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Leaving One Dog At Home While Taking Another Somewhere

Guest ashphobiax

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Guest ashphobiax

i stuck up for myself and its been fine since although we took babe and glider to my bf's parents house and babe threw up EVERYWHERE in the car...maybe thats another reason why he backed off B)

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Just an FYI; you're really not going to want to take your Greyhound "everywhere" if you're leaving him in the car. It's too cold during an average winter, and too hot during the average summer.


If you're taking him places and taking him in with you, then by all means, carry on.


I don't think your boyfriend understands dog behavior. And if he doesn't think you're doing a good job with his dog, tell him to take care of her himself.


It's hard for me to imagine why you got a Greyhound if you live with this man and care for him, but he didn't want one?


But I'm an old maid who lives alone and would never. ever, ever let a man tell me what to do with my dog...


We old maids think alike....good answer!!!


Blair, Stella (DND Heather), Lizzie (M's Deadra), Hitch (Hallo Dominant) and House (Mac's Dr. House)

Missing my handsome men Lewis (Vs Lowrider) - 11/11/01 - 3/11/09, Kevin (Dakota's Hi Five) - 1/1/06 - 4/18/11 and my cat, Sparkle Baby - ??/??/96 - 4/23/11

"The gift which I am sending you is called a dog, and is, in fact, the most precious and valuable possession of mankind." (Theodorus Gaza)

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Just an FYI; you're really not going to want to take your Greyhound "everywhere" if you're leaving him in the car. It's too cold during an average winter, and too hot during the average summer.


If you're taking him places and taking him in with you, then by all means, carry on.


I don't think your boyfriend understands dog behavior. And if he doesn't think you're doing a good job with his dog, tell him to take care of her himself.


It's hard for me to imagine why you got a Greyhound if you live with this man and care for him, but he didn't want one?


But I'm an old maid who lives alone and would never. ever, ever let a man tell me what to do with my dog...


We old maids think alike....good answer!!!


Don't need to have never been married to not allow a man to give orders. I've been married twice (divorced and then widowed) and they knew when we married that I was an independent, free-thinking woman who didn't take second-seat to anybody. :P

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i stuck up for myself and its been fine since although we took babe and glider to my bf's parents house and babe threw up EVERYWHERE in the car...maybe thats another reason why he backed off B)


Good for you! Especially since he now seems to be beginning to see that his actions have consequences. ;)


The plural of anecdote is not data

Brambleberry Greyhounds My Etsy Shop

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ashphobiax

well hes started again, he told me i need to take babe with me today, i said no shes out of control. he said its unfair to leave her home alone all day (its 240pm here) so ive been with her all day while he slept (he works nights) i said no. you need to do something with your dog when you have time just like i am doing something with mine on my one day off.


needless to say, i think i got this again...i hope :\


also, i got an email showing that he signed up on a sheltie forum so i went to look what he was talking about, he explained the situation and asked why she is acting the way she is and everyone told he he was doing it wrong and he needs to get her to a trainer so i am hoping once he reads it he will learn...

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Guest sweetpea

Well, even with the setback of him asking you to take her with you, it looks like he's at least

reaching out a little on his own for help. And that is a great thing. It means he heard

something in what you said about taking responsibility for improving her behavior.


So there's hope for both of them, I think!


Good luck, stand firm, you can help him through this, but you do not have to do it for him.



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Guest zombrie

Well, even with the setback of him asking you to take her with you, it looks like he's at least

reaching out a little on his own for help. And that is a great thing. It means he heard

something in what you said about taking responsibility for improving her behavior.


So there's hope for both of them, I think!


Good luck, stand firm, you can help him through this, but you do not have to do it for him.





If it were me I would play the "I'll take care of my dog, you take care of yours" card. And maybe after he gets his dog under control, you will want to do things with her, too!

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Guest ashphobiax

thats what i thought im glad hes trying to find someone to help and i thought about it and realized we both have different training ideas, i like positive reinforcement and him...well he likes cesar milan... :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:

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Guest Greyt_dog_lover

thats what i thought im glad hes trying to find someone to help and i thought about it and realized we both have different training ideas, i like positive reinforcement and him...well he likes cesar milan... :blink: :blink: :blink: :blink:



Any wonder why his dog is the way it is?

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Guest ashphobiax

i have no idea, i am thinking poor training she got away with murder for the first 4 years of her life.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest ashphobiax

I got glider a month ago and he has had babe for 3 years and we live together an have been together for 2 years he said shes been well behaved until I started caring for her I do everything for the dog and he doesn't do anything with her glider is so well behaved and doesn't act out except for a few accidents in the house I told him when we got glider that I wanted a dog that could go places with me also the sheltie gets REALLY car sick which I heard was common in herding dogs I also said to my boyfriend that what about people that have multiple dogs and need to take one somewhere why do they and he said "when the dog is well behaved its fine your dog isn't" it's so annoying He also told me before if a dog needs to go the sheltie will because of how she is and the whole reason we got her was because his parents didn't want her because of what she did to my bf.



Maybe I need to bring up maybe he should take care of his dog and I should take care of mine?

i really wish my gf would stop lying to people on the computer.


i'm the boyfriend. babe listens to me. always has. babe walks off leash with me because she follows me by choice. she wasn't pushed on us because my family doesn't want her. in fact my parents said to bring her back if it doesn't work out for her here.


the dogs stay together because of separation anxiety. glider, our grey, will whine and cry in a high pitched bark if he's left alone. i take them out for potty one at a time and every time i take the sheltie i can hear him crying from anywhere around the building. they also stay together to avoid jealousy. glider has lashed out and grabbed babe's neck already. he's also shown teeth to the maintenance man, nipped at me and nipped at my friend on several occassions. i'm not interested in a 70lb dog attacking someone or the other dog because of jealousy issues.


as far as the sheltie biting, she nips like all herding dogs. the time she got me on the ear wasn't one of these little nips. i had her on her back and raspberried her belly. she was trapped inside the furniture, the way it was arranged didn't allow for her to run, and i was sitting in the only opening.


babe doesn't just trust people. she came off an amish farm and was mistreated. you have to gain her. ashley doesn't want to do this. when i instruct her on how the dog works and what to do ashley says "uh huh" or "ok" and continues to do what she wants. and, fwiw, glider doesn't listen to her either unless she has food. garbage in, garbage out.

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Guest ashphobiax

I wouldn't take my BF's dog with me when I go somewhere with my own dog. Ummm... the sheltie isn't MY dog. Until such time as BF gets that dog trained, socialized and presentable... nope, don't look to me to do it for you, buddy.


Edit: Oh, and BF? -- don't tell me what I can and cannot do with my dog.

you sound like a lovely girl with a charming personality.


i would never put my dogs in a situation where they had to depend on one person's busy schedule in order to be taken care of. i feel bad for your dogs. and your boyfriend.


ashley and i are both in school. her for about 15 hours a week and me for about 25. we both work, her about 20 hours and me about 45. i work many 10 and 12 hour shifts which start anywhere from 12 noon to 4pm. she can help with the dogs or we can just get rid of them since we can't take care of them. that was the understanding when we got into this responsibility and that will be the outcome if an agreement can't be made.


don't think for a second that i'm using ashley to train my dog. my dog is trained. by me. glider has ruined our carpet and made our apartment stink of dog poop. still messes in the house after three months. my dog will return to me with a whistle, a snap of the finger or even a jazz hand at her eye level. glider doesn't know his name. unfortunately my gf has taken these dogs and turned them into a competition.

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I think this forum would be able to help you and your girlfriend the most if you could come to an agreement what exactly the problem with the dog(s) is and then post again with specific questions. Right now it seems you're using the forum for a public disagreement with your girlfriend.

Edited by christinepi
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I was going to suggest hiring a dog trainer, instead I think a relationship therapist is in order.


I live with my boyfriend. He has a Airedale, I have two greys. When we decided to combine households, the dogs became "ours". Any behavior challenges we have with any of the three dogs are ours to solve, not mine vs. his. The only part of our dog ownership that remains individual is routine vet care, but decisions on their care are still discussed jointly.

Edited by gracegirl

Poppy the lurcher 11/24/23
Gabby the Airedale 7/1/18
Forever missing Grace (RT's Grace), Fenway (not registered, def a greyhound), Jackson (airedale terrier, honorary greyhound), and Tessie (PK's Cat Island)

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Despite many issues that may be happening which all need to be tackled, there are going to be times when each dog needs to be taken out on their own (vets visits, breed only events, emergencies).

Maybe the method of leaving the house would lessen either dogs anxiety?

I have two greys who generally go together everywhere, but sometimes i do need to take one out without the other. If i walk out the front door with one leaving the other behind it generally results in the one left behind crying and whining and getting significant SA. However, if i go out with both, let them pee, then put the one I need to take out in the car and take the one being left behind in the house and leave them with a very tasty treat everyone is generally ok. I learned this after a few trial and errors!


Maybe a dog behaviorist that would work with ALL of you would be helpfull, it isn't easy blending any combination of dogs and humans. They may be able to help with a structured plan of "quality time" that you could all spend together and separate and in pairs. Sounds like you both need to de-stress and go out for a nice dinner with each other and spend quality time for just the humans, sans dogs.

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