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Is There Anything That Repells Deer Flies?

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I don't know if this is Health & Medical but since it is about sprays or repellents this is where I put it...feel free to move if needed.


I hike a lot with the pups, but our hikes are literally ruined in the summer because of the nasty deer flies buzzing around and following us the whole way. I HATE these things!! I can handle mosquitos and blackflies because if you keep moving they don't bother you, but those darn deer flies are so persistent and follow you! I literally spent our whole hike yesterday with my arm in the air swinging at them with a tree branch and smacking them off the dogs. :wacko: It's enough to drive anyone insane!


Has anyone used anything that repells these things?? I have some of those herbal sprays and oils but they don't really help a lot. I know a friend uses a horse product (Konk?) for flea, tick, and fly control for her show dogs, but I am a little leary using them. Any suggestions?

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When we rode we used to tuck an evergreen bough through our horse's headstall, it seemed to keep the deer fly population down. I don't know if there is some similar extract for our dogs, tho. Those flies are miserable things.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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They are brutal up north (near Ottawa). They literally gave Bella bruises on her tummy...we were at the race track and wanted to take an evening walk, but quickly booked it outta here, those things are nasty. No idea what would stop them.

Greyhound Collars : www.collartown.ca


Maggie (the human servant), with Miss Bella, racing name "A Star Blackieto"

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This will sound terrible to some but I have used the horse's insect repellant on the dogs when desperate & it does work. Most of those do list instructions for dogs. It works & I think the benefits of not being attacked by those demons trumps my hesitance to use horse powered repellant.

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We fish in Nestor Falls, ON. every year and have yet to figure out a way to keep those buggers at bay. It gets so bad we'll drive the boat wide open for a few miles to get some relief only to have them hunker down inside the boat and then reappear when you slow down. They seem to really enjoy biting ankles for some reason? Those things are relentless and NASTY!

I've been using a product called Thermacell the past few years during the evenings in the boat and that has worked wonders on mosquitoes and horse flies. We'll be bringing it up to Ontario here in a few weeks to put it to the test on those Deer Flies. It's odorless and they have a few different models to choose from including a clip-on style. I'd suggest trying one out and if it doesn't work on the deer flies, it will be another tool in the arsenal against the skeeters. Good luck! I'm curious what others come up with for answers. :)

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Relentless and nasty, indeed! I've had them swarm us when canoeing in the Boundary Waters--they just won't GO AWAY. I'd love to hear about something that works.



Patsy and DH with the Humane Society specials, Linus & Jazz, in North Dakota

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Thanks for the link. I'm ordering some of that Tanglefoot tonight. I think I might end up buying some plastic shower caps to apply the Tanglefoot to and then put over my hat. Looking forward to giving this a shot. I might not be the hippest cat on the water but I'll certainly be more comfortable! ;)

Edited by Jimbuck
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They are wicked here this year too.

I have yet to find a commercial spray that works on them.


At least with a horse, if you're moving fast enough they don't bother you or the horse as much.

Some Endurance Riders are using 'Bounce' sheets...under the bridle and tied to the saddle pad / tail.

I tried some a couple of weeks ago...both on my horse and under the dogs collars....but did not find they helped.


Thanks for the link Derek....off to read


edited to say

I do have some 'deer fly patches'...which are sticky pieces of paper that the flies will stick to....possibly the same stuff as the 'umbrella lady' uses.

I keep one on the back of my riding helmet.

There's no way to stick one on the dogs.


A friend has a huge fly trap in her yard and she does get hundreds ot of them, but that does not help when you're walking in an area not covered by the trap.

Edited by BatterseaBrindl


Nancy...Mom to Sid (Peteles Tiger), Kibo (112 Carlota Galgos) and Joshi.  Missing Casey, Gomer, Mona, Penelope, BillieJean, Bandit, Nixon (Starz Sammie),  Ruby (Watch Me Dash) Nigel (Nigel), and especially little Mario, waiting at the Bridge.




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The last two responses apply quite well to your question as they use the same active ingredients as some horse sprays.


Farnham Flys-Off is comparable to the Bronco Gold I use for my horse. Flys-Off has a higher level of butoxypolypropylene glycol. That may make it more effective so perhaps it would work better for your purpose. However, it also makes it a bit more toxic. Probably not a concern unless you use a lot of it quite often but I'm not well versed on toxicology so don't take my word on that. Personally, I'd stick with the Bronco just because it's a lot cheaper. (Plus I'm lazy & already have it for the horse.)

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Guest sirsmom

I take Adam's spray on a paper towel and rub it around the ear head and top of back area sparingly and it seems to stop the flies from swarming around.

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Guest msteele

Timely question--I haven't been on GT in quite a while, but am spending some time in MN and the deer flies are driving Piet, my thin-furred grey absolutely nuts. I'm reluctant to use horse spray, but as someone noted above, it might be worth it for the poor boy to be able to spend some time outside. I found some ointment at the local Fleet Farm called Bye-Bye Black Fly; the woman who recommended it said she uses it on her dog's ears. I'd have to bathe Piet in it, but I used it on my face, neck, and ears, and it worked beautifully. It's all natural, and is made in Onchiota, NY (if that helps people track it down). And it smells good.

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Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions! I am definitely going to try them out (I will try to get back with my experimenting :). First of all, does anyone know if you can buy Tanglefoot in retail stores here in Ontario. I would prefer not to order online if I don't have to, or was wondering if you could use any sticky stuff as long as the blue was used.


In terms of the horse spray, Bronco or Konk is what I have heard most people use. It's main ingredient is pyrethrins. From what I googled it is supposed to be okay for use on dogs. It just freaked me out when I saw it in the store with the poison signs and warnings not to touch it. It is supposed to kill flies as soon as they land on the animal so I hate to put such potent stuff on the pups. Maybe I will try spraying it on bandanas and putting that around their necks (haha maybe with blue cups on their head as well!!).


I also read that Vicks VapoRub keeps them at bay. I guess I will have to do some experimenting!

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