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Vomiting After Eating

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Guest shadow

I am transitioning him from Taste of the Wild (Venison) to Acana Ranchlands. I used to put a little water in his TOTW, and he always took it fine. When I introduced the Acana, I did the first few days at 75% TOTW and 25% Acana. All was well, so I increased to 50% of each. This was also fine with him. I decided to go 75% Acana and 25% TOTW after one week. He regurgitated a little of his breakfast up, so I figured the cause may be the water I'm adding. Stopped adding water and it seemed to help things for a couple of days. I should note, most of what comes up his whole kibble, which he eats as soon as it hits the floor again .


Today I fed him his dinner (75% Acana) and he threw up clear bile. Should I go back to 50/50? He does eat extremely fast too, so I wonder if he is regurgitating?

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Monty bolts his food and ends up coughing (not regurgitating, thank goodness) some of it up unless we slow him down by giving him either smaller sub-meals (spread kibble on the bottom of his dish, he eats them, then he gets more spread on the dish, repeated). Many have had luck with either using bundt pans or cake pans as dishes or putting large balls (large enough to be unable to swallow) or other "hinderances" in the way of gulping-hounds.


When you say "he threw up clear bile" - did you mean that immediately after he ate he retched and only a watery substance came out? Had he gulped water immediately after eating, and maybe that was what came up (Monty does this a lot)? Or was it a while after eating, and maybe it was still water that he'd more recently drunk?

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