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Sleep In Same Room As Dogs?

Guest Celestrina

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Our dogs are allowed to sleep in our room. The lab always has. Payton prefers to sleep in the living room - either on his pillow in front of the fireplace or in his crate with the door open.


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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My 2 mixed breed girls sleep with me. Rudy has never shown interest in my bed and I have not encouraged him up there as he has sleep startle and doesn't do well with being touched when he's asleep. He's welcome in the room though and has a dog bed in there. Usually he starts out in my office on the sofa and then moves into my room sometime very early in the morning before dawn.

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Lyric sleeps in her own bed next to mine in the bedroom. She will occasionally move to her second bed in the living room during the course of the night.

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Guest BlingDogs

Dory comes upstairs sometime between 12-3 AM. Sometimes I'll heard her gallop up the stairs, pad closer to my door, then poke it open, where she will promptly curl and and sleep until morning. Before that, she's taking her "pre-sleep nap" in front of the fireplace.

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Teague has no idea how to get up on the bed...I don't even think the thought has ever crossed his mind. He has learned to lie on the couch, so he sleeps downstairs on that, or he ambles upstairs to where he has 2 beds on the floor in my bedroom. Karma sleeps all over...my bed, the closet, laundry hamper, under the bed, guest room, dog bed, hallway. :)

Edited by RedHead
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Same room? Same bed..

Same bed? Same pillow..

Same pillow?






I end up on the couch. :sad1





I'm currently sleeping on the couch downstairs while Aston's recouping strength to go upstairs. When he goes up, I go, and he has a bed near our bed. Aston would TOTALLY sleep in our bed if it were up to him, but my husband and I share a Full :lol .

If Aston doesn't feel up to going upstairs on his own (and my husband isn't around to carry him up), he and I have a slumber party downstairs, and he sleeps MUCH more soundly than if I fall asleep upstairs while he's down by himself. (otherwise, he paces audibly and eventually barks from down there, wondering why we're up there without him :( )



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Foster Mouse sleeps in her crate in the living area which is pretty close to my room. If she didn't I suspect she would do mad zoomies in the middle of the night if the idea took her fancy.

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Our dogs are allowed to sleep in our room. The lab always has. Payton prefers to sleep in the living room - either on his pillow in front of the fireplace or in his crate with the door open.


Correction - I have a comfortable chair in my room that opens up into a bed (my DD loves to sleep on it). I opened it up for Payton and he laid down on it and slept all night. So I guess he will sleep in my room if he has a really comfortable bed to sleep on. :nappy

Edited by Acadianarose


Payton, The Greyhound (Palm City Pelton) and Toby, The Lab
Annabella and Julietta, The Cats
At the Bridge - Abby, The GSD

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Guest laura150

When Ernie first came home, he would sleep on his bed in our bedroom every night. Now he prefers his throne in the living room, I think the blankets are more comfy. Once in a while, he'll saunter in at 3am (probably to make sure his feeder lady is still in the house!!) and nap for awhile on his bed.

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Guest Celestrina

She has finally accepted the fact that once she is up there, she is up there to stay. Sometimes I still have to attach a leash to get her up, but once she stands up there's no problem.

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Guest goofydog

I made the mistake on his first night home with me by closing him in the room with me (crate hadn't arrived yet). To this day he can't be closed in a room without trying to deconstruct the door and door frame. If alone in a hotel I will muzzle him after having to pay a repair bill for drywall :pirate


That being said, he will follow me from room to room and nap/sleep on his beds. At night he will come upstairs and nudge my door open to do bed check then either sleep on the landing or rotate between upstairs and down.

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