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Teagan Getting A Dental Tomorrow

Guest LindsaySF

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Guest LindsaySF

Hi everyone,


After my experience with Sophie's post-op bruising in April (thread here), I'm hesitant to do any surgery without Amicar on-hand. At the beginning of this month I had Rogan's toe amp surgery done at my regular vet, and they didn't think Amicar was necessary, but then they cut off the wrong toe, so we won't go there... :rolleyes: (Yes I dumped that vet immediately).


Teagan is getting a dental tomorrow (at the vet that treated/treats Sophie, Andy, Chase, and other fosters). I trust her and she's been great. I told her I wanted Amicar, just in case, as Teagan is having several extractions. She called in the prescription and I'm picking it up tonight. She wasn't available until today. Teagan has never had any excessive bleeding before, but then neither had Sophie.


Now for my question.... Should we begin the Amicar right after the surgery? Or tonight or tomorrow morning before the surgery? My vet said she wasn't sure about the recommendation for dentals, and asked what I'd read on my Greyhound sites. God I love her. :lol We started antibiotics last night.


I did a search and I read about both methods being suggested. Some people start it before-hand, some wait until after. I figure it can't hurt to start it now, but I only have 5 days worth, so I don't know how many days post-surgery he might need it. Thoughts?


And please think good thoughts for my boy. :hope He turns 8 next week, and I'm just nervous in general after my Sophie and Rogan experiences. Thanks.





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Guest greytkidsmom

Don't know about the amicar but Teagan's brother sends him scritches. Let me know if he does have any trouble - Lucas is due a dental soon but we are going to wait until after his birthday.

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Guest LindsaySF

I'm tired (no sleep last night, thanks Sophs), so I want to clarify... Begin the Amicar when I bring him back home tomorrow night, after the surgery?


Does anyone have a link to some OSU info I can print out for my vet? I Googled and found some past newsletters, but couldn't find anything related to dentals, just leg amputations.


Thanks so much! :)

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Very best wishes for Reagan today. I hope this is an incredibly non-eventful procedure for you all.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest LindsaySF

Thanks guys. My vet appreciated the info!


Teagan came through fine. Phew! :) He stayed overnight and I picked him up tonight. He's still pretty dopey, maybe from the Tramadol. He was excited to leave the vet's office but didn't seem to recognize me. He's doing a lot of sleeping but I was able to get him to eat some canned food soup.


He lost most of his incisors, his top molars, and one pre-molar. I brush and scale and he chews bones but it wasn't enough. :( There is gum erosion on one canine but it's firmly in there so they cleaned it well and left it. His mouth is still a little bloody, but about what I'd expect. I feel better doing the Amicar though, just in case.


Thanks for all the info!






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