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Destroying Grass Lawn

Guest billschoe

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Guest billschoe

When my greyhound, Bizzy, urinates on my backyard lawn, she leaves spots that are non recoverable except with new sod. Generally, she does her business when we go out for our 3 times daily walks, but occasionally she wakes us up in the middle of the night and I have no desire to get up and take her to a safe place. Any dog repellents that work in a situation like this?



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My parents used something called GreenUm for their dogs. They felt it helped a lot.


I personally don't give my dog supplements that don't list the ingredients, since I have found out the hard way that even herbal remedies can have side effects, but you might be interested in giving it a try!


Susan,  Hamish,  Mister Bigglesworth and Nikita Stanislav. Missing Ming, George, and Buck

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Good luck with that! All female dog urine destroys the grass. There's stuff you can supposedly feed to them which decreases the burning but, personally, I wouldn't choose to do that. There is also stuff you can spray on the grass after they pee. I bought some of that at Petsmart at the end of the season last year, so I can't tell you if it works or not. But at the very least, it will color the grass back to green with the dye that's in the spray!


I find if I'm quick enough and have water in my hand and put it on the pee spot as soon as she does it, it doesn't burn. Perhaps that is an alternative for you?


Lisa B.

My beautiful Summer - to her forever home May 1, 2010 Summer

Certified therapy dog team with St. John Ambulance

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The easiest solution - water the patch of grass immediately after urination. Keep a watering can full nearby, and go out and water when she's done. I'm not saying there might not be some burning, but it really helps the concentration of urine.

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10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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I agree that watering the spot where she went to dilute the urea is the best course of action. It prevents nitrogen burn, which is overfertilization and killing the grass.


And if she kills spots in your yard, where do you expect her to go potty when she's back there? Would it be possible to have a mulched area, or something planted with tough-as-nails unkillable stuff where you can train her to go pee? Our first dog was trained to go pee on command, and would go on the "pee tree" area of the boulevard (she was always leashed). "Pee tree" was what I called the telephone pole and the very small plot of grass around it, and when we went out she'd head directly for it.

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Water, water, water, water. The more you dilute it the less damage you will have. A pain in the neck I know but that's been the only thing to work for me.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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In the summer when the hose is back out in the backyard, I just turn the hose on and off I go with the watering...and while I'm out there, some for the trees, some for the flowers....some for the rest of the grass......you'll end up with a pretty backyard every time she pees by the time you are done!

Proudly owned by:
10 year old "Ryder" CR Redman Gotcha May 2010
12.5 year old Angel "Kasey" Goodbye Kasey Gotcha July 2005-Aug 1, 2015

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Guest Swifthounds

Water, water, water, water. The more you dilute it the less damage you will have. A pain in the neck I know but that's been the only thing to work for me.



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Guest HHHounds

We leash trained our hounds to use a section of yard with pine straw. Took a couple of weeks and we supervise them outside but our grass is nice!

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Guest sc1911cwp

Trained my guys to use the neighbors lawn:0 Just kidding. I keep a milk jug full of water at the front and back doors to dilute the area immediately.

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I have used Green Ums for eight years. My yard is beautiful. My male can even pee on the flowers and it doesn't hurt them. Not that I like him to do that, but wanted to give you an idea. With the Green Ums you have to give them consistently for them to work.


Flying Racine 7/25/08 and Twelve Pack 12/1/2004
At the Bridge- Abenacki Icebox (Kiaba) 4/21/2002-4/1/10 and Wumps Niece (Tehya) 4/21/2002-11/26/2010

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My guess is the reason she is getting up in the middle of the night is that 3x a day doesn't seem like enough times to pee. Mine go at least 5 x.



ROBIN ~ Mom to: Beau Think It Aint, Chloe JC Allthewayhome, Teddy ICU Drunk Sailor, Elsie N Fracine , Ollie RG's Travertine, Ponch A's Jupiter~ Yoshi, Zoobie & Belle, the kitties.

Waiting at the bridge Angel Polli Bohemian Ocean , Rocky, Blue,Sasha & Zoobie & Bobbi

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Guest Swifthounds

My guess is the reason she is getting up in the middle of the night is that 3x a day doesn't seem like enough times to pee. Mine go at least 5 x.


Good point. I took 3 walks to mean 3 walks in addition to potty trips.

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Guest bonnebike

Forget urine, what about zoomies?!? :) We've given up trying to have a nice lawn in back. Mary and now Singh like to tear around the back yard. During the wet season the grass is destroyed and turns to mud. It's also lovely when the want to come back in the house with muddy feet. The things we'll put up with...

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My guess is the reason she is getting up in the middle of the night is that 3x a day doesn't seem like enough times to pee. Mine go at least 5 x.


Maybe, but maybe not. Bootsy goes out 3 times per day. A walk in the morning, a walk in the evening when we get home, and then a pee break before bed. Sometimes I take him out before I leave for work, but sometimes I don't. He does fine.


PLEASE send your girl over to pee in my yard. I want my lawn to DIE. My allergies are killng me





Christie and Bootsy (Turt McGurt and Gil too)
Loving and missing Argos & Likky, forever and ever.
~Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to. ~

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Guest Tequila

While it might be expensive, the solution that worked for us (to save the grass) was fencing off part of the yard. Our problem wasn't urine burning grass, it was DIGGING! And then, as a result, muddy paws. So....


We put up a 4-foot-high chain-link fence that separates the backyard into 2 areas: One is beautiful green grass, and the other is rubber mulch. Rubber mulch is awesome because it doesn't attract any bugs, and it lasts forever. She does her business on the mulch, and the grass is saved! Yay! For awhile, she was digging the mulch, so we also needed to invest in several bags of stones to fill in the holes (sigh). Each hole was tediously filled in, and then the area was covered with mulch again. She just gave up digging after awhile (quite a relief!).


If it's possible, and you can section off a portion of your yard, it will give you a LOT of peace of mind! And beautiful green grass! :)

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Guest kydie

Someone on G.T. once posted "clean windows are over rated" :lol I go by that and also use that philosphy regarding my backyard,,,I gave up on that "no spots " in my backyard 30 years ago,, I just replant :lol

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Guest Wasserbuffel

I sectioned off part of my yard for my dog to use. Not for fear of her burning the grass, but I'm far too lazy to search the whole yard over for picking up poop and don't want to find any missed ones with my bare feet.


I started with wooden stakes and green plastic fencing. It was ugly, but it was cheap. Once she was reliable about using that area, even with the gate open, we switched to 2' tall garden fencing which looks much nicer. She can jump or go through the fencing in a second, but unless there is a squirrel or rabbit to chase she doesn't.

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Guest Happytails

Forget urine, what about zoomies?!? :) We've given up trying to have a nice lawn in back. Mary and now Singh like to tear around the back yard. During the wet season the grass is destroyed and turns to mud. It's also lovely when the want to come back in the house with muddy feet. The things we'll put up with...




This spring in the GTA has been very wet so Walli and Sully have done a great job in turning the garden into a scene from the battle of the somme with their zoomies!

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Guest Profgumby

While it might be expensive, the solution that worked for us (to save the grass) was fencing off part of the yard. Our problem wasn't urine burning grass, it was DIGGING! And then, as a result, muddy paws. So....


We put up a 4-foot-high chain-link fence that separates the backyard into 2 areas: One is beautiful green grass, and the other is rubber mulch. Rubber mulch is awesome because it doesn't attract any bugs, and it lasts forever. She does her business on the mulch, and the grass is saved! Yay! For awhile, she was digging the mulch, so we also needed to invest in several bags of stones to fill in the holes (sigh). Each hole was tediously filled in, and then the area was covered with mulch again. She just gave up digging after awhile (quite a relief!).


If it's possible, and you can section off a portion of your yard, it will give you a LOT of peace of mind! And beautiful green grass! :)


Sorry to hijack, but you're the first person I can remember reading about that used the rubber mulch.

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