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Pacing For Hours (But Not Bloat)...?

Guest BrindleBoy

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Guest BrindleBoy

Last night (and this is about the 3rd time he's done it), Indy was fine. Absolutely fine all day, fed him dinner (nothing different), which included his Interceptor (which he's been on a year, no problems), and we laid down for bed on the early side (8:30) because we were tired. He came in and laid down too. At about 10pm, I got up to brush my teeth, turn the lights off, etc... and Indy was UP. Not just awake, but pacing. He didn't want to lie in his bed, or on his human bed, or on his couch... he was just pacing around... even if he did lie down, it was only for a few minutes, and he'd get back up and start pacing.


I knew it wasn't bloat, because he had eaten hours before (like at 6pm), and hadn't done anything strenuous... he hadn't even walked after dinner because we fell asleep. I thought maybe he had to pee, so I offered to walk him, but he didn't seem interested. Another hour of this behaviour, and I did get him to walk... he went outside, and emptied his bladder in one spot (which he only does in winter). I thought that must've been the problem (he has been going out at 8:30pm or so, and if he'll go, again at about 10pm, then holds it until morning.)


We go back in the house, and the same: pacing, won't lie down, so my wife has to get up at 4:45am so she closes the bedroom door to try to get to sleep. I go out onto the big couch to sleep with Indy (he sleeps on love seat.) More pacing, I gave him a bunch of pets, felt his stomach to make sure it wasn't tight,... it was almost like he was freaked out by something.


He eventually lied down (after a couple hours of this behaviour), and slept the whole night no problem.


-we gave him a hot dog with his dinner, because that's how we get him to eat the interceptor. This is normal for him.


-it had been raining/thunder for a couple hours, but thunder has never freaked him before... nor do fireworks (not when he's inside anyway).


-the only thing that was "different" was we did give him a doggie ice cream... sweet potato & molasses, after dinner. It was the 2nd or 3rd time he has eaten it, and I haven't paid attention before to watch his behaviour. He has eaten the PB and honey flavor of this same ice cream (same brand) in the past, with no ill effects.


He was fine the rest of the night, and he was fine today, I'm just looking for any insight/suggestions, because if it's something I can avoid, I most certainly will.

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It definitely sounds like something freaked him out. My guess would be the storms. My late girl Dusty was terrified of storms, but was just fine with thunder, lightning, and fireworks. It was something about the feeling in the air, I think. Storms didn't even have to be close for her - they could be in a neighboring county and she'd start to panic. We used to call her our "early storm warning system".


Were there storms the other nights he did this?

Mom of bridge babies Regis and Dusty.

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Maybe a stomach ache given that had both a hot dog and ice cream in addition to his regular meal? Just a thought.


Is the hot dog necessary? I can just give Rocket the interceptor and he swallows it with nothing added.


If he needs the hot dog to take the pill, maybe cut 1/4 cup or so out of his dinner kibble and avoid the ice cream on Interceptor day.


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Guest BrindleBoy


Were there storms the other nights he did this?


Don't remember, but I will be paying attention from now on.


Maybe a stomach ache given that had both a hot dog and ice cream in addition to his regular meal? Just a thought.


Is the hot dog necessary? I can just give Rocket the interceptor and he swallows it with nothing added.


If he needs the hot dog to take the pill, maybe cut 1/4 cup or so out of his dinner kibble and avoid the ice cream on Interceptor day.


The hot dog and ice cream isn't "in addition to"... when I give him things other than kibble, I work it into his daily feeding amount. And I give him meat all the time- it's not "necessary", I give him meat because imo it's supposed to be part of his diet. (that's a whole other debate tho). He never has -any- problems with meat, so long as it hasnt been seasoned. He does have a slightly sensitive stomach. No spices for indy.

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Bloat doesn't have to happen immediately after eating - it could be a few hours.


It does sound like your pup may have had gas issues - maybe from the hot dog and the doggie ice cream combined.


Not settling down, stretching, panting (salivating) are all symptoms of what could be gas which could turn into bloat. Check with your vet and see what they would like you to do if this happens again.

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Guest BrindleBoy

I forgot: none of this resulted in any "tummy" issues either... no vomit, no diarrhea the next day. Everything normal.


But yeah- maybe not hot dog AND ice cream in the same day ( even tho it was "doggie" sweet potato ice cream).

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

You gave interceptor, did you do any topical flea med? My boy HATES the first of the month when we have to put the frontline on, he will pace, pant and generally be very uncomfortable for a few hours.

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Guest BrindleBoy

You gave interceptor, did you do any topical flea med? My boy HATES the first of the month when we have to put the frontline on, he will pace, pant and generally be very uncomfortable for a few hours.


No. Quit doing those together almost immediately. He gets them every month, but alternating 2 weeks apart.


Maybe it's "in my head", but I notice hyperactivity for a couple days after Frontline. I HATE using that stuff. I don't care what the company's "science" says. I trust drug companies about as much as I trust politicians.

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How old is he?


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Guest BrindleBoy

Just turned 4 in June, has been with us just over a year. (we are his only adopters)


And he's an only dog, with some light SA issues, if that matters (I started using D.A.P. and it seemed to help a bit.) But the SA is just emotional for him- he's not destructive or anything. Just over-excited when we get home, and we can tell he much prefers his pack being together rather than being alone.

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Guest LindsaySF

I would guess that either something spooked him, or he had gas. (It's important to note that bloat can develop hours after a meal, not just immediately after).


I've never had any behavioral issues after applying Frontline or giving heartworm meds. I do them 2 weeks apart also.

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