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Peanut Butter Causing Big-D?

Guest BrindleBoy

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Guest LoriEric

OK, today is 1 week since we brought him home, and I know that's not a long time, but... his stools are still soft, sometimes the big D. I've been feeding 1/2C rice with each meal for 3 days now, thought it was helping but apparently not. I'm feeding him the food they told me to, but am starting to wonder if the food he's "used to eating" might NOT be the best food for HIM to eat. Jus because the adoption agency feeds them all the same thing, doesn't mean it's the right food. But that's another issue.


Either that, or it's the peanut butter I've been putting in his kongs... the only 2 "variables", the only 2 things that differ from day to day are his stress level and the peanut butter.


Is doggie PB from the pet store better for them than real PB?

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I am sure others will have good advice. Lexie can't have a lot of pb she gets the big d. I put plain yogurt in the kong just to smear it around in there and freeze it. It lasts longer that way. I have also put in some cooked sweet potatoes.

Lexie is gone but not forgotten.💜

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Greyhounds can be sensitive dogs and coming to a "new and different" place could be causing just enough stress to give diarrhea. Have you tries a bland diet -- rice and cooked hamburg (or meat chunks/chicken) and if so, does the diarrhea still continue?

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Guest sandlot13433

My dog Sabre got horrible big D from peanut butter in his Kong. Once we cut out the peanut butter, no more big D. It would be worth trying to eliminate it to see.

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My girl also has some issues with peanut butter, so I use a plain probiotic yogurt frozen in her Kong. If you're looking for a quick fix to add to his food, try canned pureed pumpkin (just be careful not to buy the pie filling). Anytime Luna's tummy is upset I add some to her food, so to keep it on hand, I freeze it in icecube trays and pop a frozen glob into her regular dry food. She loves it and it works like a miracle!

Laura, mom to Luna (Boc's Duchess) and Nova (Atascocita Venus).
Forever in my heart, Phantom (Tequila Nights) and Zippy (Iruska Monte).

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It may be the PB, but it also may be the new environment. When we got our first grey, EZ, we got him what the agency suggested - but he had very loose stools. We put him on a prescription low residue and that helped. Now he is on Nature's Essence and that does alright by him - but other foods still throw him off. Some are just more sensitive than others - and I think that many of them take several weeks to adapt to home life - thus having digestive tract issues in the meantime!


Robin, EZ (Tribal Track), JJ (What a Story), Dustin (E's Full House) and our beautiful Jack (Mana Black Jack) and Lily (Chip's Little Miss Lily) both at the Bridge
The WFUBCC honors our beautiful friends at the bridge. Godspeed sweet angels.

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Guest Lynnada

My boy has continually had soft stools on and off. He is currently on prescription diet. :( I try to keep the treats to natural or for sensitive stomach or as few ingredients as possible. I don't give PB regularly and just a very small amount when I do, no big-D, but oh, my the green cloud that forms behind him! :eek:blink:

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Guest LoriEric

Totally understand it could be the new environment. But there were a few days were he didn't get peanut butter, because we didn't crate him (because it was the weekend, we took him out to parks and stuff)... and he had one solid poo. That's why I'm suspecting the PB. Today, he'll be crated a total of about 5 hours (in 2 "shifts"), and I put regular kibble in his kong, only using enough PB to seal the end... we'll see.


Still feeding him 1/2C rice with every meal. (twice a day)

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Guest BrianRke

I only use the ALL NATURAL peanut butter. Only ingredient...peanuts. They love it. Other peanut butter can be loaded with sugar and other things.

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Guest LoriEric

We were using the Skippy all natural. The only PB he got yesterday was the small amount I used to plug the hole in the Kong. Still had some big-D during evening walk. But, he also spent most of the day in his crate because I was working (I came hoe at lunch for 45 min, and walked him.) Today will be same as yesterday. So the peanut butter is 95% gone, and I'll continue the rice...

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I am sure others will have good advice. Lexie can't have a lot of pb she gets the big d. I put plain yogurt in the kong just to smear it around in there and freeze it. It lasts longer that way. I have also put in some cooked sweet potatoes.


And on the other side of this "coin," my dog gets diarrhea from yogurt!


I think the OP may be on the right track; the food that George was getting when I adopted him didn't agree with him. He had loose stool the ENTIRE month he was in foster care, but he was being fed what the rest of the dogs in the group were fed.


I've not found rice all that helpful; rice is good when a dog has been sick and needs super bland food for a bit. For poo firming, I learned here on GT that pumpkin is great! Maybe try that? Also, I'd suggest that if you haven't already taken him to the vet for that "new doggy" checkup, you probably should, and bring a stool sample. He could easily have Giardia or some other parasite.


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Guest LoriEric

well, no PB or rice for last couple days, and it seems to be getting better. I will keep the pumpkin in mind tho. Next friday is his 1st vet appt, stool sample requested. I think he might have pannus :(

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