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Corn Cream Doesn't Seem To Be Working

Guest BrodesMom

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Guest BrodesMom
:( Hi everyone-- I'm hoping you fine folks can help me out. I've been using the Murray Avenue corn cream on Brode's corn for six months now, but it doesn't seem to be working--he's limping again. He doesn't seem to be limping as bad as he did before the cream, but that rotten corn keeps coming back! I've been able to get pieces of it out with the hard callused area around the corn, but it keeps growing back. I've never seen a dead black area on the corn, so maybe there's something I'm doing wrong? I've tried everything I can think of--hulling at the vet's, duct tape, cold sore medication. I really don't want to do surgery--if anyone has any advice Brode and I will both really appreciate it!
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Guest Adrianne

I believe sometimes a corn can only be managed. The best thing I personally found for managing his pain and limp when treating Chevy's corn was the dremel. This was suggested to me by another greyhound owner, and it worked great. I would dremel the corn down below pad level, as far down as I could. He got great relief from it. It's quick and easy.

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The corn cream didn't work for Jack either. :( I have found that duct tape works better than anything. Keep a circle of duct tape over the corn, check every couple of days and replace when it's tattered, or has come off. It makes it easier to peel off part of the corn, or dig the corn out. It does not make them go away, :( but it does make it easier to get them out temporarily.

Phoebe (Belle's Sweetpea) adopted 9/2/13.

Jack (BTR Captain Jack) 9/28/05--11/2/12
Always missing Buddy, Ruby, and Rascal.

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I believe sometimes a corn can only be managed. The best thing I personally found for managing his pain and limp when treating Chevy's corn was the dremel. This was suggested to me by another greyhound owner, and it worked great. I would dremel the corn down below pad level, as far down as I could. He got great relief from it. It's quick and easy.


Which attachment did you use? Conor's corns are pretty small in diameter (maybe 1/8"). I think I have a little cone shaped thingy I could use. Did you use the dremel after hulling or is that how you hulled?


We're at 2 months of twice daily wetting/hyaluronic acid/corn cream with hulling as necessary. No changes so far.


Deirdre with Conor (Daring Pocobueno), Keeva (Kiowa Mimi Mona), & kittehs Gemma & robthomas.

Our beloved angels Faolin & Liath, & kittehs Mona & Caesar. Remembering Bobby, Doc McCoy, & Chip McGrath.

"He feeds you, pets you, adores you, collects your poop in a bag. There's only one explanation: you are a hairy little god." Nick Galifinakis

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Guest BlueCrab

Like Rascalsmom, Trixie's under regular corn management with duct tape. We didn't try Murray Avenue, but we tried everything else (dremmel, soaking, Kerasolv with socks every night, hulling) and nothing worked for us like duct tape did. Duct tape is replaced every couple days, the corn comes out quite quickly and then when it comes back a couple days / weeks later, we just start it again. We have Thera-Paws boots for when we do extensive hiking or long walks on hard surfaces, or when it's particularly painful for her.


With some, like Trixie, and as others have noted, the corns never do go away. It just becomes a managemenet thing.

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Guest BrodesMom

Thanks for all the replies! I'll try the duct tape again but leave it on longer this time. I have a Thera Paw that he wears on his walks, and he does very well with that. I'll try the Dremel, too--I do have one but I'm curious, too, as to which mandrel you use, as Brode's corn isn't that big, either, but it's a painful little sucker. Would the cone grinding stone work? I'm thinking, too, that like the other greys I just may have to manage the corn to keep Brode comfortable.

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Guest BlueCrab

I leave the duct tape on ALL THE TIME. Well, except when it's fallen off and I don't know it. :lol


actually, we're the same. I guess it really is on all the time. We keep a big piece on the side of the fridge and then cut off 1cm x 1cm squares that we use as we need.


I've noticed some tapes work better than others. We mostly use "racer tape" that we have in the car trailers. It's whatever brand DH has managed to pick up thru racer supply stores, so it's not usually the name brand you'd pick up at Home Depot. Same stuff, just different suppliers. But whatever brand the gray stuff is that DH had in the trailer was crap...the black tape worked better. So some tapes seem to have more of the sticky goo and some less. You may have to try a different brand to see if one sticks better and works better.

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Guest Adrianne

Thanks for all the replies! I'll try the duct tape again but leave it on longer this time. I have a Thera Paw that he wears on his walks, and he does very well with that. I'll try the Dremel, too--I do have one but I'm curious, too, as to which mandrel you use, as Brode's corn isn't that big, either, but it's a painful little sucker. Would the cone grinding stone work? I'm thinking, too, that like the other greys I just may have to manage the corn to keep Brode comfortable.



So sorry to just be getting back to this.


My dremel came with two different sized bits......not sure the sizes because I threw all the paperwork away months ago. Chevy's corn wasn't big, so I used the smallest bit. As long as I got the edge on the corn, it ground it down. The first time I did it, I was unsure how far I could go. But I got so used to it, and it became so easy.


I don't think I would use a cone grinding stone; it might be a little too rough. If you hit the pad instead of the corn, it could hurt. I just used the sander.

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Guest betheab199

SO is this just a generic hardware store dremel, or a special one that people use for nail trimming on pets?


Poor Carol's corn is so big, it juts out from her paw. I don't think I could get duct tape to stick unless I dremeled it down. When I mess with it at all, she just yips and screams, poor baby. I think I may need a trip to the vet.

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Guest DebSzal

I also tried everything on Gracie's corns...corn creme, hulling, duct tape and Abrevia. Nothing has gotten rid of the corns and we are in a maintenance phase now. I use the Pedipaw to grind down the corn and she wears a Therapaw when we go for long walks. I started to grind it down after she went for her last hulling so that I don't have much to gride. I usually do it when she is laying down at night and go slow. The vet told me she would let me know when I get too close for comfort. Maybe after a trip to the vet, you might be able to manage the corn easier.


Corns really do suck!



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Guest Adrianne

SO is this just a generic hardware store dremel, or a special one that people use for nail trimming on pets?


Poor Carol's corn is so big, it juts out from her paw. I don't think I could get duct tape to stick unless I dremeled it down. When I mess with it at all, she just yips and screams, poor baby. I think I may need a trip to the vet.



Just the generic dremel. I ordered mine off Ebay.

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