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The Honeymoon Is Over

Guest avadogner

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Guest avadogner

Hi everyone,

I guess the honeymoon is over for me and Augie. He is a great dog don't get me wrong but after being home 14 days he is finally letting all hang out. Augie has been a dream since we brought him home over 2 wks ago. He just fell right in line and is the sweetest beta boy all 87lbs of him. Today I woke up with a kidney stone and ended up being knocked out on pain meds. I woke up from a 2 hour nap and that's where the trouble was discovered. I painfully followed the dogs into our fenced backyard for a pottybreak (I try to supervise them since Augie and Ava are still getting used to each other. I noticed that Augie had brought my DH's professional grade BBQ mit into the yard. (He hoards toys back and forth from his bed to his favorite spot in the yard). It wasn't damaged so I told him I would keep the incident a secret for now. I went to the kitchen and saw a trail of shredded newspaper going into the sunroom. He followed me in there since he's my velcro dog and I scolded him and gave him a chew toy and sent him outside with it. Fast forward two hours and I notice it's too quiet in the living room. I go downstairs and he's standing there in the middle of the room with the "OOPS I am so busted look" on his face. It's the one where they stand really staight up with their necks stretched and ears up in the air. I didn't see anything wrong so I went back to bed. Later I went to the LR to see what they were doing and then I noticed what I had busted him doing before. He had chewed the corners off two of my nicest coffee table books. One of them was a Greyhound Photography Book (the one by Barbara Karnhart). I gave him the riot act and he pouted in the bed for awhile. I proceeded to check his bed for other contraband. I found my husband bamboo backscratcher unchewed. I fussed at him AGAIN feeling like the meanest mommy ever. I proceeded to call the DH and vent. I then heard a couple of thumps in the LR and had yet again go down the stairs (everytime I move I feel like the guy in Aliens with the alien popping out of his belly). I cold busted him with yet ANOTHER GREYHOUND BOOK IN HIS BED! This one was the Cynthia Branigan History of Greyhound Book. Luckily he hadn't eaten it yet. I am beginning to see a theme here. I know he's just bored and desperately needs to go for a walk but I can barely make it to the kitchen much less walk my two greys and play leash tango with them. My DH is on the way home by now. I call him and he promises to play with them and wear them out for me when he gets home. He comes home and what do ya know the dogs greet him happily like nothing happened. I showed the DH all the damaged goods and he gives him the talk and takes them out to play. They all get in the yard and BOTH DOGS proceed to turn around go back inside and lay down. They then slept for 3 hours. I have yet to pass the damn stone and daddy goes back to work in am. I have a feeling we are in for more book eating tomorrow. I've put up what I can but I am a avid reader and we have books everywhere in our house. We named him Augustine Dogestine and call him Augie. Augustine is a saint know for his scholarly ways and it also means he who is highly praised. I wonder if there's a name that means "HE WHO EATS BOOKS"?

-ava and augie's mum

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I would try to get your husband to take them for a good walk before he goes to work in the morning. Also, maybe muzzle them when you aren't directly supervising them. That way it will be a lot harder to chew things up.


I hate to say this, but after 2 weeks, he probably has a lot more in store for you. It can easily take months to a year or 2 for their personality to truly come out. He sounds like he'll keep you on your toes.

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I don't think it's going to help to reprimand him if you don't catch him in the act, he doesn't remember what he did an hour ago or 10 minutes ago.

Greyhounds and most other dogs seem to know when they don't have their usual supervision and that's when they get into troubles. :) I had a dog who routinely ate the last 10 pages or so out of any book he could get a hold of. My fault, I should have kept my book away from his reach. And that same dog ate two of my coach purses, same person's fault, mine.


I guess, if I were you, I would dog proof my house, put up the good books, and tell DH to put his grilling stuff away etc. I learned to keep books in my drawer or up on the top of the shelves. I learned to put my purse in a drawer in the kitchen rather than laying it down on the table or couch.

The dog who ate all my books and purses went to the bridge almost two years ago, if I could get him back, I'd feed him every book I have and let him chew on every leather purse I own.


Had a foster dog who once ate the corner off my very expensive and brand new coffee table. My fault, I was 3 feet away and never heard him!


Do you have a fenced in yard? See if he'll chase a ball or frisbe or anything in the yard, helps to wear them out.


I sure hope you are feeling better real soon, I do understand about your pain, and you should probably ask for better drugs!!

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This thread seems to have been a duplicate and I answered the other one. There are more posts here so I'll paste and maybe the other other will be deleted -


I am so very sorry you are not feeling well - know you don't need more stress.


I too am an avid reader and just like in the kitchen, I have sadly learned to dogproof myself as far a reading material. All books go in drawers if I have anyone that might be tempted (My current three are not "readers" but two that I dogsit are).


I lost greyhound books, an address book and half the cover off my cherished $140 Ffilofax that I got on deep discount before I became vigilant.




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When you scold your dog after the fact it doesn't make sense to them, you have to catch them in the act. Otherwise, they just see us as their person who has has lost their mind and they don't know why. They can become defensive and untrusting if they don't know why you're going off on them "for no reason" (because they've totally forgotten why you're po'd). Until you can get their walks in and keep them busy, a muzzle is your friend, as is babyproofing your home. Frozen Kongs stuffed with kibble and peanut butter or cream cheese can keep them occupied for a while, too.


Hope you get rid of those stones riteawayquik and start to feel better.

Old Dogs are the Best Dogs. :heartThank you, campers. Current enrollees:  Punkin. AnnIE Oooh M, Ebbie, HollyBeeBop (Betty Crocker).

Angels: Pal :heart. Segugio. Sorella (TPGIT). LadyBug. Zeke-aroni. MiMi Sizzle Pants. Gracie. Seamie :heart:brokenheart. (Foster)Sweet. Andy. PaddyALVIN!Mayhem. Bosco. Bruno. Dottie B. Trevor Double-Heart. Bea. Cletus, KLTO. Aiden 1-4.

:paw Upon reflection, our lives are often referenced in parts defined by the all-too-short lives of our dogs.

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Guest KennelMom

Since one of the dupes will probably get locked/deleted, here's my reply from the other one:


To a dog, the world is a toy. I mean seriously, you think a dog knows the different human values placed on a stuffy vs an oven mitt or a book? Things in the world, to a dog, smell interesting, taste interesting or are just fun or satisfying to chew on or play with. Especially for a new dog. Racers have never lived in an environment where there were "off limits" things humans put out for decoration. If they have access to it at a track, it's pretty much fair game. Why would magically know your "kennel" (house) is any different?


They also don't understand things like the human is sick and doesn't feel like taking the dogs for a walk. All they know is they have energy and need to expend it. It's not their fault, it's their nature.


Dog proof everything. If you can't supervise, muzzle him or crate him so he can't get in trouble. I've usually found that over time their curiosity with new things wanes and they are less likely to chew stuff we don't want them to chew.

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Guest Lovemyhound

Hi everyone,

I guess the honeymoon is over for me and Augie. He is a great dog don't get me wrong but after being home 14 days he is finally letting all hang out.


He's been home for 2 weeks? As the others have said, :blink: I got news for ya. In my book, 2 weeks "ain't nuttin". Yes, you are right, he is starting to settle in, test his boundaries, get bored, explore his new world.... whatever. But when my pups go out, tinkle, and turn tail right back inside?? Ohhh, No. I'm standing there with my hands on my hips. Either we're playin in the yard for a while, or we're goin for a nice long walk -- and many times BOTH! My foster is a 2 year old with lots of energy so I am careful to keep him exercised.


Oh. I just re-read however and see that you are on some pain meds for the moment. Wow. Sorry. That is where I stand in front of my husband with my hands on my hips and 2 leashes in my hand. :bugeye:wife:rules

Yes, I am the primary caretaker of my pups, but in most cases (and IMO) husbands have got to be a willing participant in some of these responsibilities.


(Also IMO) NO dog which has been home for 2 weeks should be left for any length of time unsupervised. If you are busy, babygate him in the room with you where you can watch him. Put him on a leash INSIDE the house for a while or consider a crate. Not sure if you're crating. My group are heavy craters, all of my fosters are crated. My current foster has been home with me for 4 months now, so we have a good balance of crate time v. out of crate time. He is one who prefers his crate cuz he's a little bit of an anxiety dog. Anyway, not to get off track...


Your new boy will figure things out. Put all of your books away, and then figure out what he will look for next and put that away too. And then invest in some sturdy doggie toys, kongs (my dogs dont touch them), try deer antlers - my dogs chew endlessly on them sometimes, and whatever else long lasting chew toy that your adoption group may suggest. Throw a squeaky tennis ball in the back yard - my Violet goes crazy for that, and she runs like crazy. (and get some vet-wrap for the occasional torn toe :lol )


Best of luck with your new addition - as I said before, he will figure things out. Have I missed the pictures somewhere? :D

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Guest Profgumby

Aside from the kidney stone part....this is just plain funny!


Seriously though, as a frequent flier on Kidney Stone Air, I can truly understand what you are going through. I once had to drive 120 miles to get home while in the throws of a Kidney stone bout!


As has been said, the new guy is just starting to open up. They need to be exercised. If we all did what our hounds wanted, when they wanted, we'd never do anything else! Though my girls have never turned down a walk, I can understand if your husband has to get back to work, the hound laying down in the yard and staring at you like your a fool can be frustrating.


Is crating an option? If you are home alone and they are crated in another area of the house from your brdroom, why not kennel them up, go into the other room and lie down?

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Guest BlueCrab

Sorry to hear of your problems.


Yeah, as the others have said, time to dog-proof the house. We were trained by our bridge boy Duke who stole and destroyed EVERYTHING that wasn't nailed down. Books, makeup, handbags, coats, cans of cat food (unopened - he would chew them open and clean them out in seconds), cases of soda (again - he'd chew open the cans which would then explode - always in the living room on the carpet). He single-handedly ruined carpets, furniture, clothing, hard-wood floors. It was amazing. But when he went to the bridge, I still missed him like crazy.


Our two now are super-great, and when we slip up and leave something out that Duke would have destroyed we're amazed at our current good luck. The cats are a bigger problem than the dogs right now.


It's taken us up to almost 2 years sometimes to get the true nature of our assorted dogs to come out. Trixie took about 6 months to really show her personality; our abuse victim bridge-GSD Otto didn't make a peep for a year and then discovered that we wouldn't beat him when he talked so he became a huge talker, which we found endearing. So yeah, 2 months is pretty early in the cycle.


Good luck - and sorry about the kidney stones. Ouch. Hope you're feeling better soon.

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Guest lasharp1209

They NEED to go on walks even if they don't seem to want to go at the moment. Blade doesn't usually want to go out in the mornings, but if we don't go in the morning I notice a HUGE difference that evening, even if he gets a long evening walk. One of the best ways to curb behavior problems is exercise. Your boy just sounds bored to me, so encourage DH to take him on a walk whenever he can, even if it is during one of his self-imposed "nap times."


Also some dogs just aren't "yard" dogs. Blade stays outside for long enough to potty, then comes back inside. A walk is one of the only ways to get his energy out.


ETA: SO sorry you are feeling bad, I know that makes EVERYTHING worse!! Hope you feel better soon :(

Edited by lasharp1209
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