap when bathing him. It has been trial and error with us to keep this retired boy comfortable. :flip


You could try the vegetarian Missing Link if your guy has known food sensitivities. I like that this formula includes a probiotic as well, so even though it doesn't really reduce shedding for Sweep, the other benefits are worth it to me.


Good luck!


Rachel with Doolin Doodle Dooooo, boss cat Tootie, and feline squatters Crumpet and Fezziwig.
Missing gentlemen kitties MudHenry, and Richard and our gorgeous, gutsy girlhounds
 Sweep and Willa:heart

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If the coconut oil doesn't work, you might try Missing Link. I swear by it. My dogs are smooth and sleek all year round with very minimal shedding.

Which formula of Missing Link would you suggest? I've been thinking of starting Frostie on it but can't decide which one to get.

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I've used it for years and it has worked very well. Make sure it is extra virgin coconut oil and start slowly and gradually build up the amount in order to prevent stomach upset and diarrhea. Some people start with a teaspoon per day and work their way up over about a month. Generally recommended amount is one tablespoon per 30 lbs. So a 60 lb. dog would get 2 tablespoons daily once they've build up their tolerance.


It's also good to use in place of toothpaste for brushing teeth. Unrefined (virgin) coconut oil has natural antibacterial properties.

I 2nd that! I buy it at Whole Foods Market in my area, any good market should carry it. Coconut oil is easily digested.
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Another vote here for coconut oil. I buy it from Tropical Traditions on line. They often have sales.

I save my empty yogurt cups (Oikos and Chobani as they are wide mouthed) put a tablespoon or so in the cup, refrigerate it until cold and firm, and give it to my greys. They love it, and it gives them something to do for a few minutes while they lick it out of the cup.


Of course, any cup would do. I am thinking it might work in a Kong too, but haven't tried that yet. :)

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Another vote here for coconut oil. I buy it from Tropical Traditions on line. They often have sales.

I save my empty yogurt cups (Oikos and Chobani as they are wide mouthed) put a tablespoon or so in the cup, refrigerate it until cold and firm, and give it to my greys. They love it, and it gives them something to do for a few minutes while they lick it out of the cup.


Of course, any cup would do. I am thinking it might work in a Kong too, but haven't tried that yet. :)

I second Tropical Traditions and buy it when it is 2 for 1 on sale.



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