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Enza has been having some limping issues stemming from something in her neck and just about everything has been ruled out. We still need to do Xrays if warranted (neither the Vet or I are there quite yet), but I believe it is time to add in some supplements to help her out. I started her back on Fish Oil and she gets missing link for joints as well. After much research, ArthriSoothe Gold (or regular) seem to be the best bet for combining Glucosamine, MSM, yucca, and Boswellia.

For those who have used it, has it made a positive impact and do you use tablets or the liquid? And where have you found the best prices?

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Enza has been having some limping issues stemming from something in her neck and just about everything has been ruled out. We still need to do Xrays if warranted (neither the Vet or I are there quite yet), but I believe it is time to add in some supplements to help her out. I started her back on Fish Oil and she gets missing link for joints as well. After much research, ArthriSoothe Gold (or regular) seem to be the best bet for combining Glucosamine, MSM, yucca, and Boswellia.

For those who have used it, has it made a positive impact and do you use tablets or the liquid? And where have you found the best prices?


I have not used it but would be interested in seeing the replies you get as maybe I need to look into it too.



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do you have a holistic vet to call and ask?


you might try emailing Claudia Presto.. she is very knowledgable about supplements, she uses all the ones you listed



lorinda, mom to the ever revolving door of Foster greyhounds

Always in my heart: Teala (LC Sweet Dream) , Pepton, Darbee-Do (Hey Barb) , Rascal (Abitta Rascal), Power (Beyond the Power), and the miracle boy LAZER (2/21/14), Spirit (Bitter Almonds) 8/14

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Guest Mom2Shiloh

My holistic vets strongly recommend the Arthrisoothe and I've been using it for years.. I think the Arthrisoothe Gold is actually a little better because it has the MSM in it, but my dogs don't like the taste (sigh) so we just use the plain--- The most economical is just getting the 500 pill bottle and the best price I've found is from https://www.calvetsupply.com/index.php; although occasionally I get it from Amazon.com if someone is having a sale. They recommend you start at a higher dose and then go to the maintenance dose. Really, because of the way the ingredients work synergistically (together), I've been very pleased with the results. I also get S.O.D. and Boswelia from CalVet -- it's an herbal anti-inflammatory that doesn't loose efficacy if you use it on an ongoing basis. Very good for gimpy or potentially gimpy dogs along with the Arthrisoothe, not contraindicated with anything and it has REALLY made a difference for my almost 10 year old Agnes, who has a badly healed right rear hock.

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