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Face has had a little lump/bump on his ear for around 3 weeks.

He was at the vet 2 weeks ago and while there, I pointed it out to her.
She wasn't sure what it was and said to "watch it".
She thought it might have been a bug bite?
He does lay in the yard a little bit each day.
He doesn't seem to be really bothered with it, but he is a little sensitive when I touch it.
He is not scratching at it.
One day last week he was shaking his head for around a half an hour, but that was it.
It's a little less than 1/4" and the hair is missing and I can feel it as a bump.
It doesn't look inflamed. It isn't oozing.
Any ideas?
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Carl had several like that on both ears, on his snout and hock. Sometimes they would get crusty, they weren't particularly hard. My vet put him on 2 Thuja pellets (you can buy them in a health food store) every other day and they went away. I also switched him to raw as I suspected it may have something to do with kibble. It has never come back.

Sunsands Doodles: Doodles aka Claire, Bella Run Softly: Softy aka Bowie (the Diamond Dog)

Missing my beautiful boy Sunsands Carl 2.25.2003 - 4.1.2014

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I looked REAL close with a flashlight, and felt it.....maybe there is some fluid in there?

I think it will be back to the vet to get it checked out.

Good idea-I would have that aspirated. Hopefully, it's just a benign innocent bump/bug bite but, the only way to know is to have it aspirated. It could potentially be a mast cell tumor--those are easy to diagnose via an aspirate.
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