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Lou Needs To Trim Down

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My Lou has gained some weight and I would like to trim him down about 6 lbs.

What successful kibble has anyone used?

He is on Costco kibble right now and I would like to cut that down and mix with a leaner kibble. Would a Senior kibble accomplish this?

Edited by msjpk
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Guest mpportraits

That's CRAZY, I was just thinking the same thing about my Phoebe!! I'll be watching for the responses, cause my girlie needs to loose some poundage ;)

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Guest Energy11

I have been very successful, keeping their weights down, using Canidae Platinum, which is a lite kibble, designed for seniors. I know Costco has a light version of their kibble as well. Good Luck! I also add green beans and pumpkin to their food, to "fill them up."



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Do you know what caused Lou to gain weight? If he has been exercising less than usual, I would try to increase his activity. If his activity has been constant, I would try decreasing his food by about 1/4-1/3 cup per day to see how that helps.


Both of my greyhounds eat the Costco Chicken and Rice, and I was just thinking of switching them to the light formula. Coltrane seems to have gained a few pounds recently. With it being so hot he hasn't been as active as usual. Good luck! colgate.gif

with Atlas the borzoi, Luna the pyr, and Madison the cat, always missing Sahara(Flyin Tara Lyn) and Coltrane(Blue on By) the greyhounds

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Guest Energy11

Do you know what caused Lou to gain weight? If he has been exercising less than usual, I would try to increase his activity. If his activity has been constant, I would try decreasing his food by about 1/4-1/3 cup per day to see how that helps.


Both of my greyhounds eat the Costco Chicken and Rice, and I was just thinking of switching them to the light formula. Coltrane seems to have gained a few pounds recently. With it being so hot he hasn't been as active as usual. Good luck! colgate.gif



I think a lot of dogs are gaining weight, because we can't walk them in this heat! Last summer, we were able to walk ours DAILY! I haven't been able to walk mine for the last 15 days. Just short turnouts to the front pen, and the back pen.

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Try reducing his kibble by 1/2 cup a day and watch the treats and see if that works.

Judy, mom to Darth Vader, Bandita, And Angel

Forever in our hearts, DeeYoGee, Dani, Emmy, Andy, Heart, Saint, Valentino, Arrow, Gee, Bebe, Jilly Bean, Bullitt, Pistol, Junior, Sammie, Joey, Gizmo, Do Bee

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I really wanted Wayne to lose a few pouns and now Ekko. I wouldn't change food however I just cut back a little and Wayne's at the perfect weight and Ekko is on her way.


Missing my little Misty who took a huge piece of my heart with her on 5/2/09, and Ekko, on 6/28/12



:candle For the sick, the lost, and the homeless

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Guest Fasave

Same issues here as I have a lazy senior. I've found cutting back 1/2 to 1/3 cup on the kibble works but it does take some time. Also, try to add 5 minutes to a walk or a little stuffie throwing activity. I've also found that giving them 1/2 a treat works well and doesn't upset their routine. Mine get treats when we come back from walks or turn outs so doing 1/2 a treat at a time really cuts back on calories and they don't know the difference. Let us know how it goes.

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I agree with just cutting back his food a bit and definitely reduce the treats. However, increasing exercise is always preferable to decreasing food intake, in my opinion. Good luck!


Kerry with Lupin in beautiful coastal Maine. Missing Pippin, my best friend and sweet little heart-healer :brokenheart 2013-2023 :brokenheart 
Also missing the best wizard in the world, Merlin, and my sweet 80lb limpet, Sagan, every single day. 

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Guest FordRacingRon

I got Leia to lose 5 or 6 pounds so far,,have about 2 two go,,with the old substitute veggy diet. Cut the kibble byt 1/4 cup per meal,,substituted green beans. Dog still get fed and doesn't know the difference. BTW,,we use beef broth (homemade) on her meals and always have. I guess the green beans just taste like beef flavored crunchies when in her kibble. Also cut her treats by like 1/2 a cookie. Dogs cant' count so she isn't aware!colgate.gif

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Guest mpportraits

I got Leia to lose 5 or 6 pounds so far,,have about 2 two go,,with the old substitute veggy diet. Cut the kibble byt 1/4 cup per meal,,substituted green beans. Dog still get fed and doesn't know the difference. BTW,,we use beef broth (homemade) on her meals and always have. I guess the green beans just taste like beef flavored crunchies when in her kibble. Also cut her treats by like 1/2 a cookie. Dogs cant' count so she isn't aware!colgate.gif



That's an awesome Idea! I'm trying that with my girlie tonight!

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Guest dogdaze

I use California Natural kibble and no commercial treats. After a walk, their night time snack is ground vegetables - brocolli, carrots, grated apples - with yogurt or sardines. Also , when it is too hot to get adequate excercise, cut back on the kibble a bit and substitute vegetables. I warm all the dogs food with a little hot water and that brings out the flavour. My big male Greyhound, Russ, was over 100 lb when we first adopted him because he was old and nobody wanted him, so he sat in a kennel for 2 years. Within a couple of months of living here, he slimmed down to his normal weight which was about 85 lbs.

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Guest MyBoys

My Murphy needed to lose a few pounds also, but instead of mixing in new kibble I cut down on the amount I was giving him and started mixing in a few veggies, he has lost 2 lbs so far. I did this because he does so well with what I feed him I didn't want to go through changing dog food and maybe having to deal with the dreaded poop issues.

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Guest Lunchbox

If you go to yutube and search for "greyhound revo" you will see how I excersize mine. I would post a link but I'm at work and it will block anything that links to that site. The car will run about 55mph in the grass given enough room. For a quick run I will do it in the back yard. For a big run I will take them to the high school football field down the road so they can really stretch thier legs. They love chasing that thing and they go crazy when they see it.

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I feel you pain! I'm having an on-going battle with Roscoe's weight. He's a stocky boy to begin with, built like a horse. He raced at 78 lbs, but he's at 90 now. He only gets 1 and 2/3 cup kibble per day- Dick Van Pattens Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Fish. He gets green beans as a filler, and only 2 cookies daily as a treat. I've even upped the exercise. He hasn't lost a pound. :( I'm switching to a light kibble this weekend to cut more calories. Hopefully this works..


Lisa with Finnegan (Nina's Fire Fly) and Sage (Gil's Selma). Always missing Roscoe
www.popdogdesigns.net pop art prints, custom portraits and collars

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emily was on kirkland chicken and rice after a long period of eagle pack and nature's variety(i never use canned food). with in a month i had to cut her back since she had gained a pound or two and i am really strict about keeping my dog's weights down.(my vet also likes thinner dogs) it's richer than some of the other foods. so, she was reduced from 2 cups per day to 1 & 3/4 and then maintained her 60lbs.


i was just at a greyhound picnic and noticed that the greys bodies really looked like trim labs, not running machines. but that's my fettish, i like a thinner dog, hip bones, some spine, at least 3 ribs and well defined muscles. aside from the wonderful temperment of the greyhound i love the sleek lines.


as a senior, ages 10-14 and up i used the canidade senior food for my welsh terrier. he did really well on it, easy to digest, good coat and kept his weight stable even though he did slow down a tad...but just a tad.

Edited by cleptogrey
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Guest Samantha

i was just at a greyhound picnic and noticed that the greys bodies really looked like trim labs, not running machines. but that's my fettish, i like a thinner dog, hip bones, some spine, at least 3 ribs and well defined muscles. aside from the wonderful temperment of the greyhound i love the sleek lines.


But the thing is, when they retire they are no longer "running machines". We always like to keep out retired greys 3-4lbs above there racing weight :dunno


Good luck with getting afew pounds off, I have had this struggle with Maddison and she is now looking much better. She helped a lot, by self regulating I think, although she still will not eat kibble wet or dry :rolleyes: . I too make broth for her with added veggies and have noticed she is a lot more active since she lost weight. Another thing she loves when its warm instead of cookies, is frozen brocolli, she adores it.

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Guest mountain4greys

I feed Kirkland Lamb and Rice. If someone show some signs of gaining weight, I just cut their food back for a little bit, and problem solved. Some of mine get some weight on when they get pampered with treats at meet and greets.


I checked out some senior foods a while back, and when I saw the crap they had in them compared to the regular adult formulas, I said forget it. Just cut back some.

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Guest scfilby

Try reducing his kibble by 1/2 cup a day and watch the treats and see if that works.


I agree, there is no need to change food just reduce each meal a little.

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Guest freightsmom

I know others have mentioned treats..in the summer, I keep their food the same but switch all treats to veggies & fruit. The love baby carrots, green beans, peeled apples, bananas. Fresh blueberries were too messy so no more of those. I bought a canteloupe to see how they would like it and that's now their fav ....at least for this this week.

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And if a dog is not losing weight despite cutting back the food and increasing exercise, I would definitely have their thyroid tested. Also have some blood work done for other health problems that may be making their body hold onto the weight.

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Guest GreysAndMoreGreys

i was just at a greyhound picnic and noticed that the greys bodies really looked like trim labs, not running machines. but that's my fettish, i like a thinner dog, hip bones, some spine, at least 3 ribs and well defined muscles. aside from the wonderful temperment of the greyhound i love the sleek lines.


But the thing is, when they retire they are no longer "running machines". We always like to keep out retired greys 3-4lbs above there racing weight :dunno

I have to agree. They are retired and I wouldn't expect many to be able to keep their pets at the same fitness level that they are kept at the tracks.


3 ribs and some spine in a pet would be to thin IMHO. Unless they are well worked hounds and super cut. Close to or same muscle mass as they had while racing.

Heck, 80% of our racers do not show 3 ribs or spine.


If people are working toward keeping their hounds at (or close to) the same weight as they were as racers then the exercise needs to be the same or they are just going to have skinny hounds.

The dogs set weights at the track is because they are in top peak performance weight.

Take a dog off for a month at the track and feed them the same and their weight jumps up about 2 or 3 lbs


And on topic, I have to agree with the others on just decreasing the amount just a bit. :grouphug to Lou cause no matter what he's always the most handsomest hound around :D

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