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Memorial Tributes To Osu Through Northcoast Greyhounds


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Our hearts go out to the families of the following greyhounds and family pets for whom sympathetic friends have provided a Memorial Heart Tribute through Northcoast Greyhounds:


Artful Dodger










Tucker, Beloved Boston






Koa, Best Loved Rottie


and Curly

From each memorial gift, a $10 contribution to Ohio State University’s Greyhound Program is reserved until $100 or more is accumulated. This check for $100, with a copy of this letter listing the names of each dog being remembered, has been sent today, directed towards Dr. Couto’s program at the OSU Veterinary College. The dog's names will remain on the program's Memorial Page as a reminder that each one of our loved ones lost contributes to the better life of greyhounds to come.


The Greyhound Project has been notified and will match these regular contributions as their budget allows.


Take wing, all you new Greyt Angels and Furry Friends. Godspeed. You'll be as well-missed as you were well-loved.

Cara and the Northcoast Greyhounds






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