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Supraspinatus Tendinopathy/insertionopathy

Guest mrs

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Hi everyone. I posted about Smitty (10 years old) limping on his right front leg in December. Of course I was worried about cancer. An x-ray by my regular vet didn't show cancer. He saw an orthopedist this week and had x-rays and an ultrasound. The doc didn't see evidence of cancer but he did see: "Bilateral chronic supraspinatus tendinopathy/insertionopathy (right side worse). There are also chronic fibrous changes noted at the point of origin bilaterally in the biceps. Chronic changes noted at the point of insertion of both teres minor." Smitty was also noted on the x-ray to have arthritis in the right shoulder.


Has anyone had any experience with this diagnosis? Stem cell therapy is pretty much out of the question due to cost. I believe it will run $4-5K. If you've had a dog with this problem, did you try rehabilitation alone with cold laser therapy? Did it help? From doing some reading, it doesn't seem like rehab alone is going to be useful, although if it can minimize some of the discomfort I'll willing to give it a go.


I have a message waiting for my regular vet to call me back with thoughts, but thought I'd check here to see if any greyhound people have dealt with this. Smitty is still a happy boy except for the limp. He wants to run around and play (which we are keeping him from doing...VERY HARD!!). He's eating and acts normally otherwise.


I've thought of contacting Dr. Cuoto, but I'm not sure he's going to tell me anything different from what the orthopedist said. I simply can't afford the stem cell therapy.


Thanks for any input.

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Laser therapy is reasonably inexpensive. Then there is the occasional follow up. Is he a candidate for anti inflamatories? Deramax has helped Paul a lot. He is like a new boy. Good luck with your dog and I hope some of the answers will be helpful to you.

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Anti-inflammatories don't help this problem. There is no inflammation. The vet told me they actually need to create an inflammation to aid in the healing process (or something like that). He's been on RImadyl while we were getting testing done but that hasn't really helped. But who knows, maybe Deramax will help. I'll ask about that too. Thanks.

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I live in MD. I think from the lack of activity on this thread this isn't a very common problem people have dealt with. While stem cell therapy is going to be out of my price range, I'm going to take Smitty to rehab for manual therapy and cold laser therapy for four weeks and see if it helps. I had considered going to a different rehab facility (not the specialist's group), but think I'll spend the extra money to have him seen by those who diagnosed him and probably have more expertise in treating it. I'll report back in a month or so on the results, so if anyone else searches for this problem, they'll have some info.

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Where in Maryland do you live and where are you receiving treatment?


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I'm between Baltimore and DC and have taken him to Veterinary Orthopedic Sports Medicine Group. They did x-rays and an ultrasound to diagnose the problem. They also have a rehabilitation facility there too.

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