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My Daisy - August 21, 1999 ~ June 15, 2012 (Island Daisy)


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Guest ladyhound

I am so sorry for your loss. You wrote a beautiful tribute to her and it moved me to tears. How lucky you were to have and love each other. Hugs to you. Run free beautiful girl..

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Oh no! My heart sunk when Carol told me the news. :( She was such a sweet, lovable girl. I'm so sorry. Hopefully these two are having fun together again. :sad1






Ryan, I love these pics - our girls were good buddies and enjoyed many play outings at the parks in your area. I wish we could have continued it, but with the addition of the little ones, getting to dog parks was not as easy a task.


Thank you for posting these pics - it's so hard to believe that our girls are both gone :( ...


Jody I am so very sorry for your loss, and even more sorry that I never got to meet her. I think I recognize that pic from Sacramento, Ryan has a lot of pics from your visits to the dog park before I moved here. She was such a beautiful hound and I hear she was just a sweetheart.


Thinking of you and sending many hugs.

Thank you so much, Carole, and I share your same regrets, wishing you could have met her. We should make plans at some point so that I can meet your grey family and we can catch up.


I'm sorry to hear of Daisy's passing. I still remember meeting you 2 at a NJ rest stop on our way to Dewey. :f_pink


I remember that as well, Diane I was so excited to meet another GTr also on your way to Dewey. Thanks for posting. It means a lot.

Edited by jodyksam

Mom to Daisy (1999-2012), LB (aka Little Bit), and Sammy James (aka Sammy or Buddy)

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I'm meeting today with our vet to talk about last Friday's events, since it was such a whirlwind visit. He suspects it was hemangiosarcoma, and I remember his sharing the details of the ultrasound, but it's all a blur now. Having more specific information will help me as I process this great loss :(.

Mom to Daisy (1999-2012), LB (aka Little Bit), and Sammy James (aka Sammy or Buddy)

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Here are two early pics of Daisy, from when we lived in RI. This probably is in 2003. Our first GT friend, newmommyinri, cheryl and Daisy running in a baseball field in Providence.




And me and Daisy, same day ... Knight-Knight and Sandy were Daisy's special friends the two years she lived with me in RI before heading to CA.



Mom to Daisy (1999-2012), LB (aka Little Bit), and Sammy James (aka Sammy or Buddy)

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Oh Jody, my heart is breaking with you. I am so very sorry Daisy had to leave. Your tribute is beautiful and the love you and Daisy shared is evident. :grouphug

Wendy and The Whole Wherd. American by birth, Southern by choice.
"Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons, for you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!"
****OxyFresh Vendor ID is 180672239.****

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Had a good visit with the vet today - a greater sense of peace in knowing that we didn't let her go too soon or too late.


Found footage from late May and took a screen capture that truly does 'capture' the essence of Daisy. It's in the swager, in the gleam of her eye as she is heading toward me. :wub:


I just love how silvery she grew in her senior years...



Edited by jodyksam

Mom to Daisy (1999-2012), LB (aka Little Bit), and Sammy James (aka Sammy or Buddy)

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Oh Jody, it seems like I've known Daisy forever through GT. I'm so sorry :grouphug

Xavi the galgo and Peter the cat. Missing Iker the galgo ?-Feb.9/19, Treasure (USS Treasure) April 12/01-May 6/13, Phoenix (Hallo Top Son) Dec.14/99-June 4/11 and Loca (Reko Swahili) Oct.9/95 - June 1/09, Allen the boss cat, died late November, 2021, age 19.

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Thanks, Robin and everyone else. Today was a difficult day - seemed that everything I did today had some reminder of Daisy. She is the first dog I've lost and my first greyhound, my first heart-dog. It's hard to turn off a mind that keeps reminding you that 'one week ago...' etc. :(

Mom to Daisy (1999-2012), LB (aka Little Bit), and Sammy James (aka Sammy or Buddy)

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I am sorry you lost your beautiful girl; I remember her, she was a GT favorite. I am glad she got to share your life (and you, hers) for so many years. It seems, sometimes, with the ones who stay with us for so long, that we might begin to imagine that maybe they really can stay forever... And then it comes; the harsh reminder that their time here is brief and God has merely loaned them to us for awhile. And then we look back on the years, knowing that they were precious and a million more would still not have been enough... I hope her memories will carry you through the sad times; and I, for one, really do believe that we will see them again, in time.

Godspeed, Daisy...

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I am so sorry, Daisy was beautiful, her story brought back tears from the recent loss of my Sara to Hemangio, it too came on quick. Hold on to those happy memories of your sweet girl making everyones world a little brighter.

Roberta & Michael with Furkids- Flower (Shasta Flowers 6/7/06) & Rascal the kitty - Missing our sweet angels - Max(M's Mad Max) 10/12/02 - 12/3/15, Sara (Sara Raves 6/30/01 - 4/13/12) Queenie & Pandora the kitties - gone but never forgotten

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I'm truly, deeply sorry for your loss. I lost my Honey in a very similar way last November.


Run free, Daisy. There are so many loving hearts who will wait with you.

Marc and Myun plus Starbuck (the cat)
Pinky my AWOL girl, wherever you are, I miss you.
Angels Honey (6/30/99-11/3/11) Nadia (5/11/99-6/4/12) Kara (6/5/99-7/17/12) Cleo (4/13/2000-4/19/2014)

Antnee (12/1/2002=2/20/17)

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:grouphug: just because.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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I wanted to add a couple of more pics to the gallery presented in my initial post. Here is Sammy James, Daisy's other little 'brother'. Sammy and Daisy tolerated each other quite well. He was pretty jealous of the number one status enjoyed by Daisy, but in her last few days, he began to hang out with her a little bit. I always thought that LB (our other little one) would be the one to hang out on Daisy's bed in our bedroom, but it's Sammy. He won't lay down on the portion where Daisy would lay, but only lays down on the far edge, as if in respect.


Sammy James




Here's one of my favorite pics of Daisy and LB together ... it's entitled... My Pillow - My Friend (posted this also on the GT FB page earlier this month).



Mom to Daisy (1999-2012), LB (aka Little Bit), and Sammy James (aka Sammy or Buddy)

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Jody, I'm just seeing this. I'm so so sorry to hear that Daisy had to leave you. She was always one of my favorites and will be missed by many. Godspeed sweet girl.

Melanie and Eric with Leminim and Eieio and silly kitty Elsa.
See you again someday, my sweet Payton (Flying Payton May 9, 2000-March 18, 2012)
Missing my sweet JJ, world's sweetest cat (April 1997-November 30, 2015)

Stealing food in heaven, my darling Minnie (2006-April 21, 2016)
Reunited with her favorite person in heaven, my Dad, Satin the skittish kitty (2002-May 7, 2016)

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Thank you, Mel. I always lamented that we left RI too early so that Daisy and Payton could have met for a playdate. Perhaps they're enjoying their own now :wub:

Mom to Daisy (1999-2012), LB (aka Little Bit), and Sammy James (aka Sammy or Buddy)

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