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Jack went to the vet opthamologist this week to re check his blind eye. Unfortunately we did not get the news we were hoping for. Jack's eye pressures are creeping up. Talked with vet about options to treat glaucoma in such a young dog. I would love to hear from anyone whose dog suffered from glaucoma and what they did. Thanks again.

Linda, Keeva and Jack

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Guest KennelMom

Hanna has glaucoma in both eyes...has had it for years. She's also totally blind from Progressive Retinal Atrophy. We discussed treatment options with a couple vets and if the glaucoma were to start causing her discomfort we would just remove the eye. It sounds barbaric, but treatment is aimed at preserving sight, which she doesn't have. Though her bigger problem now is cardiomyopathy :(

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We have treated Ziggy's eye since about 6 months after we adopted him. He was treated for many eye problems but they finally said it was glaucoma. We tried treating that with drops. We tried several different kinds of drops but none of them worked for long. Our vet sent us to OSU and he saw a specialist there. They gave us some drops to get us through to make the decision to have his eye taken out. Our choices were to do it at OSU which was very expensive or at our local vet which was about half the cost, or we could do nothing. He had his eye taken out in May of this year. It was very scary for him at first. I found that if my hand touched the side of his face before I put on his collar for his walkies that he was not so scared. The good part is that he is not as grouchy as he was before. They told us that it was like he had a migraine every day. HE IS A MUCH HAPPIER PUP NOW! I am glad we did it.


Good luck! I hope that they can find some drops that will help your pup. If not though, losing the eye is okay. You can pm me if you need to. It was a hard decision to make.

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Talked to the specialist, for Jack he feels there are three options: 1. medication, he feels that in such a young dog who has many years ahead of him, medication may not be the best choice. I guess medication only works so long and Jack cannot see out of the eye anyway. 2. Ablation of the cilliary body which has an 80% success rate but there could be other complications from what I have read or 3. remove the eye. At this point I am leaning toward taking the eye out, he cannot see out of it anyway and drops seems to just be a stop gap. Jack is getting neutered next week, I want to get that out of the way first, will continue to do research before I make a decision. Thanks for the input.

Linda, Keeva and Jack

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We have not had a Grey with Glaucoma but our Dalmatian did. We opted for laser treatment for both eyes, especially the remaining good one in hopes of keeping her vision but this did not work in the long-term. If we were faced with this decision again, we would remove the eye.


Good thoughts for Jack.

Kyle with Stewie ('Super C Ledoux, Super C Sampson x Sing It Blondie) and forever missing my three angels, Jack ('Roy Jack', Greys Flambeau x Miss Cobblepot) and Charlie ('CTR Midas Touch', Leo's Midas x Hallo Argentina) and Shelby ('Shari's Hooty', Flying Viper x Shari Carusi) running free across the bridge.

Gus an coinnich sinn a'rithist my boys and little girl.

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I had a Dane with glacoma. Removed the eye and she was fine. The one thing I did that I will never do again is have a prothesis put in.


If I had one with glacoma, I wouldn't hesitate to remove the eye to stop the pain and remove the potential side effects of the drops.

Diane & The Senior Gang

Burpdog Biscuits

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The specialist talked about a "breast implant" for Jack. As I remember I think they take breast tissue and make an implant for the eye before they stitch it shut to keep the socket from getting the "sunken look". Diane, why would you not have a prosthesis again? I am not considering a prosthetic eye but would be interested in your experience. Thanks

Linda, Keeva and Jack

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