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Old Age And Failing Health

Guest weisster

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Guest weisster

Darrel turned 13 last month. There are two main issues. Constant panting (only stops when he sleeps) and 0steoarthritis that's resulting in very weak wobbly legs and back. Yes, I've been to the vet often. Drugs like deramaxx, rimadyl, pericot , tramadol cause him to lose his appetite and within 3 days he stops eating. Five days ago his back legs got extremely wobbly and I knew I could no longer walk him as he'd not make it. He is on benazepril for his heart and the vet put him on veymedin. His panting never got better and once again he stopped eating so I took him off that too. Vet saids his pressure is good and the rest of him is in good shape.

I realize at 13 Darrel's days are numbered but I'd like him to be comfortable.I'm no longer going to drag him to vets unless absolutely necessary. I will not cause him anymore unnecessary stress. If you have a thought that would help, I'd greatly appreciate it.

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So sorry you are going through this. My only thoughts are what you just said; keep him comfortable and lavish him with love. You will know when it is time to help him to the bridge but until then store up the special memories of times together. :bighug


I have one who is having heart issues and I've decided the same thing.

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Guest HHHounds

I feel your pain. It is so hard to see these sweet babies suffer with the effects of old age. Just try to keep him as comfortable and happy as long as possible and you will know when it is time to send him to the bridge...

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Cynthia, & Cristiano, galgo
Always in my heart: Frostman
Newdawn Frost, Keno Jet Action & Chloe (NGA racing name unknown), Irys (galgo), Hannah (weim), Cruz (galgo), & Carly CW Your Charming

Princess http://www.greyhound-data.com/d?i=1018857

"It came to me that every time I lose a dog they take a piece of my heart with them. And every new dog who comes into my life, gifts me with a piece of their heart. If I live long enough, all the components of my heart will be dog, and I will become as generous and loving as they are." -- Unknown

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Guest ss556

I know and love Darrel. Does anyone have any suggestions or experiences with the pain meds he is/was on and loss of appetite? What pain meds are your greys on? He has rear leg weakness and knuckles, I know my Alan had that and was told it could be LSS and/or neurological.

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Wayne(who is 12) has OA and his tarsal joints are shot. Rimadyl and Tramadol have helped him over the past several years. Luckily neither drug bothers his stomach but if that were the case, I would use Pepcid(20mg) before giving the drugs.

There are stronger drugs out there and I would discuss it with your vet if the Rimadyl is no longer helping him. You can also up the mg on the Rimadyl and the Tramadol and maybe ask the vet for Cerenia for his stomach or Carafate


Wishing you and your handsome boy the best, I know how tough this is


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest BleuDog

:wub: :wub: :beatheart :beatheart LOVE ON THAT WONDERFUL BOY..........


Hugs to you Both......I'm getting to the same place with mine.....and gads----IT HURTS......

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Guest ethan

Redd had a lot of panting as he got older--I was told it was because of pain. We had similar issues with eating also. My vet put him on prednisone along with I think rymadyl --the pred helped with his appetite and he stopped panting. He was good for about 8 months on that regimine. We didn't go to the vet a lot either and we never diagnosed what exactly was wrong with him because I just couldn't put him through any more. He was happy and did well until the end. All the best.

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Guest bernadette

I feel like I am going through this now and Vinnie is only 9 (in August). Rimadyl everyday, hind end weakness and what seems to be lack decrease in coordination. Huge decrease in appetite, increase in panting. He is barely nine- is this old age already?

I am so sorry you're going through this. I wish so much we could make Vinnie young again.

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Guest FastDogsOwnMe

My senior pants a lot... that's all I have to ad. Her rear is fine and she's in no need of any meds. But panting can be normal.

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Maybe look into gabapentin? I don't have experience with it myself, but I know there are lots of people on GT that have had really good luck with it.


If he is having a mobility issue, it is possible that the panting is more a result of his confusion as to why his body isn't working the way he wants it to. Carrie was doing that when she injured her back and her hind end quit working for a couple of days. She had plenty of pain meds...the panting would start when she would realize that her back legs weren't doing what she wanted them to.


It's terrible to see them get old :(

Kristin in Moline, IL USA with Ozzie (MRL Crusin Clem), Clarice (Clarice McBones), Latte and Sage the IGs, and the kitties: Violet and Rose
Lovingly Remembered: Sutra (Fliowa Sutra) 12/02/97-10/12/10, Pinky (Pick Me) 04/20/03-11/19/12, Fritz (Fritz Fire) 02/05/01 - 05/20/13, Ace (Fantastic Ace) 02/05/01 - 07/05/13, and Carrie (Takin the Crumbs) 05/08/99 - 09/04/13.

A cure for cancer can't come soon enough.--

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Guest SoulsMom

I feel like I am going through this now and Vinnie is only 9 (in August). Rimadyl everyday, hind end weakness and what seems to be lack decrease in coordination. Huge decrease in appetite, increase in panting. He is barely nine- is this old age already?

I am so sorry you're going through this. I wish so much we could make Vinnie young again.


Zoe is not yet even 9 and she already has hind end weakness :( Good appetite though, and no panting

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Guest bernadette

I feel like I am going through this now and Vinnie is only 9 (in August). Rimadyl everyday, hind end weakness and what seems to be lack decrease in coordination. Huge decrease in appetite, increase in panting. He is barely nine- is this old age already?

I am so sorry you're going through this. I wish so much we could make Vinnie young again.


Zoe is not yet even 9 and she already has hind end weakness :( Good appetite though, and no panting


I wish we at least had the good appetite going for us. It was poor (down to one forced meal) before the Rimadyl so I can't blame that. What appears to be a weakened hind end and loss of coordination back there is so sad to see. I feel like my boy is wasting away in front of me.


Weisster, how short is are his walks now? Is he mobile at all? So sorry for you and for Darrel.

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Guest weisster

I don't take him for walks as of 5 days ago. I can't turn him around on a good day and I know he'd never make the walk now. He's very mobile although seems less inclined to go outside unless he's relieving himself. He romps likes he wants to play, he'll run, but his back legs collapsed and I certainly don't encourage him to do it.

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Guest alannamac

Have you noticed if his panting goes away when the air is cooler? I'm asking just because that would be an indication that his metabolic thermostat might be off for some reason rather than it being a pain response.

Edited by alannamac
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Just seeing this and would also suggest Adequan. This is what has worked for us: Pal is 13.9 with LS and we've kept him comfy for several years now, first with Depo injections, then acupuncture, and most recently Adequan. I would have continued the A/P b/c it seemed to really help him but he is at the point where car rides are tough on him. He gets Glucosamine/MSM (1500mg each component) BID, Deramaxx, Pepcid, and carafate. I have Tramadol if we need it, which is not often. His appetite is good, and he still enjoys his walks although they are shortened. I do bring a sweatshirt with us that I fashioned into a sling so that if he falls I would be able to support his hind end. All that being said, I cringe every time I see the weakness behind make his legs buckle or him struggle to try and keep up with the others.


I'm sorry you are at this point with your sweet senior. Every day is a gift, and I hope you have many many more together.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest madredhare

My Tom who just turned 12 is on gabapentin for rear end weakness and wobbly legs. It seems to be helping him. I also have a fan going for him. He seems to pant a lot and he follows the fan when I move it. Not sure if he is hot or what, but whatever works for him at this point is what he gets.

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Guest bernadette

Have you noticed if his panting goes away when the air is cooler? I'm asking just because that would be an indication that his metabolic thermostat might be off for some reason rather than it being a pain response.


I know that I haven't. Even in the AC he will pant and pant. I have not looked into Adequan... is that for arthritis only? Vinnies xrays are clear of arthritis.. I almost wish that's what it was, at least we would have answers.

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Have you noticed if his panting goes away when the air is cooler? I'm asking just because that would be an indication that his metabolic thermostat might be off for some reason rather than it being a pain response.


I know that I haven't. Even in the AC he will pant and pant. I have not looked into Adequan... is that for arthritis only? Vinnies xrays are clear of arthritis.. I almost wish that's what it was, at least we would have answers.


Panting can be a true sign of pain, although I sit for a dog (non-gh) who has panted for all of the 14 years I have know him and he has had clean bills of health always. Totally frustrates me. Anyway, Pal's xrays were clear also. He has lumbar stenosis.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest Angelique

Have you considered slowly changing his diet to something "yummier"? I don't know what you are feeding, but a little extra meat/cheese/yoghurt/milk/etc may make him more interested.

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Guest bernadette

Have you noticed if his panting goes away when the air is cooler? I'm asking just because that would be an indication that his metabolic thermostat might be off for some reason rather than it being a pain response.


I know that I haven't. Even in the AC he will pant and pant. I have not looked into Adequan... is that for arthritis only? Vinnies xrays are clear of arthritis.. I almost wish that's what it was, at least we would have answers.


Panting can be a true sign of pain, although I sit for a dog (non-gh) who has panted for all of the 14 years I have know him and he has had clean bills of health always. Totally frustrates me. Anyway, Pal's xrays were clear also. He has lumbar stenosis.


I suspect something like stenosis but I think I need to see a neuro for that diagnosis...

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Big hugs. I went through this with Dune from 13 until we lost him at 14.


Try the Adequan. Metacam helped Dune for a few years with his LSS (hind leg weakness/instability/pain is part of that), then stopped helping at 13. Tried the coriticosteroid oral and then injections -- not much help except appetite. The Adequan gave the best result and worked for us for his last six months. You give a loading dose (like 2-4 doses a week apart), then boosters -- it's just super-power glucosamine, essentially.


As for panting, Dune did this, too, and it's hard to tell if it's pain or dementia or inability to cool. Cool air helped but not much.


The CoolBed made a HUGE difference Dune's last two summers. They're not cheap, but it became his preferred place to lie most of the year -- it's like lying on a waterbed with a broken heater. It sucks the body heat out of you.


Good luck, and more hugs to both of you!

Dash (Mega Batboy), & forever missing Kipper (RD's Kiper, 2006-2015) & Souldog Dune (Pazzo Otis, 1994-2008)
"..cherish him and give him place with yourself for the rest of his but too short life. It is his one drawback. He should live as long as his owner."
James Matheson, The Greyhound: Breeding, Coursing, Racing, etc., 1929

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This sounds very much like Fletcher. Although he is only 10, he's had arthritis for about 4 years, and it has gotten bad in his back end in the last year or so, and the panting has been almost constant, especially in the summer. What has helped him has been acupuncture and Chinese herbs. He has been on this for about a month, and is doing much better. He also still takes rimadyl and tramadol.


I think the panting is a combination of pain (better with the addition of the Chinese herbs), allergies (will start on that next), heat (turned down the AC), and stress.


If acupuncture is available in your area, I would strongly suggest you give it a try. It can't hurt, and has made such a difference for us. I was lucky enough to find a mobile vet who comes to the house :)

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