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Hi From Alabama

Guest RmbrWen

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Guest RmbrWen


My name is Wendy and we live in Alabaster, Alabama. We adopted our greyhound Dash a few months ago and today we went to the track as they told us that they had his littermate and brother whose name is now Hercules but he will probably be known as Dympsey. They knew each other !!! I was so amazed but they had traveled together a good bit of the time. Dash didn't have much of a career and Dympsey has placed 6th and 7th in a few races. Today when they met they kissed and danced around and then they were turned out in the run to run and they ran side by side kissing along the way and stopping to greet one another and lay under some shade. What do we need to know about adopting littermates and has anyone out there done this...??

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Hello and welcome from Maryland!


It sounds like they will be very happy living together!



Humans Kathy and Jim with our girls, Ivy (Carolina Spoon) and Cherry (Fly Cherry Pie)

Missing our beautiful angel Breeze (Dighton Breeze) and angel Beka (BM Beko) - you are forever in our hearts.

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Welcome from Ft. Myers Florida!!!! :colgate


We have liter mates Jasmine and Aladdin they are also very close!

Darlene Mom to: Aladdin, Sophie ,Pongo, Jasmine, Relic Forever in our Hearts Champ at the Rainbow Bridge.

Let a greyhound race into your heart Adopt

Bay Area Greyhound Adoptions INC. Naples/ Fort Myers Chapter

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Welcome to GT!! :welcome


Wonderful first meeting with the boys!! I bet you will thoroughly enjoy having brothers. I've brought in female family members and had a great experiences. The boys are sometimes easier than the girls, so you'll have it made! Have fun and please share pictures when you can. :)

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Guest RmbrWen

Thanks everyone !! We live in an apartment but Dash gets walked a lot and the new one will too ( I think we have decided on the name Dympsey. But just going to wait to see if that name works...

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Wow! Sounds like a perfect match right from the start! I'd be getting that brother so fast his head would spin, haha!


Our littermates were adopted 2 weeks apart and despite being in the same kennels at 2 different tracks, the reunion was anti-climatic. If they recognized each other, they didn't let on. They get along fine but when #2 came in, it was clear he was the dominant of the two right from the start and sometimes I wonder if our first (Brucie) was wondering out of all the littermates they had, why we had to get the 'Bumper' !colgate.gif

Doe's Bruciebaby Doe's Bumper


Follow my Ironman journeys and life with dogs, cats and busy kids: A long road

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Guest UpperHandAndy

I think it's really neat to have littermates and even better that they seemed so happy to see each other! Congrats and hi from Louisiana!

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Guest RmbrWen

Thanks y'all bear with me I can't figure out how to put pics on here. I may wait till we get Dympsey. We are supposed to find more out on the timing this week. He has to go get all his work up and shots and get his "boys" taken care of :blush and they will schedule that in the next few days. I brought Dash home and he still had his stitches and we took him to our vet to have them removed but I suppose we will have to wait for Dympsey to have his removed since it appeared they may want to rough house a bit and wouldn't want him to get hurt... but we are very excited. I do have a Facebook page with pics its www.facebook.com/rmbrwen

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Guest avadogner


My name is Wendy and we live in Alabaster, Alabama. We adopted our greyhound Dash a few months ago and today we went to the track as they told us that they had his littermate and brother whose name is now Hercules but he will probably be known as Dympsey. They knew each other !!! I was so amazed but they had traveled together a good bit of the time. Dash didn't have much of a career and Dympsey has placed 6th and 7th in a few races. Today when they met they kissed and danced around and then they were turned out in the run to run and they ran side by side kissing along the way and stopping to greet one another and lay under some shade. What do we need to know about adopting littermates and has anyone out there done this...??


Welcome to GT from Hoover, AL! There is a small group of us who do play dates at Wald Park but temps are too high now. We would love for Dash and Dempsey to join us! If you are interested or justhave general new hound questions, let Mel know and she can give you my info. My Ava met her littermate Sasha back in 2003 but Sasha was snippy with Ava who is a Diva in her own league. She is a bit old for play but our Augie would love playmates! We are close by and I know Pelham/Alabaster areas well so we could try a playdate. Congrats on your hound and chipping! Can't wait to see pics!


aka ava& augie's mum

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Welcome! I have littermates boys and love it! They were separated for over a year but remembered each other. They are the Yin to their Yang. Goose and Maverick are opposite in looks and temperament but compliment each other perfectly. Enjoy!




Cindy with Miss Fancypants, Paris Bueller, Zeke, and Angus 
Dante (Dg's Boyd), Zoe (In a While), Brady (Devilish Effect), Goose (BG Shotgun), Maverick (BG ShoMe), Maggie (All Trades Jax), Sherman (LNB Herman Bad) and Indy (BYB whippet) forever in my heart
The flame that burns the brightest, burns the fastest and leaves the biggest shadow

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Guest isntitgreyt

Welcome from Delaware!! Congratulations!! Rags and Rainman are littermates and Glenda is their mom! Glenda sticks to her son like glue and Rags and Rainman act like siblings at times. I sweart Glenda rolls her eyes at them :lol

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Guest RmbrWen

How cool Hoover.... I will have to find Wald park... haven't heard of that one... and need to figure out how to get my pic on here everytime I try I have no success... will have to get our man child on this for me

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Guest snakes

I adopted littermates and it can be fun to see the similarities and differences. The biggest thing is that they get along and it sounds like that base is more than covered in your case :) You might as well go pick him up now! :) Good luck!

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Guest RmbrWen

I want to buttt.... he has to have his "boys" taken care of and shots and stuff then we will need to wait until his stitches are removed I suppose...because I'm sure they will be catching up on playtime... y'all we are soo excited and this place is great !! Sharing the love of such a wonderful breed of dogs... Please bear with me my kids are better at these things than I am but I'm learning slowly

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I've had 3 sets of littermates. I had Emmy and Andy and they were closer than any littermates I've ever seen. They passed away just 3 months to the day apart.


I have 2 sets of 4 littermates now. My first set, Heart, Saint, Arrow and Valentino are 10 now and I adopted them when they were 4 and 5. They are close but not nearly like Emmy and Andy were.


My second set is Bullitt, Joey, Sammie and Pistol. Three of the 4 are extremely close because they were raised together and raced together. Joey is the only one that was part of a breeding agreement and was removed from the litter at 3 months of age. He didn't recognize his brothers at all. He has finally bonded with the other 3 but it took some time.


Welcome to GT and the wonderful world of littermates!

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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I adopted a pair of brothers Hector & Throp at the same time, they got on great but were still fairly independent and were opposites in personality which worked well but also similar in many ways. It sounds like your brothers are going to be happy to live together again :)

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