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First Trip To Petsmart

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Payton had his first trip to Petsmart today. He did great. He was so excited (other than the car ride, which he hates). He really loves squeaky toys so he went crazy on the toy isle.


He seemed really "interested" in the guinea pigs, although he may have just thought they were squeaky toys that moved around on their own.

Edited by Acadianarose


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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Guest Waterdog66

We call our trips to Petco "Breakfast at Tiffany's" because Audrey always gets to "Window Shop" but also loves to Pander to the staff for attention. (They Love Audrey)


She walks in the door now and its like when Norm walks into the Bar on Cheers. (AUDREY!!!!!!)

Petco and Petsmart have such an awesome corporate culture in that the folks that work there just love animals. All of the staff I have met have always been very caring folks.

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I used to have a foster with joint issues. He was very playful, but wasn't allowed to run or have much excersize due to his joints. Sometimes after vet visits or even just for fun I'd take him to Petco to watch the birds. He could watch them for hours!! It was easy on his joints, but got his mind going. He loved it.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest maidmarcia

Does anyone else have a greyhound that is terrified of the bright slippery shiny floor at Petsmart? Licorice will walks as far as the door mat and then balk and refuse to go further.


In smaller stores like Pet Valu and Global Pet Foods he's okay...Petsmart is a huge no go though.

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Magic was more interested in the ferrets than guinea pigs. He even got a chance to sniff one being held by a member of a ferret rescue group. He's got minimal prey drive and doesn't play with stuffies much so I was OK with it.


We have a pet store in the area with 5 branches and the one we go to treats Magic like a king. He'll go to each register for a treat.

Carol, missing Magic (1/5/01 - 4/15/15) but welcoming Fuzzy's Joy Behar (Joy) into my life on 5/31/15.

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Rudy loves going into those places. His favorite is meeting people and having people oooo and ahhh over him. He was super fascinated in the glass budgie enclosure and was on big-time alert watching those birds flit around!

Does anyone else have a greyhound that is terrified of the bright slippery shiny floor at Petsmart? Licorice will walks as far as the door mat and then balk and refuse to go further.


In smaller stores like Pet Valu and Global Pet Foods he's okay...Petsmart is a huge no go though.


Hmm, I wonder if those Pawz disposable boots would help him in a situation like that? It might look a bit silly but if he went in and walked around a few times without slipping maybe it would work his courage up.

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At our Petsmart, the Gunea pig cages are right by the front door! Sometimes, it takes a while to get into the rest of the store.


Try Paw Wax or Musher's Secret on his pads right before you walk in - and use LOTS of really yummy treats. You can ask the staff to help you too. Though one of my girls really doesn't like Petsmart or other big box stores - they are too loud and echo-y for her.

Chris - Mom to: Felicity (DeLand), and Andi (Braska Pandora)

52592535884_69debcd9b4.jpgsiggy by Chris Harper, on Flickr

Angels: Libby (Everlast), Dorie (Dog Gone Holly), Dude (TNJ VooDoo), Copper (Kid's Copper), Cash (GSI Payncash), Toni (LPH Cry Baby), Whiskey (KT's Phys Ed), Atom, Lilly

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Guest morgannicole

Does anyone else have a greyhound that is terrified of the bright slippery shiny floor at Petsmart? Licorice will walks as far as the door mat and then balk and refuse to go further.


In smaller stores like Pet Valu and Global Pet Foods he's okay...Petsmart is a huge no go though.


Our boy Spitfire was TERRIFIED of the shiny Petsmart floors! We find he does better if he has one of his siblings with him to show him that it's "safe to proceed".

There was one time we were going to be doing a meet and greet at Petsmart for our greyhound adoption group. Spitfire was terrified, we literally were on our hands and knees guiding him paw, by paw until he got comfortable. It probably took about an hour. But now he is fine and he goes all the time!! :) He's such a smart and brave boy!

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Does anyone else have a greyhound that is terrified of the bright slippery shiny floor at Petsmart? Licorice will walks as far as the door mat and then balk and refuse to go further.


In smaller stores like Pet Valu and Global Pet Foods he's okay...Petsmart is a huge no go though.

Yes, Aiden was also terrified his first time at Petco. I walked in as I had with all of my previous campers, picked up a basket, and started to walk away. But someone wasn't following: Aiden was standing on the very ends of his toes on all four feet, think Bambi on Ice :lol I had treats with me, and the very sweet dog trainer on staff came by with more treats, and in a few moments Aiden had walked all the way around the store. Then again, and before we left he had done four laps. Now he LOVES going to Petco (somewhere on here is the video I posted of him shopping inappropriately) :) Just take your time, use treats, and remember to look up and in the direction you want to go.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest maidmarcia

Thanks for the advice! He definitely turns into Bambi on ice. It's kinda hilarious to watch. I also have to get him some booties for the winter weather, so I could probably but them to that use as well!

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I haven't brought Dane to the local Pet Club since they now have a little trough of adorable, fluffy, tiny, bite-sized chicks :hehe They're so cute to look at though! But I'm pretty sure Dane would just shove his nose in there and scoop one up, if he felt like it. (We are very interested in birdies XD)

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Does anyone else have a greyhound that is terrified of the bright slippery shiny floor at Petsmart? Licorice will walks as far as the door mat and then balk and refuse to go further.


In smaller stores like Pet Valu and Global Pet Foods he's okay...Petsmart is a huge no go though.


Our Bridge boy Marco would only walk on the red line at Petco. If he was walking past the treat bar and someone was picking out treats and was in his way, he would give a HUGE sigh, as if to say, get OUT of my way! and stand there till they moved!!



Aljo Atomic Kogo and DC Man of Steal

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Every time I go to Petsmart or PetCo with Niles in tow, the people working there just see $$$$. I am such a sucker, because Niles goes shopping and 'picks out' what he wants to take home. We usually just end up with a bunch of rawhide/bone type products, but there is usually at least one squishy toy as well.


One time he picked out a bag of cat treats, which I brought home for his brothers and sisters. I thought that was very generous of him! :bgeorge

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Good for Payton! How fun! Of course the guinea pigs were interesting! As long as he didn't try to rip your arm off and/or smash though the cages - no worries! I've seen Yorkies go bonkers in Petsmark over those squeaky stuffies in a tank!


And - if he remembers that you're taking him to cool places like THAT - maybe his car issues will subside? Maybe.


My Sobe HATED Petsmart. The floors - the stuff - the people - the noise - the confusion. And he REALLY wanted to eat the guinea pigs. And the birds. And the ferrets. And the hamsters, etc. We never took him back.


My Diana - treats it like a kid at a Carnival. No matter how closely I watch her, she's always picking up something. And she LOVES the people - and the stuff - the noise - all the animals - and everything! Day and night, those two.

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Every time I go to Petsmart or PetCo with Niles in tow, the people working there just see $$$$. I am such a sucker, because Niles goes shopping and 'picks out' what he wants to take home. We usually just end up with a bunch of rawhide/bone type products, but there is usually at least one squishy toy as well.


One time he picked out a bag of cat treats, which I brought home for his brothers and sisters. I thought that was very generous of him! :bgeorge

LOL - my Diana thinks she's got a gold card attached to her collar. She's always picking stuff up. I put it back, she grabs something else.


Of course, this is the dog that tried to shoplift a 3 foot stuffie frog from a vendor at a group picnic. Twice. :shakefinger I'm the one that caught her and returned it. Twice.


(Yes..... I finally bought the dang thing.)

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