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Scratching Grass After Going To The Bathroom

Guest nd5thyear

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Guest nd5thyear

So we've had Lady Fae since Thanksgiving and she's back in our home after spending 12 days over Christmas at a greyhound kennel (someone's home) with about 15 other greyhounds.


Last week when we got her back Fae has started scratching the grass/dirt after going to the bathroom (mostly after #2 but sometimes after #1). She's never done this before until last week and even then it's maybe only once or twice a day. Just curious if other greys do this or whether this is maybe a sign of her personality coming out since we've had her for almost 2.5 months?


Thanks for any insights. Just wanted to make sure this wasn't a sign of any anxiety, etc. She's as perfectly normal as ever except this one change since she came back.



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Guest KennelMom

It's normal dog behavior. Lots of ours do it, though Echo does it with particular zeal when she's really happy or excited (ie, when we arrive at a lure coursing field and she knows she's going to get to chase "bunnies" that day). I usually "egg" her on and say "get it, girl! get it!" and then she'll start doing zoomies. For her, it's a total sign of happiness.

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typical dog thing...

I dont think you need to worry.. I think Fae is getting less shy and happy :)

Otis started scratching about 5 months after he arrived home ;)

At first it was really uncoordonnated..it tried to sratch 4 legs at the same time :lol silly boy

Now he does it after every pee and after some poop ;)

in the yard and also during walks! so I have to hold on the leash ;)

Our first greyhound, Tuffy: You will always be there with us my angel!
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"When you open your minds to the impossible, sometimes you find the truth." W.Bishop

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She's becoming for confident and secure and has started marking her territory so to speak. :lol Some dogs do it and others don't. It's perfectly normal dog behavior.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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Guest jbbuzby

Yep, dogs have sweat glands between their toes, and this is another way of them marking their scent. They do it more often when there are other dogs around, but some do it all the time :).

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Guest jettcricket

Yep, dogs have sweat glands between their toes, and this is another way of them marking their scent. They do it more often when there are other dogs around, but some do it all the time :).


Yep....I've heard the same thing.

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Guest verthib

Oh geeze our boy never did that. Then we started bringing him to a play group and a big bulldog was doing it constantly. Now Angus does it too. Who knows if he learned it from that bully or if he just started doing it on his own. When he starts kicking the ground after peeing and it's rocky or full of debris, don't stand behind him, and surely don't bend over to pick up the poop until *after* he's kicked and scratched. :lol

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Enzo started doing this about 6 months or so after he came to us - he always has this look of accomplishment after pooping on walks and he just gets so excited and does zoomies after kicking. I always encourage it because he seems so happy :colgate

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Guest Flysmom

Both of mine do it, espcially after they did their #1 over Coyote #1..... they also love to reland-scape the pine straw in the flower beds of the Model Home in the subdivision where we live.... Sigh! :blink:

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Guest FullMetalFrank

It's normal dog behavior. Lots of ours do it, though Echo does it with particular zeal when she's really happy or excited (ie, when we arrive at a lure coursing field and she knows she's going to get to chase "bunnies" that day). I usually "egg" her on and say "get it, girl! get it!" and then she'll start doing zoomies. For her, it's a total sign of happiness.


Chelsa does this; we call it her "vroom-vrooms" She used to do it a LOT before or during a coursing meet; now she's retired but she still occasionally gets "revved up" on a walk. :wub:

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Rocket started doing this after one of the times he was boarded with a bunch of other greys. I say he learned it from the bad kids....


Now I have to to tug his leash immediatediately after he pees or poops to keep him from tearing up the grass strip in front of other houses. Fortunately, most of the people in the neighborhood laugh at his happy dance, but he has a few regular spots that he has worn out.


Camp Broodie. The current home of Mark Kay Mark Jack and Gracie Kiowa Safe Joan.  Always missing my boy Rocket Hi Noon Rocket,  Allie  Phoenix Dynamite, Kate Miss Kate, Starz Under Da Starz, Petunia MW Neptunia, Diva Astar Dashindiva, and LaVida I've Got Life


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  • 1 month later...
Guest Snazzy_Chloe

I had to re-read this post after my new girl started doing this after being with us for a little over 2 weeks. We have small piles of leaves at the side of the road left over from blowing winds after fall and she poops and or pees and then tries to get all four feet scratching up the leaves. Starts with the front feet then goes to the back feet and then back to the front-she is a little uncoordinated doing this - almost falling down at times. I thought it was cute at first till she tried to do this in someones yard - then it wasn't so cute. I think she is really happy/proud doing this almost like a marking territory issue. I will try the walking away immediately and then U-turn idea to see if this helps. Today- it was raining and there were clumps of mud going everywhere (nope- definately no longer cute) hehe

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