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I hope she gets better soon. That could be a bit to much valium but don't decrease dosage without the dr. advice. Also I think valium needs to build up in the system to get the best benefits.


She did state that if Angel needed only one tablet, that would be ok to administer. She suggested 1 and a half because the one did not seem to be effective enough at that time. I believe that as the post-ictal phase disappears, the dosage of valium will decrease.

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Valium can take a while for them to get used to. Hope she gets past this soon.

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Angel has been getting progeressively worse during the day. Her motor skills are getting worse. Now I have to put the water bowl right up to her nose for her to lap it up. The lapping is unsure and slow. Same with the food. Now it is baby food. She is getting more and more disoriented and unsure. Motor skills in walking seem to be lessening. When she wakes up, I help her up, and I have to guide her along as she is unsure where she is going. I also have to make sure her back legs dont give out under her.


We talked to the vet, and it seems quite clearly that this has been a stroke! Vet will call us in morning for update. After pacing for a long time, I have to take her to her bed and lay her down. When she wakes up, she whines as she need help getting up.


I have researched that seizures can cause strokes. When she was having seizure, before we could get to her, her head was banging against the wall and floor - a tiny bit of blood was there. I thought it was from her biting her tongue. She also defacated and urinated during seizure - a common thing that involuntarily happens.


I am so distraut over this new realization. We know that it takes CT Scans and MRI test to see the stroke. We would have to take her to Auburn. This is horrible news.

Edited by LadyGrey
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Angel has been getting progeressively worse during the day. Her motor skills are getting worse. Now I have to put the water bowl right up to her nose for her to lap it up. The lapping is unsure and slow. Same with the food. Now it is baby food. She is getting more and more disoriented and unsure. Motor skills in walking seem to be lessening. When she wakes up, I help her up, and I have to guide her along as she is unsure where she is going. I also have to make sure her back legs dont give out under her.


We talked to the vet, and it seems quite clearly that this has been a stroke! Vet will call us in morning for update. After pacing for a long time, I have to take her to her bed and lay her down. When she wakes up, she whines as she need help getting up.


I have researched that seizures can cause strokes. When she was having seizure, before we could get to her, her head was banging against the wall and floor - a tiny bit of blood was there. I thought it was from her biting her tongue. She also defacated and urinated during seizure - a common thing that involuntarily happens.


I am so distraut over this new realization. We know that it takes CT Scans and MRI test to see the stroke. We would have to take her to Auburn. This is horrible news.


I'm just reading this now and am so sorry to hear how badly she's doing. It does sound like she's had something else going one besides a seizure. Post-ictal phases don't usually last as long as hers did and I'm surprised your vet didn't mention that earlier. The tiny amount of blood probably was from biting her tongue....it happens with Phaelin every seizure he has, so I wouldn't guess it was from anything else. I hope she's able to recover from this. If possible, I would have her see a neurologist, not just a regular vet. They will be able to see things a regular vet isn't used to seeing.

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Are you near Auburn U??? They know GH's very well. I would head there right now-- you'll be able to see a neurologist. See needs a neurologist at this point not a GP vet.


We will call Auburn first thing this morning. We found the website. Things are not good at all with her. She may have gone too far. Neither of the vets ever mentioned these things. We had to come to these conclusions on our own. When we mentioned these symptions and happenings to vets, they just say, "oh it sounds like that, it may be a stroke", ect. Kind of non committal.

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Are you near Auburn U??? They know GH's very well. I would head there right now-- you'll be able to see a neurologist. See needs a neurologist at this point not a GP vet.


We will call Auburn first thing this morning. We found the website. Things are not good at all with her. She may have gone too far. Neither of the vets ever mentioned these things. We had to come to these conclusions on our own. When we mentioned these symptions and happenings to vets, they just say, "oh it sounds like that, it may be a stroke", ect. Kind of non committal.

All the more reason to go to Auburn. You don't need to call- they will take you on an emergency basis. Just call them and tell them you are on your way. Time may be against your side here. All be thinking of you today. Please keep us posted.

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Keeping Angel in my prayers and hoping Auburn can help figure out what is going on.

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It was the worst stroke possible. Bleeding deep in brain. She was swiftly losing ability to eat and drink. More and more confused. Horrible misery. Neurologist said nothing could be done in this case. We felt that tool.


Angel crossed over to the Rainbow Bridge today. We are devastated. We are knocked right off our feet. Our baby girl. Our little black satin ribbon is gone.


I love you dear sweet little girl. I will see you sooon.

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Oh no- I'm so sorry. I was thinking of you all day- I was so hoping she would be ok but, it did sound like she was a very sick little girl.

I'm sorry your time together was cut short.

May you one day find joy in the memories you hold of her.

The love bond will never be broken. {Hugs}

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