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Meet Our New Lady Grey In Houston!

Guest katethegreyt

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Guest katethegreyt

Just wanted to add some new pics of our little lady = )


On the couch being very nice (ignoring, really) to Fat Jack (my very obese kitty that I've done everything to slim down, *sigh)




She discovered the chair and curled herself up in it like a cat - speaking of cats, she's going to have to fight Fat Jack for this chair, he thinks it's his (notice the huge sag in the back cushion, that's from him, haha. And don't mind the saggy cat hair filled slip cover, that's why it's a special chair for the animals.)




New fleece = )




New raincoat: "Mom, a hood? Really?"




K9 Apparel: great (and greyt) stuff!




Proud new member of the Who Dat Nation!




And she's just been a dear! We may have let her off the hook on the crate a smidge soon - she's taken to taking a little pee by the door when she thinks we've waited too long to take her out and we're not home (or sleeping), so we're getting her used to the schedule again. She only does it right by the door, so I think she'll get the idea pretty quick once we get her used to the schedule. I ordered a baby gate to keep her in a smaller area, and I think that will help too.


But other than that (which I can totally deal with), she's been an angel. She doesn't get into anything, she doesn't bother the cats, and she's already mastered "wait" at the door and for her food. We're starting obedience class next month with a highly recommended trainer that has lots of greyhound experience. I'm very excited!


I have to start taking her to meet and greets because she absolutely loves meeting new people. She's not big on other dogs (very aloof), but she really loves going to say hi to new people. I think we've already gotten half of the neighborhood thinking about adopting a grey! They all come up and gush about how pretty she is, and she flirts with them while I explain about what a wonderful breed they are = ) Hoping we can start a trend!

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Guest zombrie

She is stunning, such unique markings! I love the name too. I am also a fan of Irish names, I think they sound so beautiful (My boy Doolin was named after a town in Ireland)

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