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Restless Rhythm

Guest KatJon

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Rhythm is doing great for the most part (he's been with us for 5 weeks now). Things are improving with the separation anxiety, so that is a good sign!


But he is keeping us up at night! He has always slept in our bedroom on his bed on the floor, and for the first several weeks he was fine. He would sleep all night and not bug us until the morning. Now, for the past week or so, he is restless at night... Pacing, digging on his bed, sticking his wet nose into my face, etc. This is even after really long walks during the day, so you would think he would be exhausted. At first we thought he was cold, so we tried one night with jammies - didn't help. We tried leaving the door open so he could wander about the house if he wanted - didn't work. He has plenty of options of where to sleep... his crate, his bed, or the carpet. And we always let him out to go to the bathroom right before bed.


Any other suggestions to get him to calm down at night?

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Has anything in your evening routine changed at all? Are there any new noises?


Just off the top of my head I'd say try going back to crating again. See if that can help him settle down. If it works then leave it that way for a while & then try leaving the crate door open.

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Joe acted like that last year; I wanted to kill him. It turned out that he had a UTI and was telling me he didn't feel good. :( I thought he was just being a PITA, but my poor baby was sick! Of, course, now he knows that nosing at me at night gets him the whole "Are you ok, baby?" routine! :lol He's a smart bugger.


It could also be that it's getting dark really early now, or that he just wants attention, but I'd consider a vet trip.

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Guest greyers

Does he have to urgently go when you take him out in the morning? How does he normally let you know he needs to go out and potty? Mine have only done that restless behavior when something was wrong. Had to potty, in pain, etc

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It's getting colder at night, especially on the floor. Try a light jacket / housecoat or pajamas.


Sounds like you have a nester also, he's just trying to build a nest to get warm.


EDITED TO ADD - OOPS - I missed that you tried that. I'd try it again. We see the same thing every Fall / Winter and pajamas or a coat settle it right out. If he's never worn PJ's before it may take him a few nights to get used to them.


If that doesn't fix it, then I would be looking at other causes since he normally sleeps ok.

Edited by Time4ANap

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try the jammies, check to see if he urgently needs to go out, and try the crate- all mentioned above. how much exercise is he getting? he might not be tired enough or he might be like a dog i know too well. if the one i know is left free he roams, nest, makes noise- if he is in his crate he hunkers down and doesn't want to get out in the morning. sometimes it's trial and error.

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Guest Melissa516

How about a light weight throw / blanket to cover him with? I have a dog throw (brown with paw prints) that I got at Kohl's a while back. It's very light weight and the perfect size. Ginger will actually sleep for hours while covered with it.

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Thanks for the tips everyone.... He has actually gotten better the past few nights, but we've also noticed he's drinking a lot of water. We're taking him to the vet tomorrow just in case. Will keep everyone posted :unsure

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The vet visit went fine... His urine sample was normal, so we think it was the switching of food that's been causing him to drink a lot more. And he's been a lot more settled at night, so I'm not sure what the deal was last week. Same amount of exercise and not much different going on that I can tell. Soooo all is good!


Now to combat his separation anxiety.... That will be another post when I have more time :blink:

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