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Limping After Zoomies?

Guest lala22

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Guest lala22

He typically doesn't do zoomies in the back yard, he likes do do them up and down our upstairs hallway...


but Ziggy did zoomies Sunday evening in the back yard, and ended up limping a bit--left leg bothering him. His foot looks fine, no cuts, and he doesn't have a problem with me touching and rubbing his leg...he's walking on it, and limps less the more he walks on it...but limps when he first gets up and sometimes will keep it up for a step.


At what point do i take him in?


He's done this before...i think he stepped off the sidewalk curb funny once...it was about a week until he stopped limping.



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I would do some forced rest first and see if it resolves in a few days. If not, then I would go for a vet visit. Could be a lot of different things, and he may need a short course of anti-inflammatories if it's a soft tissue thing.


I would do some forced rest first and see if it resolves in a few days. If not, then I would go for a vet visit. Could be a lot of different things, and he may need a short course of anti-inflammatories if it's a soft tissue thing.

With Buster Bloof (UCME Razorback 89B-51359) and Gingersnap Ginny (92D-59450). Missing Pepper, Berkeley, Ivy, Princess and Bauer at the bridge.

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Guest RobinAZ

GreyCee does this sometimes - but it usually only lasts a few minutes so I don't get too worried. One time I heard her doing the GSoD in the backyard and I ran out scared to death. She was limping a little, but 5 minutes later she was fine.

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Guest grey_dreams

Zuki and Zariel started having episodes like that when they were 5-6 years old. I started giving them glucosamine + chondroitin + MSM every day. Now they never limp after zoomies and even after running very hard. IMHO, all dogs should get these supplements as they get older. You might try giving them and watch to see if it alleviates his limping episodes.


Edited to add: If you try them, get the highest quality that you can find.

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Guest cwholsin

Hermes does this a lot at the park. Usually he's just stepped on a thistle or something ouchie like that and he'll limp around for a few minutes afterwards.<br>

If they were particularly enthusiastic zoomies, it's totally possible your grey just stepped on something that hurt. I'd say a trip to the vet would be warranted if it doesn't get better pretty quickly.<br>And I definitely second a glucosamine supplement, since these guys were working athletes and that's hard on the body.

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As with any athlete, running hard will create issues. Running silly and hard is a sure recipe for something to happen. I use natural supplements to keep my hounds supple and healthy. Glucosamine, Chondroitin, MSMGlucosamine, Chondroitin, MSM are staples of natural joint care.


1500 mgs a day of each product is the correct dose for a greyhound. Make sure to read the labels and give enough.



Yucca[ Yucca is excellent to have around and use in lieu of NSAIDs (rimadyl, deramaxx) for inflammation. It works without the side effects.

Claudia & Greyhound Gang
100% Helps Hounds

GIG Bound!

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Pretty normal around here. We force rest as needed as well and the 'issues' resolve themselves. I'd take someone if they were in pain / limping after a few days, though.


Glad to hear he's doing better today. Sounds like you may need to keep him quiet(er) for the next couple of days, still.

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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