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It's That Time Of Year Again...(Tick Preventative For Hikers)

Guest kkaiser104

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Guest kkaiser104

Teddi and I hike 3-4 times (minimum) a week and now that the weather is getting warmer, I'm finding ticks on him. I found 1 today and 1 last week, and I got them both before they bit down, but I'm pretty nervous about TBD. I live in Southern Ohio, so we're in hiking in very dense, thick, humid, areas (along a lake). Right now I'm using Frontline Plus but I feel like that isn't enough. What do the other hikers on the board use?

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I just pulled a really large one off Rainy today. :-( she was frontlined last week. I wonder if there is some sort of topical spray we could use before hiking... This is the first tick in about 3 years that I can remember. First one ever actually latched on!




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Guest Plygreygirl

Frontline stopped working for us like 5 or more years ago. We use k9 advantix here in southern Ma. The ticks are really bad here!

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Several people here have mentioned an Adams product (a spray or topical) that works well. I think they also make a tick collar that is pretty good. Might want to do some research on those products to see if anything they offer would help.


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Guest kkaiser104

I've been very happy with the preventic collar. I've been using it a couple years and haven't found any ticks. And we live and hike in tick heaven.


My only fear is that I don't want anything to make me ill (I'm really sensitive to insecticides/everything). Is this something you can put on and take off when you're hiking, or are you supposed to leave it on full time? Sorry if it's a stupid question!

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My only fear is that I don't want anything to make me ill (I'm really sensitive to insecticides/everything). Is this something you can put on and take off when you're hiking, or are you supposed to leave it on full time? Sorry if it's a stupid question!


You have to leave it on.

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I think the only chemical repellant for ticks is deet. There are some natural sprays (lemongrass, cinnamon, etc.) that claim to repel, but I'm not sure how effective they are. Pet Naturals makes one. I have also known people to use OFF! Deep Woods on their dogs while hiking, which contains deet. You soak a cotton ball in it, then apply a light coating to their face and ears. Deet is kind of a controversial ingredient though, and I've never used it personally because one of my guys is epileptic. I think your best bet is to probably switch from Frontline to K9 Advantix in the summer months.

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I think I'm going to switch to Advantix too. I've been doing Frontline because at the shelter where I work, they will do an application for $5! But last week, my vet suggested Advantix, or at least alternating. She gave me a price of $81 for 8 applications---if you buy 6, you get 2 free. I think that's pretty good for someone with 4 dogs.

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Guest Bean_Scotch

I have a horrid problem with ticks...I use Certifect made my Merial(Same one that makes Frontline) and it's worked 100% better than frontline and I haven't seen a tick since I started using it!

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I have no idea as to how this works as we don't have many ticks here, but I have read on hiking boards people making up their own oil/alcohol mixtures to repell ticks. The oil that is most mentioned is rose geranium. Apparently they run away from it (again, this is what I have read, I haven't tried it myself). People mix it with an alchol (like rubbing alchohol) or an oil (like olive oil) and spray it on themselves. I am sure if you google it you will find info :)


Obviously these mixtures aren't going to kill or get rid of fleas like commercial insecticides, but if you can't do that for your health, it may be worth a try to at least reduce the number of ticks.

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Guest sirsmom

Has anyone had good experience with topical sprays? That's kind of what I'm thinking would be most effective.


I use adams spray before hiking. i just soak a paper towel with the spray and rub all lover the dogs (they hate to be sprayed direct) it seems to work pretty well,but does smell.

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