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Lameness - Limping

Guest eva1634

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Guest eva1634

Our girl (5 yo) is battling periodic lameness - anything above a low-level trot and she tripods - and it appears to emanate from one of her left hind weight-bearing toes. The toe is slightly swollen, warmer than the others, but doesn't appear to be sporting a corn. She is so stoic that a thorough manual exam of her spine, hips, hocks, feet, etc. revealed nothing.


Although I keep her nails short, I think she may have snagged it during zoomies and hyper-extended a flexor tendon - the toenail on the affected toe is riding a little high. Short of x-rays (these are next) - we're waiting to see what a little rest will do.


My question is, has anyone else had experience with this kind of strain? If so, how long did it take for the lameness to subside?


Also, is there any way to find out what injuries she may have suffered during her racing career? Perhaps past problems have been aggravated.


I welcome your thoughts.

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Greyhound toes are very prone to ligament strains and other damage. Beth had to have amputation of a weight-bearing toe after severing the ligament when her foot slipped running. What your girl has sounds like what they call a "dropped toe." I think a vet check is in order. And I would keep her on restricted activity at the very least.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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Guest eva1634

Thanks, PrairieProf. She's seen the vet for an exam and she's on restricted activity for the next week to see what changes. If there is none, x-rays are the next step.


Bummer! We both are inveterate wanderers who like to mosey about and explore - especially in the morning.


Thankfully, her appetite and sunny attitude seem unchanged.

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I'm sure she'll get better eventually! I know it's hard to be on restricted activity -- we are on leash restriction because of a puncture wound Beth got in her toe Monday. I hope the xrays if you get them will provide insight.

With Cocoa (DC Chocolatedrop), missing B for Beth (2006-2015)
And kitties C.J., Klara, Bernadette, John-Boy, & Sinbad

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