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Dusty Was Diagnosed With Pannus

Guest Greyhoundbaby

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Guest Greyhoundbaby

Ahh, the wonder of GT. I feel much better after reading several of the other posts in this section on other houdies with Pannus. She starts her eye drops tonight and we follow up with the vet in 3 weeks.


But - still asking for some good thoughts - she IS my baby :)

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Guest BrindleBoy

Our Indy *might* have pannus... vet said to "keep an eye on it, and if it gets any worse, bring him back"... is there no test for pannus? His eyes look an awful lot like pics I've seen of pannus. One even has the "extra tissue" thing going on... :(

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Guest IrskasMom

Good Thoughts and Hugs for your Baby :grouphug:grouphug:grouphug:kiss2 Did you go to EyeCare Specialist for Animals??? This is the second Summer in a row we had to deal with Conjunctivitis in the right Eye of my Baby.Twice daily we have to put Drops (Steroids) in his Eye and surprisingly it gets easier and he does not fight us anymore ( a lot of Praising ) Next week we have a follow up with the EyeCare Doc.Good Luck and keep us posted after all , they are our Babies :wub:

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Guest greytkidsmom

Our Indy *might* have pannus... vet said to "keep an eye on it, and if it gets any worse, bring him back"... is there no test for pannus? His eyes look an awful lot like pics I've seen of pannus. One even has the "extra tissue" thing going on... :(


A veterinary ophthalomologist can diagnose it with a physical exam. Well worth the $ to get a definitive diagnosis and to get started on treatment right away. We caught Tiel's early and some of the growth across the eye actually went away.

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Guest mountain4greys

Our Indy *might* have pannus... vet said to "keep an eye on it, and if it gets any worse, bring him back"... is there no test for pannus? His eyes look an awful lot like pics I've seen of pannus. One even has the "extra tissue" thing going on... :(


A veterinary ophthalomologist can diagnose it with a physical exam. Well worth the $ to get a definitive diagnosis and to get started on treatment right away. We caught Tiel's early and some of the growth across the eye actually went away.



This is what we did with Holly, and it really is a must do. The faster the better, as it can get worse with time, untreated. We now give Holly eye drops every morning, and she'll need them for the rest of her life.



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If a puppy has to have a chronic disorder, pannus is the one to have. Even though our Sirocco had a stubborn case of pannus, it was never complicated or expensive to treat. (Our vet opthamologist said he usually only saw cases like Sirocco's in gsd's.) After a while, eye drops twice a day just became a part of the routine.


Another vote for seeing a vet opthamologist. Definitely worth the drive and cost to us, especially for my peace of mind.


Good luck!

Drake - Fortified Power x Cajun Oriel

Janney - Ronco x Sol Happy

Waiting at the bridge: Sirocco - (Reko Sirocco) - Trojan Episode x Reko Princess; Nikki - (MPS Sharai) - Devilish Episode x MPS Daisy Queen;
Yukon - (Yak Back) - Epic Prince x Barts Cinnamon

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Hoping for the best for you!


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest Greyhoundbaby

Thanks everybody - our regular vet did the diagnosis. She was in for her annual appointment and I asked him to look at her eyes because they were both developing a film over them - I thought maybe cataracs - that's sort of what it looked like. So far, no bloodshot rims or itching. She was a real trooper tonight for her first drops!

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Guest BrindleBoy

Thanks everybody - our regular vet did the diagnosis. She was in for her annual appointment and I asked him to look at her eyes because they were both developing a film over them - I thought maybe cataracs - that's sort of what it looked like. So far, no bloodshot rims or itching. She was a real trooper tonight for her first drops!


Itching & bloodshot (only one eye bloodshot)... now I'm getting even more sure it's pannus... darn... When I take the stool sample in for hookworm test next week, I'll make another appointment for the eyes... and if I don't get enough "action", I'll have to find a local pet optho.

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Gustopher P use to wait in the kitchen every morning for his eye drops and would stand there until I put them in. He also got used to having his big play times in the evenings as sunlight exacerbates pannus. I loved my doggie eye doctor and she loved Gus...

The more I see of man, the more I like dogs. ~Mme. de Staël
Missing my Bridge Angels Ryce, Bo, Jim, Miss Millie, Miss Rose, Gustopher P Jones (Pimpmaster G), Miss Isabella and Miss Star

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