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Corns Again

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Jack was to see the vet again today. He'd been limping horribly on his left front leg. :(


She hulled all three of his corns--one on each front foot, one on a back foot--and said the worst one is really deep, she cannot hull it ALL out. She recommends doing surgery on that one. I really don't want to do that. Everything I have read about it, with the exception of maybe two cases, is not good--the corn nearly always comes back. The vet told me "about 50%" come back. Those aren't terrific odds. And the recovery period is very long and painful.


She said if we chose surgery, and the corn came back, then we could amputate that toe. Not a great choice either, particularly because this is a weight-bearing toe, not an outside toe. Also, if start amputating toes, he could quickly be minus three toes! :eek


I have had his corns hulled four or five times since June; tried the "miracle corn cream" [didn't work]; and I've used duct tape. The duct tape seems to have the most effect--I'm able to peel off some of the corn a couple of times a week--but still he limps. Today I bought some bag balm, in the hopes that it might at least make it feel a little better for him. I am at a loss. :(


In the meantime, he'll be on rimadyl.





the only thing I've ever had any success with is the corn and callous cream from the Murray Ave pharmacy - thread here somewhere...it's not cheap but I tell you it completely eliminated a HUGE corn embedded in a pad that was causing my dog to limp very badly and hold his paw up as a default position. I was sure it was a permanent problem and four months later we were free! Hulling just limits the problem for a vey little time and in my experience it stimulates the corn to grow faster and faster...of hulling and dremelling , I would dremel before I'd dig around hulling...also difficult because my vet, who considers herself greyhound knowledgeable, didn't have a clue as to what the fix might be...but she was quick to mention operating..the cream's cheaper and not traumatic....


That's fantastic news! How long has your dog been corn free?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest iconsmum

Jack was to see the vet again today. He'd been limping horribly on his left front leg. :(


She hulled all three of his corns--one on each front foot, one on a back foot--and said the worst one is really deep, she cannot hull it ALL out. She recommends doing surgery on that one. I really don't want to do that. Everything I have read about it, with the exception of maybe two cases, is not good--the corn nearly always comes back. The vet told me "about 50%" come back. Those aren't terrific odds. And the recovery period is very long and painful.


She said if we chose surgery, and the corn came back, then we could amputate that toe. Not a great choice either, particularly because this is a weight-bearing toe, not an outside toe. Also, if start amputating toes, he could quickly be minus three toes! :eek


I have had his corns hulled four or five times since June; tried the "miracle corn cream" [didn't work]; and I've used duct tape. The duct tape seems to have the most effect--I'm able to peel off some of the corn a couple of times a week--but still he limps. Today I bought some bag balm, in the hopes that it might at least make it feel a little better for him. I am at a loss. :(


In the meantime, he'll be on rimadyl.





the only thing I've ever had any success with is the corn and callous cream from the Murray Ave pharmacy - thread here somewhere...it's not cheap but I tell you it completely eliminated a HUGE corn embedded in a pad that was causing my dog to limp very badly and hold his paw up as a default position. I was sure it was a permanent problem and four months later we were free! Hulling just limits the problem for a vey little time and in my experience it stimulates the corn to grow faster and faster...of hulling and dremelling , I would dremel before I'd dig around hulling...also difficult because my vet, who considers herself greyhound knowledgeable, didn't have a clue as to what the fix might be...but she was quick to mention operating..the cream's cheaper and not traumatic....


That's fantastic news! How long has your dog been corn free?







Sorry!! I just saw this when I was looking for Murray Avenue's info - he's been totally corn free for 7 months... I still rub a dot of the cream into that pad as he's settling in for the night, when I remember, but I won't ever be without a tube of it, that's for sure. He no longer limps at all. The only thing I notice is that that particular paw is a bit more cold sensitive in the winter weather, but up here we use boots to avoid the salt so it's not a big issue. This would make sense as the corn was so big it was literally splitting his pad in two, so the soft tissue was a sensitivity issue I guess.

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