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Too Excited At Walk Time!

Guest RobinAZ

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Guest RobinAZ

GreyCee and Layla love their evening walks. We just go around the block. It's the highlight of their day. However, they love it so much that around the time they know we go they start jumping around and barking and trying to get us to go. Well, sometimes we don't want to go yet - especially with the heat here in Arizona. And sometimes we might not want to go at all. It's to the point that if Rob or I even go to get up the dogs go crazy and jump around like maniacs, even if we are only going into the kitchen. Or if we accidentally say the word "go" they go nuts. How do we control this? I've tried saying no and sometimes squirting water with the squirt bottle and that works for a couple minutes, but soon they start up again.

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Guest Tabby

I dont have any good advice but my Tabby freaks out a walk time also. if I go near where her leash is kept she starts whining and jumping around. I am curious to see other replies.



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Guest RobinAZ

Well, tonight wasn't as bad as it normally is. We were out all day and didn't feel like walking them and they only had to be told NO three times. Since it's almost dark now, I think they got the message. I always end up feeling bad because I know they love going so much..little buggers :lol

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Guest BrianRke

I have no advice on how to stop this but would love to hear others responses as I have the same problem with my 3. Its not as bad as what you are describing though. They only go nuts when they see me reach for the leashes or hear their collars jingle.


My problem is their reaction, the jumping and barking. One of the dogs always gets jumped on by another (which usually warrants a growl) and I always get clawed.

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Guest HHHounds

Mine go crazy until they are outside and then they transform into noble majestic hounds - funny to watch the transformation!

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Guest buttonwillow

Mine go crazy until they are outside and then they transform into noble majestic hounds - funny to watch the transformation!

:lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol :lol

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Guest Swifthounds

You just need to reinforce for them that the good behavior (is being quiet and patient) is what earns them the walks while the jumping around means no walk.


It's trickier with the dogs that exhibit behavior in anticipation (rather than say, once you touch the leashes), but I find ignoring works better than any verbal or other discouraging because any attention is still attention. If you get up and they start jumping about, make a sharp vocalization or clap tour hands to interrupt them and then tell them to go lay down (or whatever phrase you use). Then ignore them. If the walk only happens when they stay calm from the time you get up from the chair to the time you clip the leash and go out the door they'll figure out what you want.


It takes a lot if patience in the beginning, but it's better than having the three ring circus everytime you refill your coffee.

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Mine go crazy until they are outside and then they transform into noble majestic hounds - funny to watch the transformation!


Sounds familiar ;) I also have 2 nuts who if I touch their leashes are busy trying to put the harnesses on themselves :lol

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Marble, Noah, Eden, Raya (red heeler), Cooper & Trooper (naughty kittens)

Missing my bridge angels: Pop, Zelda, Mousey & Carmel

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Guest RobinAZ

Thanks for the advice. I will give it a try.


I had to laugh though, mine are the same way. Once they go out the door they are very nice walkers. Well, unless GreyCee sees a cat. We have cats in the house and she's fine, but cats running around outside are another story. If I see it before her and tighten up on the leash all is fine but if she sees the cat first you should hear the noises she makes. I've actually had people come out of their houses thinking there's a dying dog outside. :lol :lol

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Guest katethegreyt

I would definitely try to work towards no collar or walk until they are calm (maybe a sit or a down?) That's what I do with my girl. She doesn't get her collar on until she's quiet (I also usually ask for a sit) and the door doesn't open until she chills. At first you can take lesser degrees of calm until eventually they can be still and quiet for longer stretches. This is definitely a bit easier if they already know down, wait, sit or place, so that might be something else to work on (I've had good luck using a clicker with our girl.)


Another thing I would do is start jangling their collars all the time at random points throughout the day, then put them away. Make all the moves you would to go for a walk, then don't. Might help to extinguish the response they've developed.

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I would definitely try to work towards no collar or walk until they are calm (maybe a sit or a down?) That's what I do with my girl. She doesn't get her collar on until she's quiet (I also usually ask for a sit) and the door doesn't open until she chills. At first you can take lesser degrees of calm until eventually they can be still and quiet for longer stretches. This is definitely a bit easier if they already know down, wait, sit or place, so that might be something else to work on (I've had good luck using a clicker with our girl.)


Another thing I would do is start jangling their collars all the time at random points throughout the day, then put them away. Make all the moves you would to go for a walk, then don't. Might help to extinguish the response they've developed.


My girls get excited when they think it is walk time or if they think it is time to walk because I get the leashes/collars. I've started taking the leashes and collars out at different times and putting them on the kitchen counter and not going for a walk. The disappointment on their faces is hard, but they have already started calming down when I move the leashes. Now the problem is when I put on my dog-walking shoes. I swear they can tell which shoes are for what! Guess I'll have to start switching up my shoes too. ;)


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Guest Tabby

June, my dogs love the "shoes" also. I have started just putting them on and walking around the house in them. Like you I feel bad when they get disappointed but I see an improvement already!

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Guest benfrench

Matchbox does not get the leash until he is down. We have worked on this for a year now and he is at a point where he knows not to get up until he is told it is ok. If he doesn't do down, he doesn't get the leash. Simple formula, they will figure it our. They are too smart for thier own good....

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Guest jettcricket

I have no advice on how to stop this but would love to hear others responses as I have the same problem with my 3. Its not as bad as what you are describing though. They only go nuts when they see me reach for the leashes or hear their collars jingle.


My problem is their reaction, the jumping and barking. One of the dogs always gets jumped on by another (which usually warrants a growl) and I always get clawed.

Sigh...me too. They feed off of one another. One on one, not so bad, but all 3 together...oy. I have bruises on me constantly.

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When Greta was young she would leap around and stab at me with her nose when I got up and she thought it was time for a walk, and would try to lunge through the door as I opened it. A sharp reprimand and my sitting down every time she did it stopped the poking nose, and her lunging headfirst into a metal door she thought was open cured the lunging. I also required her to sit before I would open the door (she lunged from a sit), and that helped keep everyone safe, too. Now, she still gets excited, but she has developed a routine she goes through that includes making sure she doesn't push me or get in my way. It's the only time she will spontaneously heel (vibrating from nose to tail, :lol )!

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I have no advice on how to stop this but would love to hear others responses as I have the same problem with my 3. Its not as bad as what you are describing though. They only go nuts when they see me reach for the leashes or hear their collars jingle.


My problem is their reaction, the jumping and barking. One of the dogs always gets jumped on by another (which usually warrants a growl) and I always get clawed.

Sigh...me too. They feed off of one another. One on one, not so bad, but all 3 together...oy. I have bruises on me constantly.

Sammi used to turn into a ballistic rocking horse jacked up on Red Bull and swizzle sticks if she saw me even touch her leash. Now tho, she only moves when she see me hold the collar (which is attached to the leash) open and I am looking straight at her. Same with the car keys. Previously mentioned rocking horse, to now watching me to see if I look at her.


What I did to break that behavior was to constantly, throughout the day, touch/move her leash and/or the car keys unnecessarily. Just pick them up and walk around with them while ignoring the explosion of excited fur next to me, then dropping them off somewhere else in the house, only to repeat the process later on. (Usually when I would get up to get some coffee, go to the bathroom, vacuum, etc...) Eventually she realized that unless I looked at her with the items, it was nothing exciting.

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