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Sleep In Same Room As Dogs?

Guest Celestrina

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I'm another one who most often sleeps in another room from DH....he snores and talks and tosses and turns....

Nixon & NIgel sleep on dog beds wherever I am.


Occasionally Nixon will sleep on the foot of my single bed. He's very good and doesn't take up much space at all!


We do have a couple of extra twin sized beds (Grandkids) and Nigel sometimes spends the night on one of them.


Ruby stays downstairs a lot....she loves her Daddyman, and is usually on a dog bed wherever he is.

Sometimes she'll stay downstairs all night, even if we're upstairs.

And this was a girl who came to us with severe separation anxiety!!


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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  • 2 weeks later...

I firmly believe in letting dogs sleep in the same room as their humans. My Sobe slept in our bedroom every night on a dogbed- and after we got him (mostly) over his sleep/space aggression - he slept in our bed every night.


Our Diana has always been allowed in our bedroom - dogbed to start with then DH let her in our bed as a FOSTER - which is not allowed - well - we adopted her so it's OK.


All fosters have always been in our room at night. Some of them got a crate in there for a few nights, open door or closed, some not. Depends on the dog. Sometimes I've spent the first night with a new foster lying on the floor beside the crate. But always in our bedroom. I'd NEVER leave a new dog alone at night.


Sobe ALWAYS slept with me. When my back hurt and I slept in the livingroom in the recliner, he slept right beside me. When my back was BAD and I slept on the floor - he slept beside me. For a while we had Sobe, Diana, DH and I in a queen bed. It worked.


Diana - is a different story. She's not tied to me like Sobe was. She'll sleep in DD's room sometimes. DD usually doesn't know this. She sneaks in when DH and I are still awake, DD is asleep - and she wants to go to bed. She get up on DD's bed and sleeps most of the night there without DD knowing.


When we had 3 dogs in the house (Sobe, Diana, and a foster) - Diana would often go sleep in the livingroom (on the couch) or in DD's room (on her bed). Just for the space, I think.


Now - when I stay up late, she sleeps on the couch, but about 5 minutes after I go to bed - even SILENTLY - she wakes up and comes into bed.


Bottom line - dogs should be allowed to sleep near their humans. When they choose not to - that's ok too.

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A few years ago - our Sobe slept at the foot of our bed. DH got up at 3am for work. As soon as DH got up - Sobe got up, and got up in DH's spot and put his head on my shoulder and we slept until I got up for work at 6 am. We did this 6 days per week.


On DH's one day off - if he was dumb enough to get up to go to the bathroom early in the morning, and try to get back into bed - it was NOT FUN. Sobe was in his SPOT. Sometimes DH made him move -he would - but it was a long drawn-out affair that woke me up and was a pain - sometimes he just said "the hell with it" and grabbed a blanket and slept on the couch for a couple hours. You really shouldn't mess with momma and Sobe early morning cuddle time. Lord I miss that cantakeras dog.

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Guest jonesyvoor

After three nights of crating her downstairs, Jersey emphatically informed me that she'd rather sleep with her new daddy so she's shared my room and bed every night since. She's a relative calm sleeper other than the handful of times she'll get up and do her little circle and lie back down in more comfy position.


For the first few months, she'd lay wherever I'd be until i went to bed which was usually around 11:30. Now when she's tired (around 9pm) she'll just go to bed on her own and get a head start on sleeping without me.

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Our three are allowed to choose where they want to sleep...either downstairs (living room) or upstairs (master bedroom).


Many times we'll wake up in the morning and find some upstairs, some downstairs. There's not a usual pattern or arrangement.


There are three dog beds in our bedroom and they are only allowed to sleep in our bed for a bit in the morning. The boys will cuddle with us, Grace prefers her own space.

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Eli sleeps in his crate in the family room, but I'm thinking about bringing him into my room. Still trying to work out the logistics (where to put the bed, what would happen if he keeps me up all night, etc). Maybe eventually. I'd love to have him in my room with me - it'd be nice, methinks!

Mom of bridge babies Regis and Dusty.

Wrote a book about shelter dogs!

I sell things on Etsy!

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Yes, our "master" bedroom is really the "family" bedroom. Dogs in their own beds, and the cat in our bed between us.

Same here. After the last turnout, we tell our pack "go to bed" and they all run upstairs to our room.

Edited by winnie

Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
Bonny Drive), Darcy (D's Zipperfoot)



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Guest BlingDogs

About 12:00am every night I'll hear Dory thunder up the stairs... Pad to my room... *Bonk* the door open with her schnoz, rearrange her blankies as she likes them (in a ball to rest her head, LOL), and settle beside my bed :wub:

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Guest FreeholdHound

Harry promptly leaves us & his bed in the den at 930 and either goes to sleep in his crate or his bed in the living room (evidently we keep him up too late). We all sleep upstairs. When I sleep on the couch occasionally he keeps me awake refluffing his bed, snoring, dream barking, snorting & licking all night.

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Guest tractoen

Gus the greyhound sleeps in our bedroom on his pillow on the floor. Our mini schnauzer, Tolee sleeps tucked in between my husband and me in the bed. We'll soon be adding another, Gable Lillian to our family and have already cleared a space for her on the floor on the other side of the bed. It's a small room, but we all fit.

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Guest snoopycomehome

Dragon likes dh's closet, but in the summer will sleep downstairs where it is cooler. Gypsy bumped him off our bed when she moved in. She spoons so well...keeps my feet and legs warm and cozy without moving or waking me. Now that it is colder, Dragon goes out to pee and then stands at the edge of the bed between 1:30 and 4:30a.m. whining til we scoot over and let him up between dh and I. But he kicks us and stretches a lot. So some nights I have been tucking him in bed in the closet and putting a comforter on him when he wakes me.


Last night, dh and I NEEDED sleep...so for the first time ever we put them in the loft outside our bedroom and shut the door. Gypsy proceeded to whine much of the night, and then they OPENED our door. Not sure which one did that! :ph34r But they were proud of themselves! :lol


So tonite we will go back to our usual routine...but try to scoot Gypsy up between us and put Dragon by our feet. It gets really fun when the cat gets up there, too!

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Guest Celestrina

She is allowed, and encouraged, to sleep upstairs. I found out why she's been sleeping downstairs. Apparently the sofa is more comfy than her bed. She isn't allowed on the sofa and she KNOWS it. She digs her bedding and has ripped one of the other sofas.

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I have the master suite and DH has the next largest bedroom. Like others here, I can't sleep with the horrendous snoring! I'm also a night owl and he is not. We both get much better sleep with this arrangement! And Summer, like her predecessor dogs, sleeps on my queen bed with me. I wouldn't want it any other way. Two of the four pillows are hers and I have an electric blanket on the bed with separate controls as we both like different temperatures.


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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Our girls sleep in our bedroom on their own dog beds. They have never gotten up to roam the house during the night, they are really good about that. They are both quiet all night, although I sometimes have to get up to cover them up when they are cold. Kind of like having a baby! I think it really depends on your dog's personality and sleep habits.



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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She is allowed, and encouraged, to sleep upstairs. I found out why she's been sleeping downstairs. Apparently the sofa is more comfy than her bed. She isn't allowed on the sofa and she KNOWS it. She digs her bedding and has ripped one of the other sofas.


While I sympathise, this made me laugh out loud!

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  • 9 months later...
Guest chickenpotpie

Lucky has beds all over the house so, she can sleep pretty much anywhere. However, she tends to want to be in the same room that we're in. If dad snores and I have to get up and leave to save my sanity, she does too. (not that I blame her a bit!)

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Yes, our "master" bedroom is really the "family" bedroom. Dogs in their own beds, and the cat in our bed between us.


Ditto. Our dogs spend most of their time in our bedroom. They sleep in there when we're at work and at night with us. They only hang out in the family room in the evenings when we're home.

Yes, we do...plus I have 2 leashes hanging up on the back of the door just in case there's an emergency and we need to get Ben and Brooke out of the house safely.


Good idea Jan!

Laura with Celeste (ICU Celeste) and Galgos Beatrix and Encarna
The Horse - Gracie (MD Grace E)
Bridge Angels Faye Oops (Santa Fe Oops), Bonny (
Bonny Drive), Darcy (D's Zipperfoot)



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Guest Clawsandpaws

Same room? Same bed..

Same bed? Same pillow..

Same pillow?






I end up on the couch. :sad1

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We just recently purchased a king-sized bed so that both girls would fit in bed with us. :rolleyes: Penny has long slept in the bed, usually across someone's legs. Treasure used to sleep in a dog bed in the bedroom, but now sleeps between us, with her head on her own pillow (although much of the time her head is on one of us!). She likes to be under the covers, too. Penny might get a little growly if bumped in the night, but Treasure never does. Unfortunately, she also can be difficult to move if she's taking up too much real estate! We call this "civil disobedience hound." There are still two dog beds and a couch in the bedroom, and if someone gets too warm they might move, but not often. The girls spend most of their time asleep on the bed when we're gone.

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Guest Greysonsmom

Ours both sleep on beds next to ours. Life will be perfect as soon as Jazzy, who we have had for just over 1 week learns the stairs. It's a good thing she is petite, as my hubby carries her up and down. :lol

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