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Did We Dodge A Bullet?

Guest Profgumby

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Guest Profgumby

Lady got here yesterday afternoon. I could not find the food she was being fed anywhere in our town or the one across the river. the local shop has the brand but not the formula. She was fed Pro Plan Lamb and Rice and all I can find is chicken or salmon and rice.


So what to do? Jump and pray! I fed her the food we are feeding our 1st 2 girls, Chicken Soup for the Dog Lovers Soul. So far, after 3 feedings, no poo issues at all! After the mess (sorry for the bad pun) PatC put us through and even the reaction Beauty had to the ultra premium food experiment, Lady has apparently made the switch with no issue at all. And she loves the food!


I think we got lucky.....I would not recommend this as a course of action and I feel like a total dope not making sure we had the food BEFORE I went and picked her up....

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Guest Lynnada

Well that makes life easier. Hopefully, she continues to do fine on that food, you never know, it may take a little while for problems to start. :goodluck for no tummy troubles.

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Guest UpperHandAndy

I also made a quick stop at the store for some ProPlan for Andy when we got him. I got lucky, and they gave me enough to tide him over for a week or so. I've been transitioning him over to Fromm's and THC. I really didn't do it over time as I should have, but Andy seems to be doing fine. Maybe it's because it's a better quality food? Good luck, and I'm glad to hear she's doing well!! (and of course, CONGRATS on her!!)

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Guest FullMetalFrank

I have done the quick switch before with few issues, too. Not with a drastic food transition, but between brands with similar ingredients.

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