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Hero And Althea Have Nasty Poo

Guest EmbersDad

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Guest EmbersDad

it started on monday, hero had runny diarhea and althea started a day later. neither have any interest in food. we have given pepto, immodium and pedialyte but it hasnt helped. hero went about a day without any poo, but then it started again. this morning, his was runny again, all liquid, and althea was very bloody ( before it was just diarhea ) we are going to call the vet as soon as they open. anybody have any ideas? their wellness checkup was a few weeks ago, and everything was fine. thanks.

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Just battled something similar with Rocket for the last 2 months. Did 2 rounds of Panacur about 10 days apart in the course of treatment and that seemed to be the thing that helped along with a prescription food (Purina HA). Cooking a bland diet did not help this time, and the Purina HA food which is primarily soybeans really seemed to calm his tummy.


It started much like you are describing, and progressed to a point where he was vomiting a bloody liquid and also shooting it out the back end on the same day. At that point I took him to the ER at the U of I VetMed school. All tests were negative and all of his bloodwork was fine.


We initially did a 3 day Panacur treatment and it was obvious that he felt better. About 10 days later, he was still having the runs, and started vomiting brownish bloody liquid along with diarrhea that looked the same. That was when he went to the ER. Even though the SNAP tests were negative, they did a second round of Panacur for 5 days instead of three. We could tell that he felt better after the first dose, but it took almost 10 days before he was really feeling and acting like his old self.


Whatever this was, it's pretty nasty. Keep them hydrated, they may not feel like eating if it's what Rocket had. He was turning down food at the time that he was the sickest.


Feel better soon Hero and Althea!


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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If you ask me they need to be on Flagyl stat.


BTW the point about Purina HA is not that it is from soybeans but that it is hydrolyzed protein -- proteins broken down so small the system doesn't recognize them as such; what they come from originally is immaterial I believe. Hill's Z/D is the same. It is a hypoallergenic food used for IBD. (Purina EN would be the more typical food for acute GI distress, comparable to I/D.)

Edited by PrairieProf

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Seeing PriairieProf's post reminded me that I left out some things. if they have whatever Rocket had, 2 courses of Flagyl had no effect on it and did not help. The university vets specifically kept him off of it when they did the second round of Panacur.


I agree that Flagyl should be the first course of action - just completely forgot to post that we did it. We should buy stock in Flagyl around here.....


Rocket is usually a chow hound and eats anything. The last time he had stomach issues, he refused to eat the Hill's ZD. He loves the Purina HA and will even accept it as a treat. The other reason they tried the HA this time was that they wanted to get all chicken out of his system in case the issue was food related, so didn't want thim to have eggs.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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Same thing here! I was trying to figure out what Rainy ate that aggravated some food sensitivity... Until the liquid D hit Sunshine this morning at 4am. Totally forgot that I do have some Flagyl somewhere! Will dig it out when I get home. Who knows what they picked up where. We travel weekly.


Hope Hero and Althea feel better soon!




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Guest EmbersDad

yup, vet prescribed a 7 day flagyl treatment...boiled beef & rice. they have been drinking water and some pedialyte. this afternoon was the first time they ate in about 3 days.thanks everyone. I know ember and jed are watching over them...along with darcy and winslow :-)

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Guest EmbersDad

yes! the poo was very small, soft, but not runny and squirting like it has been. altheas is very dark and stinks to high heaven, heros was light colored. it definitely is an improvement. thank you everyone for your suggestions and good thoughts.

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